Report Immediately! - Alternative View

Report Immediately! - Alternative View
Report Immediately! - Alternative View

Video: Report Immediately! - Alternative View

Video: Report Immediately! - Alternative View
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A balloon came to us and exploded. - Mysterious nets. - The US President is aware of the threat from space. - Washington determines its behavior. - Was there an incident in South Africa? - Gender problems among aliens.

Falling objects happened in our area. One of them, apparently, was an unmanned UFO. Information about its fall and research at the crash site (in the Dalnegorsk region of the Primorsky Territory) leaked into a number of publications with a long delay. Articles and essays concerning the incident were, for example, published in the newspapers "Socialist Industry" - July 10, 1988 and July 9, 1989, "Trud" - September 16, 1989, magazines "Young Communist" - No. 9 for 1989, "Nature and Man" - No. 12 for 1989. Their content is as follows.

On January 29, 1966, according to witnesses, a luminous ball about 2 meters in diameter appeared in the field of view. He moved in leaps and bounds, and then fell. Two flashes followed, a fire started, comparable in brightness to electric welding. It lasted about an hour.

Searches at the crash site revealed a number of unusual items. These were, first of all, balls with holes, which, as it turned out, consisted of a lead alloy, in which such elements as zirconium, lanthanum, yttrium, and praseodymium were found during research. Another group of balls covered with glassy droplets was found to consist of alloys of iron with chromium, nickel, manganese and aluminum, as well as tungsten and cobalt. Particles were picked up and named "nets". They were a black glass-like mass with many holes.

The remains of the ball were investigated in a number of scientific and research centers. Scientists of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute have found that the "meshes" contain a large group of elements of the periodic table and have a number of unusual properties: they do not dissolve in the strongest acids, burn in air without residue at a temperature of 900 degrees Celsius, but do not melt in vacuum even at 2800 degrees. In a cold state, they do not conduct current, however, when heated, they become conductors. Inside the mass were found quartz filaments 17 microns thick (three times thinner than a human hair). Some of them are rolled into bundles, and in one the finest vein of gold was found.

The property of "meshes" to change their composition depending on heating turned out to be difficult to explain for scientists. If before that X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the content of gold, silver and nickel in them, then after heating these substances disappeared, but molybdenum and beryllium sulfide appeared, which were not there before. Doctor of Chemical Sciences Vysotsky then said: "Without a doubt, this sample is not of natural or terrestrial origin, but a derivative of very high technology."

At the site of the fall, magnetized silicon shales were also found, although it was believed that silicon could not be magnetized. Investigations of the samples, carried out in 1989 by V. Guernik, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, and E. Gorshkov, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, showed that magnetization occurred under the influence of an artificial magnetic field, two orders of magnitude higher than the Earth's. Eight days after the accident, UFOs flew over the crash site again. Accidents, according to some information, over the territory of Russia were observed in 1978 in the Khabarovsk Territory and Kazakhstan, in 1985 in Kabardino-Balkaria and a number of other places.

It was reported that UFO crashes were also observed in Svalbard (Norway), Argentina, South Africa, China and other countries. For the most part, the remnants of the ships were transferred to the United States and concentrated at the mentioned Wright-Patterson base.

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Reports of a UFO crash on Svalbard first appeared in the Federal Republic of Germany and only later in Norway, which owns the island. On June 28, 1952, the Saarbrücker Zeitung reported that Norwegian pilots had found a "flying tarlelka" on Svalbard, which, according to their assumptions, crashed in April 1952. The diameter of the disk was 46 m 38 cm. Along its circumference there were 48 rocket engines, apparently intended to spin the "saucer" around its axis. Initially, it was argued that, judging by the marking of the parts, the disc was made in the Soviet Union. The Norwegians invited representatives of the United States and Great Britain to investigate the disaster. There was no comment on the event for three years. The silence was broken only in 1955. And again in Germany. The Stuttgarten Tagensblatt newspaper reported: “Oslo. Norway, September 4, 1955. Only now is the research department of the Norwegian General Staff preparing a publication on the study of the remains of a UFO that crashed on Svalbard, presumably in early 1952. The head of the department, Colonel G. Dornbil, during the briefing of the Air Force officers, said: “The accident of the Svalbard disk was of great importance. Although the current level of scientific knowledge does not allow us to solve all the riddles, I am sure that these wreckage from Svalbard will be of great importance in this regard. Some time ago, some misunderstanding prompted talk that this disc may have been of Soviet origin. But he, we declare this categorically, was not built in any country on Earth. The materials used in its construction are not known to any expert who took part in the investigation."

