What You Need To Know About The Power Of Thought - Alternative View

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What You Need To Know About The Power Of Thought - Alternative View
What You Need To Know About The Power Of Thought - Alternative View

Video: What You Need To Know About The Power Of Thought - Alternative View

Video: What You Need To Know About The Power Of Thought - Alternative View
Video: This Is How Powerful Your Thoughts Are | Most People Don't Know This - Bruce Lipton 2024, July

Scientific experiments prove that thought is material. The power of thought can heal people, control equipment and even charge batteries.

The thought is material?

There is no definite answer to this question yet, but many scientists admit that this is so. Russian physicist Boris Isakov, for example, claims that human thoughts and emotions are quite material, moreover, according to the results of his calculations, their mass varies from 10-39 to 10-30 grams.

Academician G. I. Shipov explains the material nature of thoughts, defining them as an element of torsion fields. In his opinion, thought can influence itself, that is, it is a self-organizing structure capable of living its own life.

Thought and consciousness

Speaking about thought, one cannot ignore the phenomenon of consciousness and the peculiarities of its interaction with the outside world. According to Academician Vernadsky, it is necessary to accept the influence of consciousness on phenomena occurring in real space.

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And the philosopher-physicist K. Weizsacker wrote that "consciousness and matter are different sides of the same reality."

American scientists R. Jana and B. Dunn in their book "The Limits of Reality" cite the following considerations: "A physical theory cannot be complete until human consciousness is recognized as an active element in establishing reality."


Modern science more and more boldly declares that thought has an energetic potential capable of directly interacting with objects and subjects of the material world.

An expert in the field of information theory I. M. Kogan notes that such an interaction provides a human biofield, characterized by an energy level commensurate with the energy of single quanta.


The concept of biofield is still controversial and science has yet to give a definitive answer to this question.

But already now Academician Yu. B. Kobzarev points out that "the physical reality of the existence of a biofield is confirmed by a number of indirect physical experiments, as well as the subjective sensations of experimenters."

So, scientists from the American University of Queens conducted an experiment, during which volunteers were seated in the center of the room, and the eyes of another person periodically looked at them in the back of the head. Approximately 95% of the subjects noted that they clearly felt the effect of gaze on themselves, as a "passing pressure on the back of the head."

Thought as information

When explaining the principles of the work of human thought, at present one of the most widespread is the theory of energy-informational structures. Thought is considered a powerful source of information programs, which, being included in the energy-field structures of the body, correct the program of life.


The energy-informational structures of an individual, according to this hypothesis, are interconnected with other energy-informational structures.

To explain the energy-information theory, Professor A. F. Okhatrin put forward the idea of hypothetical particles - microleptons from which thoughts are formed. Such particles can freely penetrate bodies and objects, transmit light and even be perceived by the organs of vision.

Okhatrin was able to experimentally confirm the existence of microlepton fields. In the course of the experiment, the scientist asked the psychic woman to "emit a certain field," giving him information. The whole process was recorded on a special photoelectronic device.

The photographs showed how the energy shell surrounding the woman separates "something like a cloud and begins to move on its own." Such "thought forms", according to the scientist, saturated with certain moods and emotions, can influence people.


The issue of transmitting thoughts at a distance is of interest to more than one generation of scientists. Back at the end of the 19th century, the British physicist William Crookes put forward the "wave theory", which assumed the existence of "etheric" waves of small amplitude, "penetrating" the human brain and capable of evoking in the mind of the recipient an image similar to the original.

Even Sigmund Freud suggested the existence of the possibility of direct transmission of thought from person to person.

He considered telepathy to be a rudimentary means of communication between people and, perhaps, "a physical process that became mental at the two ends of the communication chain."

Telepathy is often considered a relative of suggestion or is called "telepathic hypnotism", but as an independent phenomenon it has not received reliable experimental confirmation.


American geneticist Bruce Lipton claims that the power of thought, multiplied by true faith, can save a person from any disease. Lipton's experiments showed that psychic influence can change the genetic code of an organism.

In the late 1980s, a geneticist conducted experiments to study the characteristics of the behavior of the cell membrane.

Until that time, it was believed that the genes in the cell nucleus "decide" what should be passed through the membrane and what should not. Lipton's experiments showed how external influences on the cell can influence the behavior of genes.

The scientist notes that he has not discovered anything new - this process has been known for centuries as the "placebo effect". “My discovery,” Lipton continues, “allowed me to give the following explanation: with the help of faith in the healing power of a medicine, a person changes the processes going on in his body, including at the molecular level.” In this way, a person can "turn off" some genes, force others to "turn on" and even change his genetic code.

Thought at the service of technology

While theorists argue about the possibility of the power of thought to influence matter, practitioners are already using this powerful human resource with might and main. In 2009, scientists from the United States and Argentina created a "mental speech" recognition system, which is able to "sound" thoughts using a special synthesizer.


Thanks to this development, scientists returned to the paralyzed young man the ability to communicate. At first, with the help of electrodes, he transmitted individual sounds to the synthesizer, but in the process of learning he was able to generate whole words.

Italian scientists went further and created a prototype of an electric wheelchair that can move in any direction solely through the power of thought. Project leader Matteo Matteucci explained that the stroller has a cap that reads electromagnetic signals from the brain and transmits them to the motor.

The program includes separate options for moving - "kitchen", "living room", "bathroom", which are reflected on the light display. When the wheelchair owner concentrates on one of these words, the sensor reads the corresponding signal and starts the engine.

Taras Repin