Confessions Of A Superman: Our Time Returns - Alternative View

Confessions Of A Superman: Our Time Returns - Alternative View
Confessions Of A Superman: Our Time Returns - Alternative View

Video: Confessions Of A Superman: Our Time Returns - Alternative View

Video: Confessions Of A Superman: Our Time Returns - Alternative View
Video: The Flash 5X8 Barry and Nora meet eobard thawne 2024, July

Our time is returning. Yes, it did not leave us. It has always been and will be ours. As on earth, there has always been good and evil. But we always seem to be more because we are stronger and more aggressive than good, and it is impossible to defeat us.

We will change shape and skin, we will change signs and colors, we will adapt to any conditions, but we will survive and win. Our chain is one - to be the winners. Your lot is always to be slaves forever and ever.

We managed to instill in you the genes of slavery forever. We will give you thousands of revolutions and restructuring, you will have an eternal struggle for justice, but you will never get it.

I will speak to you openly, not because I am arrogant, but because I know no fear. Behind me is the gigantic, indestructible force of the CPSU. The KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Trade, the government, the prosecutor's office and all sorts of Supreme Soviets are just levers in our hands. Presidents dance to our tune and fulfill our will, do what we want.

We do not care deeply how many radical deputies there will be - even millions. The top will always be ours! You can take our dachas, privileges, cars, etc., but the power - NEVER! We do not care deeply about the opinion of the people, it is an empty phrase for us. For this opinion we create ourselves. Let there be at least hundreds of referendums. The main thing is that our opinion is fulfilled by the people.

We will respond with power and brutality to any of your attacks. For us to spit once - to destroy food, factories, ecology, glasnost, art, etc. One spit for us to bring you hunger, sabotage, poverty, devastation, disease. It costs us nothing to pit you against each other so that you gnaw your throats. We can drive you to despair: so that you take up arms and go to extremes. Then you will physically feel our sipa.

The people are constantly scaring us that they will rise and sweep everything away. Our people will never rise, even if it does - they will never hold onto their power for a long time. He just doesn't know how to do it. You will always give power to us yourself! So thought out, so planned.

There is only one way to defeat us forever. But you can never use it, because only the evil of genius can think of this. Good is not able to do this.

Promotional video:

We did a pretty good job with you in yet another game of perestroika, glasnost, and democracy. What the crowd asks - please. We will give, but as much as we need. How ridiculous and naive is your belief in serious intentions! The art of saying everything and nothing is also our weapon. And at the conventions, you saw it in action.

We will drown you in verbiage. None of your progressive ideas have passed. Gone are the ones we wanted by pretending they come from you.

We have the most powerful weapon - a big powerful lie, patience, adaptability, instant reaction and, most importantly, the ability to act, which no fighter for justice has ever been able to do. In addition, we have excellent ways to incapacitate such fighters with the same crowd.

We are always in the shadows, Academician Sakharov is a living example. According to our scenario, you yourself killed him. We continue to damage your leaders, and this is just the beginning. You will soon see more victims, and it is not in your power to prevent this.

Slaves are incapable of action. You are only capable of obeying and doing our will. All your attempts to change something for the better (as you think), except for suffering, disappointment and despair, will bring you nothing.

No, I am not dissuading you or urging you to give up and not fight. Act, fight, win, revel in victory - all this will be your self-deception. We need your fight with us. Our knowledge, reason, experience should always be in shape.

All your dreams and desires, all your animal passion boil only around one thing - grub and junk. Your envy, greed, and stupidity are limitless. And this is a colossal weapon in our hands. We know how to use it masterly. Everything we do, we do thoughtfully and ingeniously simple.

You judge us by the nomenklatura officials. This is naive. Yes, we always put stupid, greedy or just fools in high positions. They are our armor and protection. All your energy is smashed to smithereens on their cast iron monolith.