Colonel Dornbil added that the research department does not intend to publish a detailed report until some of the sensational facts have been discussed with American and British experts. It was not specified whether the vehicle was unmanned.

The disaster that happened in the province of Tarija in Bolivia, near the mining village of La Marmora, is described in great detail. Eyewitnesses, and there were several hundred of them, said that on May 6, 1978, a brightly glowing cylinder with a tapered front flew over them. He walked at a height of 90 meters with a piercing whistle, and then hit the slope of Mount El-Tayre. The explosion of monstrous power was accompanied by a bright flash, which was visible 150 kilometers from the accident site. The air wave broke glass in the windows at a distance of 70 kilometers, and a crater 1500 meters long and 400 meters deep appeared in the mountain. The zone was declared forbidden, a special commission found a deformed cylinder body on the mountainside. Helicopters took him to Bolivian airport by cables, from where the Americans flew him to their base by plane "Hercules-130".

The initial skepticism of the American official circles began to sharply decrease after the massive appearance of UFOs over the US capital - Washington. In July-August 1952, UFO groups appeared 7 times over Washington and its environs. On the night of August 13, as the author of the book "Flying Saucers - a Serious Business" Frank Edwards (1966) testified, 68 objects appeared in the sky at once.

Particularly worried about the regular appearance of UFOs in the holy of holies - over nuclear plants in the state of New Mexico. UFO hovering over American nuclear plants was noted in other places: in 1947 in Oak Ridge (Tennessee), in 1949 in Hanford (Washington state), in 1950 in Los Alamos (New Mexico) and in Las Vegas (Nevada), in 1959 in Weldon Springs. The Air Force Office of Special Research has also reported five UFO landings at the Sandia Test Center, New Mexico. The result was a series of directives from the US Joint Chiefs of Staff to gather intelligence on the "aliens" and prevent their armed attack on the United States. These directives under the general name JANAP-146 were published and improved several times - in September 1951, March 1954, March 1966. The directives forbade the disclosure of information received about the sightings on pain of falling under the espionage law. The Air Force also issued similar instructions - AFR-200, since the Air Force was primarily responsible for tracking UFOs in the air.

In the book by Professor GK Kolchin "UFOs, Facts and Documents," the texts of instructions are given, which detail the parameters by which the US armed forces should inform the government and the Ministry of Defense about unidentified flying objects. They also include unidentified submarines and groups of warships, which are equated to "enemy".

In the AFR-200 Air Force instruction of August 12, 1954, it is true, it is said that "flying objects do not pose a threat to the United States and its power," but it is clarified that information about the objects sighted and their characteristics should be transmitted to alert centers immediately. Four main addresses are named:

- Commander, Air Defense, Ent Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, Colorado

- the nearest air defense division;

- Commander, Technical Intelligence Aviation Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio;

- Director of Intelligence, United States Air Force Headquarters, Washington, 25, District of Columbia.

All UFO reports to these items must be UFOB.

Of great interest in Kolchin's book is a letter from General Schweitzer from the US National Security Council addressed to von Kevitsky, who signaled the potential danger that foreign flying objects could pose to US security and defense (Colmen von Kevitsky, a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, headed the ICUFON - Intercontinental Network for Research and Analysis of UFO-Galactic Ships, was a member of the UN Secretariat). We will quote this letter in full.

Letter from General Schweitzer von Kevitzky National Security Council Washington DC 20506 1981-21-11

Dear General von Kewitzky

Thank you for your kind letter, which came at a difficult time. I am sorry for the delay in responding due to the circumstances and the large volume of correspondence.

The President is well aware of the threat that you are so vividly documenting, and is doing everything in his power to find opportunities in the field of national defense to ensure security as quickly as possible and at the same time more carefully.

Sincerely, Robert L. Schweitzer, Major General of the United States Army.

The letter refers to two ICUFON memorandums that von Kevitzky sent to President Reagan in January 1981. They contained 20 declassified government documents and materials about the measures taken by the armed forces of different countries in connection with the fact that von Kevitzky considered a threat to earthly civilization from UFOs. Schweitzer, the president's top military national security adviser, was soon dismissed from his post without further explanation. Most likely, for publicly speaking out on an issue on which the strictest taboo was imposed in the United States, although by that time the reality of UFOs was no longer in doubt among any of the US leaders.

