Ghosts Or Sorry, But You're Dead! - Alternative View

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Ghosts Or Sorry, But You're Dead! - Alternative View
Ghosts Or Sorry, But You're Dead! - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Or Sorry, But You're Dead! - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Or Sorry, But You're Dead! - Alternative View
Video: Don't Blink! | Blink | Doctor Who 2024, October

Earthly existence of ghosts

The ghost begins its existence from the moment when, after the death of the body, the soul, having seen the tunnel, refuses to go through it to the light and turns back. It happens that the soul does not recognize the tunnel, cannot understand where it is, because it does not suspect about the death of its physical body, and therefore retreats. As a result, a soul that does not have the opportunity to return to its dead body and at the same time does not perceive its physical death, is trapped between our dimension and the dimension of the Other Side.

Refusing to go through the tunnel to the Other Side and rejection of divine light creates an illusion that is the same for all ghosts: they do not know that they are already dead. As cruel and painful as their deaths are, they are convinced that nothing happened. For them, everything remains unchanged, except for the attitude of others, who suddenly begin to completely ignore them. Of course, because of this, they experience, at best, confusion, and at worst, irritation and anger.

Imagine a clear, fine morning. You woke up and you feel great, the mood is great. Singing your favorite song, you go about your usual business. Suddenly, a completely unfamiliar family unceremoniously invades your house and begins to unpack their things. You stand right in front of them, demanding an explanation and threatening to call the police if they don’t leave right away. But they don't pay any attention to you. The most offensive thing is that at times they pass through you. They are probably aware of your presence, because they feel a kind of cool breeze when they pass where you are.

In the end, if you have the composure of an Olympic champion, you will find the strength to come to terms with your new position and begin to live with these people in peace and harmony. If you have an irreconcilable quarrelsome character, you will want to arrange a "sweet life" for these impudent invaders of your property, and you will try to make sure that they leave your home and forever forget their way to it. It is probably now clear that ghosts should not be feared. Rather, they need pity and sympathy.

Ghosts live on Earth, and at the same time they do not belong to this world. In our dimension, they exist, let's say, only half, therefore it is easier for us to see and hear them than spirits from the Other Side, which, in order to materialize, need to cross the boundaries of two dimensions. For the past 40 years, I have been collecting and analyzing information that I receive during seances, talking with ghosts. My numerous meetings with them are described in detail in the book "To the Other Side and Back". Now I will briefly describe some cases to highlight the main thing: the spirits refuse to go through the tunnel and move on, as a rule, for two reasons - because of passion (love or hate) and fear.

100 years before humans learned to use humane methods to treat mental illnesses, a woman named Coleman hid her mentally ill husband in the basement of their home. This was the only safe place where nothing threatened the unfortunate man. Coleman lovingly and affectionately looked after her husband until his death. She died shortly after him, but, unlike her husband, who safely got to the Other Side, unfortunately, remained on Earth. Coleman is in that house to this day. She is convinced that her husband is alive and needs her care.

Revenge suicide rarely makes a spirit return to our world, but I myself have seen the ghost of a suicide. The malevolent stepfather of one of my clients deliberately went to his wife's bed and blew his brains out with a shot in the head. He knew that his wife and stepdaughter would soon go home and be the first to see his mutilated corpse in a blood-spattered room.

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A passionate desire to keep his family in a fist did not let him out of this world for several months. With his threats and intimidation, he turned his stepdaughter's life into a nightmare. He would have treated the family until now, but the client's real father came from the Other Side and took him with him.

On the Montel Williams show, a family said that over the past few years, a man and a little old woman have appeared in their house and yard. She wears an Ammanite headdress and a simple dark dress. The man appears in work clothes. He seems to be cleaning up something all the time, putting things in order in the yard. "Strangers" suddenly appear and just as suddenly disappear. They behave in a businesslike manner and do not notice the people living in the house. Although these ghosts are completely harmless, their visible presence gets on the nerves of the entire family.

I told the current owners of the house that the "strangers" visiting them were Henry Beard and his mother, and that they would not harm anyone. They go about their day to day without realizing that they were buried several decades ago. By the way, after the second commercial break, the producers of the show surprised me. They announced live that they had called somewhere during the break and learned the following: most of the land now occupied by the family who told about their ghosts in the early 1900s was owned by the well-to-do Beard family.

Thanks to the Montel Williams show, I learned another curious story. Ghosts lived in the house where a charming family lived - adoring young spouses and their little son. All the time they heard incomprehensible sounds coming from the attic: rustles, tapping, creaking of floorboards, echoes of someone's light, quick steps and even the sound of children's feet. In addition, the TV turned on and off by itself, and the sound volume level changed spontaneously. In the child's room, the young mother felt the presence of an invisible "outsider". Her baby, looking in the direction of "invisible", stopped crying, immediately calmed down and began to gurgle joyfully.

As it turned out, their house was built on the site where the house of the Kingsley family stood many years ago, which was destroyed by a fire in 1881. Martha and Isaac Kingsley and their children Joshua and Aaron were burned to death. Isaac and his youngest son Joshua successfully reached the Other Side, and Martha, deeply grieving for her husband and son, still wanders where they died. She is still looking for Aaron, who, like her, remained on Earth after death. Aaron tried to find his way Home, and I helped him with that. Now He is on the Other Side with His father and brother. Martha, convinced that she and Aaron are alive, continues to search for her eldest son in the house built on the site of their death.

