Found In Two Children A Rare Genetic Mutation - Alternative View

Found In Two Children A Rare Genetic Mutation - Alternative View
Found In Two Children A Rare Genetic Mutation - Alternative View

Video: Found In Two Children A Rare Genetic Mutation - Alternative View

Video: Found In Two Children A Rare Genetic Mutation - Alternative View
Video: The Most Inbred People Of All Time | Random Thursday 2024, July

In the UK, scientists are racking their brains over the treatment of children who have been found to have an unusual genetic mutation. The retarded development of Georgia and Jessica from the moment of birth prompted parents and doctors to think about some deviations, now the specialists of the Genomics England organization were able to identify the problem and are ready to start treating 4-year-old girls.

Georgia's father and mother said that from the first days of their daughter's birth, they were afraid of the disappointing diagnosis of doctors. The girl's head was slightly larger than the standard size, and her reaction to what was happening around her day after day remained slightly slowed down.


Doctors could not determine what was the cause of the deviations, but later, Genomics England employees helped to understand the situation. As it turned out, little Georgia has a congenital mutation - only one gene is defective, but it affects the harmonious development of the organism as a whole, according to the Internet portal "The Guardian".


Experts found another girl, 4-year-old Jessica, who also had an unusual mutation. Experts say that the chances for the recovery of children are, thanks to the "100,000 Genomes Project", which has already helped to detect about 7,000 rare genetic abnormalities.

Elena Razumovskaya