"Non-fundamental" Science - A Spoonful Of Honey In A Fly In The Ointment - Alternative View

"Non-fundamental" Science - A Spoonful Of Honey In A Fly In The Ointment - Alternative View
"Non-fundamental" Science - A Spoonful Of Honey In A Fly In The Ointment - Alternative View

Video: "Non-fundamental" Science - A Spoonful Of Honey In A Fly In The Ointment - Alternative View

Video: Fly In The Ointment 2024, September

Recently, there have been disputes on the Internet around all sorts of "pseudo-scientific" hypotheses. I must say right away that I am not a supporter of theories about a hollow or flat earth, but I do not understand why they are divided into scientific and non-scientific. After all, what is theory?

A theory is a set of philosophical reflections around a general concept, supported by hypotheses, physical, chemical or other laws. Every theory was once unscientific. Remember at least the teachings of the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus that the Earth is not the center of the universe. For this he incurred the wrath of the church. Later, for similar views, Giordano Bruno was roasted at the stake of the Inquisition.

Now, thank God, not the Middle Ages, but scientists who put forward bold innovative ideas that run counter to the principles of fundamental science, often disappear under mysterious circumstances or die suddenly.

I really like the phrase "fundamental science": solid - fuck you! - eternal and undeniable, like the US Constitution. This amazing country was created by immigrants from all over the world, people with a very dubious criminal record. At first they lived according to concepts, and then they called the concepts a constitution. There is no more fundamental work anywhere in the world. This basic law is the most correct, and for some reason the whole world must live according to it …

But back to basic science. Albert Einstein is a German theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize laureate, an outstanding scientist, a favorite of ladies, a man with a great sense of humor, the author of many theories: the quantum theory of the photoelectric effect, the quantum theory of heat capacity, the theory of induced radiation and many others. The most famous, perhaps, is the theory of relativity. An old anecdote immediately comes to mind:

“Hey, Kolyan. Here you are standing, and I walk … and together we sit. That's the whole point, in general, in a nutshell.

British scientist Charles Robert Darwin is a famous traveler, naturalist, famous for his theory of evolution. The entire scientific world unconditionally accepts this theory as correct. I cannot say why. Maybe because there were only British scientists at the time. And for 200 years now, archaeologists have been sifting through the earth through a sieve in search of an intermediate link between man and the monkey from which he allegedly originated. Meanwhile, modern geneticists say that there is nothing in common between a monkey and a man.

Look at this pebble. This is amber. Not very old, about 20 million years old. Insects are frozen in amber. How does a modern mosquito differ from a prehistoric one?

Has something grown or, on the contrary, has fallen off? Or has the mosquito reached such perfection that there is nowhere to evolve? So why isn't Darwin's theory nonsense?

Another British scientist, Isaac Newton, is a physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer - in a word, a golden head. It was on this golden head that that very biblical apple, described by Voltaire, fell. What happened? No, he did not lose his memory, but the idea of universal gravitation was born. It turns out that all objects are attracted to each other with an incredible force equal to one newton. The earth rotates around its axis at a breakneck speed of -500 meters per second - and the centrifugal force has no effect on everything that moves, crawls and flies. Paradox?

“And a genius, a friend of paradoxes,” as A. S. Pushkin.

But all these Archimedes, Euclids and da Vinci are in the past. Fundamental science is at a dead end. The internal combustion engine was invented over a hundred years ago, there is no alternative. Around the same time - a light bulb, a radio and a telephone. What did the science of the twentieth century give, besides the atomic bomb? Science only fulfills orders of moneybags who produce goods that no one needs. Research is being conducted to please the pharmaceutical, oil magnates, who, in fact, pay for science.

Millions of liters of pumped out oil and cubic meters of produced gas, when burned, poison air and water. The earth stopped giving birth to heroes. Where are people like Poddubny? Instead, the degenerate and transgender class is cultivated. A generation of people with spinners, whose grandchildren, degrading, will entertain themselves with a piece of cardboard, on both sides of which is written the word "flip". Ufology is not a science. It's much easier to study the problem of laces on sneakers so they don't come loose when walking. Or to teach fish with the beautiful name "archer" to distinguish between human faces, because this is much more valuable than developing vital medicines.

I would like to appeal to the entire Internet community. Do not prevent theorists from thinking and reasoning. Perhaps these are the last people on Earth who are able to think, creating something really important. Working not for the money of corporations, not for the elite, but for everyone - so that humanity has a future.