Your energy of slavish indignation is enough until the first handout. A pair of sausage refrigerated trucks can calm any of your passions and destroy your dreams of democracy. All your troubles are due to the fact that you are children of the Earth and Space! You have destroyed all the knowledge and experience of your ancestors and only repeat their mistakes. None of you know what is the meaning of life and the purpose of a person on this earth.

Look at yourself from the outside, what you do and what fate you deserve. You are slaves and destroyers. We defile the earth with your hands. By our will, you devastate the bowels of the planet, destroy seas, rivers, ecology, go with a knife at each other. So carry your cross of eternal torment and suffering.

Now I will say more. I will reveal to you the circuit and the restructuring program. The state was sickly and did not develop as it did in the West. An incentive was needed, a new enthusiasm of the people. His new faith in a bright future was needed. We never let you live in the present, but only in the future, well, sometimes, in the past.

So, we were faced with the task of making you work for us with great enthusiasm and efficiency. We had a mistake - we paused too long. 70 years of the same thing - even we are tired of it. The people did not believe our old slogans. And a new one appeared - a revolution from above. Democracy, glasnost, perestroika!

Do you even look at history - when did it bring success to the people? Never. Our calculation was based on your ignorance. And you have it amazing.

A good master has a slave who is always dressed and healthy. Such a slave works longer and longer, benefiting his master. And to make sure of this again, we hid the food from you. The reaction was immediate. A piece is a deity for you, and only then meetings, demonstrations, science, art, etc.

And we decided to make you eternal supplicants. You will ask us for everything and always: apartments, food, cars, coupons for vodka, land and even air. We will give you as much as we deem necessary for your private property. But you yourself will always, along with all your junk, be our and only our private property. The state is us. We are few, only a few hundred. But we can do almost anything.

This confession is a slap in the face to the slaves so that they know their place, destiny and their masters. We have taught you to slavery, and this has become an urgent need for you. We taught you to lie, and our country has become the most deceitful country in the world.

It was we who taught you how to steal, and you became the most consummate thief nation. We have made the norm of your life a criminal one. We are now quietly robbing you and turning you into animals with an eternal instinct to consume and destroy.

We instilled in you laziness and aversion to work. We taught you destruction, not creation. It was we who kicked out of you a sense of dignity, pride, self-respect, nobility, compassion, mercy. We removed the youth from politics, throwing them a bone of rock and porn.

It was we who took your hatred away from us to yourself. It was we who robbed you of your faith and religion, corrupting your spirituality and destroying your love for your neighbor. We made you mentally ill, took your health away from you, and made you addicted to drugs and doctors. We created pseudoscience and vulgarized your art.

And you dare to call us criminals? No, you are the real criminals. You let us do whatever we want. It is you who play as kings, leaders and presidents. This is what you need goats, leading the herd of sheep to slaughter. There is a class of slaves and there is a class of parasites. The latter are us.

We are few, but we are smarter and more united than you. We don't want to produce. This is the lot of slaves. But we want to consume. We want luxury, privileges, because we are ideological carriers. The mind rules with the hands, not the other way around. We are few, but we have done a lot. There are many of you, but you are not even capable of a little.

Do not think that we will get even. We do not know this feeling. I am writing this to you so that you understand that politics can do anything. And politics is in our hands. Now - we have distracted you from it, starting a fuss with the economy. My God, what fools you are. You think we take care of you so that you are well fed, dressed, and shod. Yes, we don't care about you. You just have to be an idiot not to understand that without politics any economy is nothing.

Yes, we need the economy. We do it for ourselves, not for you. And as we want, and not as you. So be obedient and patient and do not hinder us. After all, whatever we do for the benefit of ourselves, we always do it on behalf of and on behalf of your (i.e. people). And we don't give a damn about the brain drain abroad. The fewer of these brains we have in the Union, the better for us: the country of fools is easier to govern.

As long as violence comes from the state, we are invincible. And it will always come. We will destroy your energy for riots. We'll wear you down in bursts. You will be behind everything - from matches to the reception of the Supreme Council.