The point was, apparently, also in the fact that work on UFOs was acquiring more and more strategic importance for the United States. It is believed that many of the breakthroughs in the field of high technology have been made in the United States thanks to finds at the sites of UFO disasters and the study of the properties of new materials. Experts attribute this, in particular, to the achievements of Silicon Valley, the forge of America's international computer successes. Doesn't this also explain the commitment of the United States to the space war program - SDI, for the sake of which they agreed to sacrifice the 1972 missile defense agreement?

The US Air Force Academy textbook, An Introduction to Space Science, said: “The theory we most understand is that UFOs are material objects that are either crewed or controlled from a distance and that are considered extraterrestrial for our planet. The best thing when meeting with them is to be vigilant, attentive and not to take any extreme measures."

There is a cautious and constructive approach to aliens. And this begs the question: did he not give concrete results by that time? In other words, did they manage to capture some members of the starships alive and did they agree to cooperate with the US authorities, passing on their knowledge and secrets to them? The fact that the Americans got one of the vehicles in complete safety suggests that the US military could not help but try to test it in action. The test project was called "Snowbird" ("Snowbird"). The test of the alien ship was planned to be carried out in the state of Nevada. And the program of establishing contacts with aliens "Sigma" since 1976 has been separated into an independent project, becoming super-secret. It seems that such a test took place.

In this regard, attention is drawn to the document cited in the book of Professor Kolchin and dated May 7, 1989 under the code name "Silver Diamond". It tells the story of how an unidentified flying object was shot down over South Africa, on which there were humanoids. The document, as Kolchin points out, "was allegedly drawn up by the South African Air Force," thereby emphasizing that this document can hardly be considered completely reliable. There were many refutations of what it says, especially in relation to laser weapons, which allegedly shot down the device. However, there are always countless denials in the UFO field. Nevertheless, it makes sense to acquaint readers with this document. I quote the final part of it without changes.

“Description of the incident.

At 13.45 on May 7, 1989, the South African Navy frigate "SA Tafelberg" transmitted a UFO message to the headquarters of the Navy in Cape Town, which was recorded on the frigate's radar screen and flew northwestward towards the African continent at an estimated speed of 5746 nautical miles / hour …

Naval Headquarters confirmed that the object was detected by aircraft radar and ground radars of the Air Force and Malan International Airport in Cape Town. Object entered South African airspace at 13:52. Attempts to establish radio contact with him were unsuccessful. Valhalla airbase was notified, and two Mirage F11S fighters were launched to intercept the object. Suddenly, the object at high speed changed its direction of flight in a manner impossible for an aircraft. (Probably making a 90 degree turn as seen with many UFOs. - L. Z.)

At 13.59, squadron commander Goozen reported that he was observing the object visually and it was fixed on the screen of the aircraft radar. The order was given to open fire on the object from the experimental onboard laser gun "Tor-2", which was done.

Squadron Commander Goozen reported that the object emitted several blinding flashes and became unstable as it continued to head north. At 14.02 it was reported that the object was losing altitude at a speed of 3000 fpm. Then he made a dive at high speed and at an angle of 25 degrees. crashed into the ground 80 km north of the border with Botswana, in the central part of the Kalahari Desert.

Squadron Commander Goosen was ordered to patrol over the crash area until the object was captured. A group of Air Force intelligence officers with medical and technical personnel were promptly brought to the crash site to investigate the incident and retrieve the object.

The following was discovered:

1. A funnel with a diameter of 150 meters and a depth of 12 meters.

2. A disc-shaped silvery object that crashed into the slope of the funnel at an angle of 45 degrees.

3. The sand and rocks around the object were melted by intense heat.

4. Strong magnetic and radioactive radiation around the object led to the failure of the group's electronic equipment.

5. The team leader decided to take the object to a secret Air Force base for further investigation, which was done. The disaster area was filled with sand and rubble to hide all traces of this incident as never taking place.

Description results at a secret Air Force base.

Object type is unknown. Presumably unearthly.

The origin is unknown. Presumably unearthly.

There are no identification marks. The decals are embossed in a metal case. Dimension 20 yards. Height 9.5 yards. Weight 50 thousand kg.

Material unknown (pending laboratory testing).

The outer surface is impeccably polished, silver-colored.

There were no visible seams on either the outside or the inside of the object.

Along the perimeter there are 12 irregularly spaced oval-shaped windows flush with the outer surface. The source of thrust is unknown (pending laboratory results).


The hydraulic-type landing gear was fully extended, possibly due to a malfunction of the facility's electronic system. This could also have been due to a Top-2 laser cannon firing at the target.