Sometimes the soul refuses to travel through the tunnel, probably because of a strong attachment to the home or the place where a person has lived all his life or where important events for his family have taken place. But I have never met a ghost that would have kept his favorite car, clothing or jewel on the ground. This testifies to the fact that when the time comes and, after parting with our body, we will see how banal the material things, to which we attach so much importance in earthly life, really are.

The earthly existence of a ghost can drag on for a year or a century, but sooner or later the unfortunate soul accepts the light of the Lord and passes through the tunnel. Yet the main obstacle on the path to God remains the conviction of the dead that they are alive. It is extremely difficult to convince them. Once I tried to explain to one ghost woman with a very hot-tempered, irreconcilable character that she had long been dead. I calmly and consistently explained to her the circumstances of her death. I wanted to draw her attention to evidence that would lead her to believe that she had long since left the material world. For the entire time of her posthumous existence on Earth, she first met in my face a person who could see her and hear her, but in response to my tirade, she looked at me intently and muttered: “Are you yourself alive? Prove to me that you are not dead!". I thought, “That’s stupid! Of course, I'm alive. Isn't it visible! " But after that I put myself in her place and realized that she and other ghosts feel when they are told: "Sorry, but you are dead!" Therefore, noting the reasonableness of her remarks, I changed the subject.

By the way, if you or your children see ghosts and spirits from the Other Side with relative ease, you would probably be curious to know about the basic difference between a ghost and a free spirit. When my son Chris was young, he often played with spirits and angels, including his spirit guide. I saw no reason for concern, because in my childhood I myself started such games more than once. (It would be nice if what I said encouraged you to listen to what your child has to say about his “imaginary friends.” Listen and ask questions, learn as much as possible about them. They may be very real.

Chris is especially attached to one of his ghost friends, Joey. I once asked Chris to tell me about him. During the conversation, my son said: "Mom, Joey is covered with burns." Then I explained to Chris who ghosts are and how important it is to treat them with understanding and compassion. I said that our love is able to illuminate the way Home for these unfortunate spirits. Although separation from them will probably upset us, be that as it may, we must help them get to the Other Side. How could I, after hearing only a few words, guess that Joey was a ghost? You see, if he was a guest from the Other Side, there would be no burns or wounds on him. I'm happy to report that Chris and I were able to push Joey into a conscious decision to leave Earth and go on a happy journey Home. My son understood and loved his best friend,therefore he warmly said goodbye to him. He was very happy for Joey.

Fortunately, we humans are not the only ones who have to help "lost" souls to come to terms with death and go through the tunnel to the light of the Lord. Spirits from the Other Side are more knowledgeable than we are in the intricacies of communicating with ghosts, therefore they constantly show concern for the unfortunate, helping them to safely get Home.

No soul remains in exile forever. No matter how hard the soul tries to resist the love of the Lord, over time it will still end up on the Other Side. This also applies to those spirits who, with exceptional stubbornness, avoid traveling through the tunnel, consciously turn away from God and, deprived of the light of His love, live on the Dark Side.

The Dark Side is inhabited by those who were psychopathic during their lifetime. The so-called "dregs of society" go there. They are ruthless, vicious, they never feel remorse, they easily dispose of other people's lives, while they value their own life above all else. For them, other people are no more than pawns or cannon fodder. People from the Dark Side always go ahead, leaving ruins behind them. Their destructive effects can result in murder or causing physical and mental suffering. At the heart of the actions of dark entities is evil, the desire to darken the light, because for them the only way to survive is the spread of Darkness. They are criminals in the eyes of the law, and just in the eyes of normal people, outcasts who have deprived themselves of their good name of their own accord. If a person had even a drop of conscience during his lifetime,he has a chance for rehabilitation and return to the Lord. On the Dark Side, no one acts "according to conscience."

A person with incurable mental and physical ailments does not go to the Dark Side. Inhabitants of the Dark can pretend to be insane to avoid punishment for their actions, but, unlike real patients, they act prudently and in cold blood. Their behavior, whether it causes delight or disgust among others, is always driven by a conscious choice. If sometimes it seems that they are guided by the laws of truth, we should not forget that they turn the truth inside out. At times, dark entities can even create something worthwhile by anticipating how people will admire them. And just as consciously, they do horrible, disgusting things. They perfectly understand that they are doing evil, but they do not care.

Unfortunately, people from the Dark Side are outwardly indistinguishable from ordinary people. Any of them can enter your life under the guise of a father, mother, brother, sister, resilient, boss, friend, lover, and even a political leader or spiritual teacher, whom you will unconditionally believe and whom, deep down, you will consider the defender of the interests of humanity. Inhabitants of the Dark Side will not hesitate to present themselves as the Lord's best friends or closest relatives if, according to their calculations, this deception will help to disarm you.

Frankly speaking, dark entities push the Lord away with such persistence that His boundless, pure love cannot reach them and remains unanswered. Undoubtedly, it is a tragedy when true love is not able to save the person who rejects it from the fatal consequences of his choice.

S. Brown