Paracelsus About Russia - Alternative View

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Paracelsus About Russia - Alternative View
Paracelsus About Russia - Alternative View

Video: Paracelsus About Russia - Alternative View

Video: Paracelsus About Russia - Alternative View
Video: Парацельс, Мессинг, Кейси, Глоба: " Грядёт появление нового лидера в России".Его признают сразу. 2024, July

In 1493, the great scientist, alchemist, physician and astrologer Paracelsus was born. He predicted the appearance of the "Great Muscovy" in the Hyperborean lands, revealed to the world its messianic essence, and then unleashed catastrophes on her, from which she would be saved by a miracle.

The first prediction: there will be a great Russian state

Physician, alchemist and astrologer Philip Aureol Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim, known to the whole world as Paracelsus, in one of his books "Oracles", containing 300 pages and many prophecies for the whole world until the end of the III millennium, made several sensational predictions about Russia.

Paracelsus traveled a lot in the East, visited Tibet (this is what biographers think - there is a ten-year period in his life, information about which is missing). Returning from Tibet, he uttered the first prophecy about Muscovy, as we were then called in the world: “A new huge state will appear on the big continent. It will occupy almost half of the Earth. This state will exist for a century and it will happen in 400 years”. Presumably, he wrote this in 1522. If you add 400 to 1522, you get 1922 - the year of the creation of the USSR.

Prediction two: Russia will save the world

At the beginning of the XVI century. Paracelsus went through Russia to Constantinople.

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He walked across the Don, because then this path was considered the shortest. No facts have survived about what he saw and heard, but after his stay in our country, the soothsayer entrusted Russia with a great mission - the salvation of all mankind. “Muscovy will rise above all states. Not with her hand, but with her soul, she will save the world."

Prediction Three: World War III between East and West

True, this salvation will happen at the end of the XXII century. It was then, according to Paracelsus, that terrible events will occur on earth:

“The East will rise up against the West, and hundreds of fiery arrows will be shot in the East. They will fall and a column of fire will rise. He will burn everything in his path."

Researchers of ancient texts are sure that Paracelsus foreshadowed the Third World War between the countries of the West and the East, during which missiles with nuclear warheads will be used:

“People will be covered with deep ulcers and scabs. Their souls will rise up. The third part will perish."

Paracelsus seemed to know what the consequences of atomic explosions were: he wrote colorfully and terribly that food and water on Earth would be poisoned. But Russia will save herself and help the whole world to be reborn.

Prediction four: Muscovites will conquer the Sun

“However, some people will manage to escape. And the ancient people who live in Muscovy will help them in this. In Muscovy, which no one ever thought of as a country in which something great could happen, great prosperity will shine over the humiliated and rejected. They will conquer the sun."

Conquer the Sun? This is not such a fantasy. Already today, Russian scientists are developing a new system for converting solar energy into electrical energy. Sunlight hits the surface of a semiconductor material, its photons, or light particles, excite electrons, forcing them to leave their levels, creating positively charged "holes". As a result, a current arises, for converting solar energy, not semiconductor materials are used, but nanostructured ones - a "forest" of gold nanorods.

Prediction five: will the revival begin in the Urals?

“There is one people that Herodotus calls Hyperboreans. The current name of this people is Muscovy. Their terrible decline, which will last for many centuries, cannot be trusted. Hyperboreans will experience strong decline and great prosperity (…) The Banner of the Cross will be erected on one of the mountain peaks of this country”.

In addition to what Paracelsus says here about difficult times for Russia, connected with territorial disputes, there is another version of this prediction of Paracelsus: perhaps the second coming of the Savior will happen in the Urals.

Prediction six: the Great Cross will shine

"Alas! when they see a great people suffering, and the holy law in complete ruin, under distorted (under other) laws all Christianity, when a new source of gold and silver is found."

"In the very country of Hyperboreans, which no one ever thought of as a country in which something great could happen, the Great Cross, the Divine light from the mountain of the country of Hyperboreans, will shine over the humiliated and rejected, and all the inhabitants of the earth will see it."

Paracelsus believed that this should happen 500 years after his death. Why? After all, Christianity came to Russia much earlier. The golden age, which will bring happiness to all living, according to the ancient predictor, will last from 2041 to 2091. What it will be - many of us have a chance to see with our own eyes.

Prediction seven: "they will have three falls and three elevations"

It can be assumed that the first flourishing of Russia was the reign of Nicholas II. This is the most dynamic period in the growth of the Russian people in its entire history. In less than a quarter of a century, the population of Russia increased by 62 million people, that is, 1.5 times, outstripping the growth of the population of Western European countries by more than 3 times. Under Nicholas II, Russia achieved the highest birth rate in its history. In 1895-1900 for 1000 people the Orthodox population of the country was born 51 children.

Among other religions - Jews, Catholics, Muslims - the birth rate was 1.6-1.8 times lower. Mortality rates decreased. The emerging enterprises used the latest advances in technology, technology and production organization. The concentration of production in industrial plants was the highest in the world. Enterprises with more than 1000 workers in Russia employed 44% of workers, which is more than twice as much as in the United States.

The Bolshevik coup of 1917 destroyed the Russian Empire “to the ground”. But the new government managed to create another great power - the Soviet Union. Perhaps the third flowering of Russia is still ahead …