In Austria, Archaeologists Have Found An Ancient "mobile Phone" - Alternative View

In Austria, Archaeologists Have Found An Ancient "mobile Phone" - Alternative View
In Austria, Archaeologists Have Found An Ancient "mobile Phone" - Alternative View

Video: In Austria, Archaeologists Have Found An Ancient "mobile Phone" - Alternative View

Video: In Austria, Archaeologists Have Found An Ancient
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In the Austrian town of Fuschl am See near Salzburg, archaeologists have discovered a strange artifact of the 13th century. The item resembles a mobile phone.

The artifact is an elongated clay tablet with painted "keys" and "screen". Cuneiform is applied to the "mobile phone". The item belongs to Ancient Mesopotamia, which was located on the territory of modern Iran and Iraq. Scientists cannot yet explain how the artifact ended up in Austria.

One of the leaders of the archaeological expedition: "Previously, nothing like this was found on the territory of the country."


Meanwhile, Internet users are putting forward their versions. According to one of them, aliens planted a tablet with a message. According to the other, in ancient times there was a prophet on Earth who predicted the future, and it was he who made a "mobile phone", writes the site Vesti. Ru.

We add that some users did not believe in the existence of the find and considered the 13th century "mobile phone" a fake.