We will create thousands of everyday problems for you, you will be forever deadly tired and spiritually devastated. Gradually let us squeeze your publicity in a noose. We will dilute it with our ideology, day after day imposing our dogmas on you. We will destroy your language, clogging it with our invented words. You have ceased to understand not only us, but also yourself.

We will constantly fool any of your progressive ideas, bringing them to the uttermost absurdity, leaving nothing bright for you. You will lose your bearings in the environment, you will get tired of turning your head, not knowing where to go, what to believe. We've got thousands of gags to plug your ever-dissatisfied throats. In addition, we will raise the entire criminal criminal world against you and arrange robbery and terror in the country.

And most importantly, we will tirelessly, day after day, minute after minute, give false information to the president. He will never know the real situation abroad and in the country. By our will, he will make mistake after mistake, he will inevitably have to make a choice. Or join our ranks, or be rejected by the people. And he made his choice. He is with us. The people cannot give any guarantee. We will grease and give.

Our eternal dialogue with the people will always be a dialogue between two deaf people. Everyone will hear only himself. Now we are trying our hand at the Baltics. If it passes, let's move on. We are confident that everything will be our way. We decided - to be a Union. This is our feeder, and we will not give it to you.

So far, only two people can interfere with our plans, because they know them. But you will deal with them soon. And they themselves are cowardly and indecisive. We are already starting to get bored with all this noise, and soon you will see how we will put everything in order.

We are not going to aggravate the situation and engage in repressions at once. Everything will be within normal limits, but you cannot do without a whip. You deserve it. Well, then there will be gingerbread.

We need to refresh our staff, i.e. get rid of garbage and trash. Let's take smart, intelligent, young, energetic people into our own hands, and turning them into obedient and loyal servants is already a matter of technology. I think that the most important thing that we have succeeded in is to plant the fear gene in our people forever. You will never get rid of it.

There is a natural gene for fear - it is needed to preserve the species, and there is a fear of punishment from power. And as long as there is power, there will be fear. You are only brave at rallies, when in a crowd, all together. But we know that each of you has his own kennel. There you are always ours. You quickly get tired of hanging around at rallies and tearing your throat in vain.

You can see very well that we're just giving you a chance to blow off some steam. After all, after your shout, nothing really changes - shout! Wrestling is a very difficult and dangerous job and not everyone can handle it. And when a piece growls in your stomach and it is satisfying and warm, you have no time for a fight. And then there is the family, children, etc.

Without knowing all the intricacies of crowd psychology, we would have lost long ago. Remember how we drowned all your congresses in verbiage. You pathetic buffoons just began to imitate us in the talking shop, you weren't enough for more. For some time we were spectators and watched the whole performance of perestroika, which you played in all seriousness. Now you will be spectators and you will meekly watch as we tighten the screws.

But now we are concerned about others. We are discouraged by your reproduction. And although we have learned how to regulate your number (by creating excellent conditions for obtaining occupational diseases: poisoning of water, food, air, creating weapons of murder, and much more), this problem has not been solved for us. We are not afraid for ourselves. For us, there is always and will be found an oasis of survival on our planet.

I foresee your next stupidity. After reading my confession, you will not think about its essence. You will rush to look for the author. Your curiosity will be stronger than human wisdom. You chorus and out of sync on the pages of the press. The essence will come to you later. However, you yourself will soon feel it.

In short, we are curtailing your restructuring. And we continue ours. How will it look like? Excuse me. Everything will be done in stages. The military will be the first to start. The second stage will start the underworld, the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The third stage - all legal services and press organs, radio and television will work. The fourth stage - is included in the work of trade, finance and economics. The fifth and sixth stages are mode-reserve levers. The seventh stage is ideological and political.

We do - you watch. It'll be this way forever. You threw us the slogan - "No party in the world has done so much harm to its people as the CPSU did." So watch it in action again. I am 82 years old and I leave with a feeling of peace and satisfaction. We leave behind worthy heirs of our deeds.

We will always be.

Source: "Nezavisimaya Gazeta"