Scientists Have Made The Alchemists' Dream Come True - Alternative View

Scientists Have Made The Alchemists' Dream Come True - Alternative View
Scientists Have Made The Alchemists' Dream Come True - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Made The Alchemists' Dream Come True - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Made The Alchemists' Dream Come True - Alternative View
Video: The world’s most mysterious book - Stephen Bax 2024, July

Researchers grow artificial gold in the laboratory

Researchers at the Technion University of Israel have done the incredible - they have grown artificial gold in the laboratory. This was reported by "".

The discovery belongs to the graduate student of the Faculty of Materials Engineering Marie Koifman-Christos.

“When creating artificial gold, we were motivated exclusively by scientific interest. But, as it turned out, the resulting material has many potential advantages over natural gold,”said the graduate student.

Such gold is more durable and resistant to high temperatures. It also has an increased conductivity of electricity and heat.

Scientists published the details of the process of obtaining artificial gold in the journal Nature Communications.

The Technion is one of the leading universities in Israel, specializing in technical sciences. It was opened in 1924, and during its work thousands of professional engineers and scientists left the walls of the institution. It was here in the 80s that optical fibers were invented, quasicrystals were discovered, and the university staff made a huge contribution to the development of chemistry.