Spirits And Demons - Alternative View

Spirits And Demons - Alternative View
Spirits And Demons - Alternative View

Video: Spirits And Demons - Alternative View

Video: Spirits And Demons - Alternative View
Video: Four Levels of Demonic Spirits 2024, September

Speaking about the creatures of the subtle worlds, in this case I mean just the spirits and demons, about which so much is said in the Bible and which are the cause of not only the described anomalous phenomena, but also cause a lot of harm and inconvenience in people's lives.

Demons, like angels, have a whole hierarchy of entities, ranging from the lowest to the highest. It is amazing, but during earthly life a person tries to cooperate with them, succumbing to their tricks, deception and lies. According to the observed statistics, out of 100% of cooperation with the subtle worlds, only in 5–6% of cases a person contacts the forces of Light. In the rest, preference is given to demons who come from different worlds.

It is easy to understand that for the services or abilities offered, the demon will take payment, and its equivalent will be very high. It is not for nothing that the people say: "they give for a penny, but they take away for a ruble." The higher the demon's status in the hierarchy, the higher the service or ability and the higher the payment for it. In addition, the person himself must be interesting to the demon. Payment is taken not by money, but by the health, well-being and even the life of the one who turned to the Dark Forces for help. The worst thing is that the demons are more interested in the energy of the subtle bodies of a person, and this is the human soul. As long as a person is interesting, the demon will feed on subtle bodies and give a gift, ability or provide services. Moreover, payment can be made with the souls of other people, which is most often observed. Fortune-tellers, sorcerers, and magicians are always found among the conductors of evil. Hundreds of thousands of people turn to them for help, without even knowing who they are signing an agreement with.

But only demons of a lower or middle order do this. Of the higher demons, whom I call avatars, there are not many cases of manifestation on Earth. These entities simply "knock" the soul out of a person once and for all, taking possession of the physical body, because they cannot express themselves directly among people. These are, as a rule, the leaders of the most famous sects (for example, Sai Baba), very famous world magicians, creators and leaders of "network pyramids" and others. Among politicians, such are less common, an example was Hitler, Stalin, Lenin. These "comrades" lead a mass of people at once: thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands, and sometimes even millions. An avatar, being in a human body, immediately collects a mass of souls, and when it completes its task, it abandons the body, of which only a walking zombie biomass remains.

Cooperation with dark forces takes place without the knowledge of the person himself, because it is entirely based on deception and lies. You can imagine the following situation when you take out a commodity loan, and after a while the bank sends you by mail as a "prospective" client a credit card with a certain credit limit, which you can use at your own discretion: take more goods on credit, go on a trip, or simply withdraw money from an ATM in cash. The whole trick is that as soon as you activate the card and withdraw money, you immediately sign an agreement with the bank in absentia with crazy interest on loan repayment, the terms of which you do not know until you start paying. It's the same with the Dark Forces. As soon as you read the conspiracy (and this is nothing more than a verbal code,causing the action of negative energies and opening windows to the subtle worlds or the lower astral), then immediately sign an agreement with them, about the conditions of which no one will notify you: how, when and how payment for the service will be made. Payment is taken immediately and in full, interest is charged for life. But this is still not a guarantee of receiving the service in full and in quality, since if you did not observe, for example, some of the conventions in the conspiracy or ritual, then you will not get the result, but you will have to pay. And until the contract is terminated. Its termination is generally a closed topic, since only a few know this technique. This is how most people get hooked, and this is how cooperation with demons begins.about the conditions of which no one will notify you: how, when and how payment for the service will be made. Payment is taken immediately and in full, interest is charged for life. But this is still not a guarantee of receiving the service in full and in quality, since if you did not observe, for example, some of the conventions in the conspiracy or ritual, then you will not get the result, but you will have to pay. And until the contract is terminated. Its termination is generally a closed topic, since only a few know this technique. This is how most people get hooked, and this is how cooperation with demons begins.about the conditions of which no one will notify you: how, when and how payment for the service will be made. Payment is taken immediately and in full, interest is charged for life. But this is still not a guarantee of receiving the service in full and in quality, since if you did not observe, for example, some of the conventions in the conspiracy or ritual, then you will not get the result, but you will have to pay. And until the contract is terminated. Its termination is generally a closed topic, since only a few know this technique. This is how most people get hooked, and this is how cooperation with demons begins. But this is still not a guarantee of receiving the service in full and in quality, since if you did not observe, for example, some of the conventions in the conspiracy or ritual, then you will not get the result, but you will have to pay. And until the contract is terminated. Its termination is generally a closed topic, since only a few know this technique. This is how most people get hooked, and this is how cooperation with demons begins. But this is still not a guarantee of receiving the service in full and in quality, since if you did not observe, for example, some of the conventions in the conspiracy or ritual, then you will not get the result, but you will have to pay. And until the contract is terminated. Its termination is generally a closed topic, since only a few know this technique. This is how most people get hooked, and this is how cooperation with demons begins.

Once and for all, we can conclude: you can work with at least someone, but you will have to answer for everything only before God.