At a classified Air Force base, a team of researchers heard a loud sound in the object and saw a hatch at its bottom open slightly. The resulting gap was then widened by researchers using mechanical equipment.

From this trapdoor emerged two humanoid beings in tight-fitting gray suits. They were taken to a level 6 makeshift medical center at a classified Air Force base.

Various items inside the object have been taken for analysis, and we are still awaiting the results of the investigation of what was found.

The subject was placed in a sterile environment."

What followed was a description of the humanoids, which generally coincided with what had been previously given by the Wright-Patterson base: “Height 4–4.5 feet, grayish-blue skin color, no hair. The head is disproportionately large compared to that of a human. Enlarged skull with dark blue markings around the head. There are prominent cheekbones on the face, the eyes are large and slanted. The pupils are not visible. The nose is small with two nostrils. The mouth is a small incision with no lips. The ears are missing. The neck is very thin. The arms are thin and long, hanging just above the knees. The hands consist of three fingers with webbing between them. The torso, ribcage and abdomen are covered with scaly, ribbed skin, the thighs are small, narrow. The legs are short and thin. Genitals - no external organs. The feet are made up of three toes with membranes and no nails.

Due to the aggressive behavior of the humanoids, it was impossible to obtain samples of their blood and skin. They did not accept the various types of food offered. The way of communicating with each other is supposedly telepathic. A request has been made to move both humanoids to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for a higher level of research.

The move took place on June 23, 1989.

As you can see from the description, these humanoids are somewhat different from the 1947 Wright-Patterson enlonauts: there are three fingers and toes, not four, there are nostrils. The similarity is undoubted - a large head, wide-set eyes without pupils, the nature of the skin and clothing. The fact that the surviving pilots did not allow them to take blood and skin samples can be explained by the fact that this could cause serious damage to their health. Their behavior, if the case is presented reliably, indicates that these were not robots that would perform their functions dispassionately, but living and, in addition, intelligent beings.

Of course, the cited data are few, but they also make one recall the predictions of K. E. Tsiolkovsky regarding human evolution in the future. First of all, he talked about the proportionally and absolutely increased volume of the human brain, wide-set eyes, which increase the horizons necessary for orientation in Space. The absence of visible genitals and differences (despite the assumption that the astronauts found in Roswell were men), in the absence of other data, allows us to put forward a hypothesis that in the course of a long evolution and the transition from the semi-animal stage to a completely intelligent one, ways were found to extend the genus by different ways. Thus, the sphere of emotions, closely associated with the functions of reproduction (love and other experiences), was pushed in favor of the mental functions, so to speak, of pure reason. For a modern person, such a sexless existence may seem uninteresting, meaningless, joyless. But, as Leo Tolstoy noted, when the instinct of possession fades, a period of another, disinterested, joy begins - the joy of admiring nature, enjoying thoughts, knowledge. Another great brain, Pushkin, spoke about the same, despite all his great love experience: “… in the spring I am sick; Blood ferments; feelings, mind are cramped by anguish ", while" every fall I bloom again "," And thoughts in my head are agitated in courage, And light rhymes run towards them, And fingers ask to pen, pen to paper, Minute - and poetry will flow freely ".enjoyment of thoughts, knowledge. Another great brain, Pushkin, spoke about the same, despite all his great love experience: “… in the spring I am sick; Blood ferments; feelings, mind are cramped by anguish ", while" every fall I bloom again "," And thoughts in my head are agitated in courage, And light rhymes run towards them, And fingers ask to pen, pen to paper, Minute - and poetry will flow freely ".enjoyment of thoughts, knowledge. Another great brain, Pushkin, spoke about the same, despite all his great love experience: “… in the spring I am sick; Blood ferments; feelings, mind are cramped by anguish ", while" every fall I bloom again "," And thoughts in my head are agitated in courage, And light rhymes run towards them, And fingers ask to pen, pen to paper, Minute - and poetry will flow freely ".

And one more coincidence with Tsiolkovsky's predictions is the absence of speech function. It is replaced by telepathic communication with each other (telepathic phase, according to Tsiolkovsky) and in some way to communicate with earthlings in their languages. Witnesses who had experience of meeting with aliens claim that they "heard" aliens, but the intonations of the speech were specific.

But let's leave assumptions as assumptions, since we do not have complete data. Perhaps the specialists at the Wright-Patterson base have them, but they are in no hurry to share their knowledge.

"UFO. They are already here … ", Lolly Zamoyski