UFO: People In Black, Green And Brown (part 3) - Alternative View

UFO: People In Black, Green And Brown (part 3) - Alternative View
UFO: People In Black, Green And Brown (part 3) - Alternative View

Video: UFO: People In Black, Green And Brown (part 3) - Alternative View

Video: UFO: People In Black, Green And Brown (part 3) - Alternative View
Video: South Africa is being threatened by invasive alien species. 2024, June

Part 1 Part 2 Part 4

One day, while at home, Bender felt severe dizziness. I decided that I had to lie down, went to the bedroom and suddenly felt and saw that "… there are three obscure figures in the room. The figures became clearer. They were all in black clothes. They looked like priests, but wore hats resembling a homburg (male The faces were hard to see, as they were partially covered and shaded by the hats. The fear passed. The eyes of all three suddenly flashed like the light of a light bulb, and they all stared at me. They seemed to burn me to the very soul, so how the pain in my eyes became almost unbearable. And then I felt that they were transmitting a message to me using telepathy … "*

The message, which completely confused the ufologist, was full of unexpected and shocking details. It gave the impression of a comprehensive truth about the mystery of space aliens. Everything there was tied into one: "flying saucers", and secret bases of aliens in Antarctica, and black magic, and spiritualism, and occult sciences, and even the main goal, the most important economic interest of aliens on Earth - the extraction from the ocean of the planet of some of the most valuable, a unique item.

The truth was so detailed and comprehensive that it discouraged Bender from any interest in further research. What else could he discover through some kind of interviews with eyewitnesses, through the analysis of ufological statistics, when the aliens themselves revealed to him such secrets that no ufologist had dreamed of? The information was difficult to digest, it was a heavy burden on the scientist's psyche. A sense of intellectual prostration coexisted in him with the panic horror that remained from that unexpected meeting.

The ufologist dismissed his organization without any warning or explanation. He hinted only to the closest employees that he had a conversation with the men in black, that they had told him the true facts about UFOs. A few years later, he decides to publish some of them in his book, but the faithful ufologists, preoccupied with looking only for contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations, did not take his revelations seriously. With occultism and spiritualism, none of them wanted to deal with.

Were they right or wrong? Probably not and yes. Because in this case, the ufologist was in the role of a contactee. "Phenomenon" took up its processing and achieved a real result in influencing the scientist.

If we assume, for example, that the visit of the guests in black was caused by the fact that the ufologist was on the verge of unraveling the UFO mystery, then all the more it does not fit with the act of the "aliens" - they came and laid out the whole truth to him. The act is paradoxical, so whether their "truth" was true is a big question.


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* Bender's book "Flying Saucevs and the Three Men" is quoted by Nicholas Redfern.

What motives could have brought them to his home? They have nothing to do, and they go with their telepathic lectures to those who are interested in their secrets? As soon as a person takes seriously the topic of UFOs, how do aliens rush to inform him of their secrets? Such explanations, of course, look silly. But if that visit took place, then there was some sense in it. It is unlikely that the IIBs were engaged in educational activities. Through the researcher, the easiest way to slip any misinformation into the public is because the public listens to the researcher. Just to intimidate the ufologist is a dead-end move, it will arouse even greater interest in the problem. But to throw in some information, and along with it disinformation, and present it in such a form and in such an amount that a person can hardly perceive, is the surest way. The person will be overwhelmed by the revelation and the effect of supernatural power. The researcher will then turn into a contactee who does not critically analyze the actions of the "aliens" or the revelations given to him. And a new revelation about aliens from outer space, who have now flown to us for a certain unique earthly element, will go for a walk around the world.

The effect was similar to the experience of Robert Monroe, an experimenter with journeys in the astral body, in contact with a force that paralyzed his intuition and mind with its power (“I was completely suppressed, the will left me … I was sure that their level of thinking was far beyond beyond my understanding … ).

In this case, with Albert Bender, the IIBs achieved their goal - a powerful organization engaged in the systematic study of the UFO topic ceased to exist, its founder completely retired from researching the issue, and after a few years, recovering from the shock, he submitted to society not the result of his research, but that information from the "aliens" that they imposed on him.

At the time these events were taking place, such an attribute of ufological phenomena as "men in black" had not yet gained sufficient popularity, and many generally considered Bender a dreamer. But such abrupt turns in a person's life, as happened to him, just do not happen. John Keel also dealt with MIBs and more than once tried to grab them, as they say, by the tail. Concerning their "officer-like" variety, he writes:

“I personally investigated many such cases and, to my surprise, found that all these 'Air Force officers' looked exactly the same: thin, with olive skin, with oriental eyes and wide cheekbones. Some witnesses believed that these "officers" looked like Italians, others believed that they were Burmese or Hindus. I reported my findings to the Pentagon and found that military intelligence and even the FBI were involved in investigating some of these cases …

"Three men in black", usually short, dark-skinned, with typically oriental features, drive to witness houses in a sparkling black Cadillac to threaten to keep them quiet about everything they saw …"

John Keel describes some of his attempts to chase those black Cadillacs that left him all alone in some desolate dead end. They seemed to fall through the ground, or dissolve in the air like a mirage, a ghost. You can accuse the ufologist of deception or hallucinations, but then you will have to enroll in madmen all the witnesses who describe the appearance of "flying saucers" from nothing and their equally sudden, like a ghost, disappearance.

If we allow an unusual appearance of an aircraft, then why not allow the same appearance and disappearance of a mobile vehicle - the Cadillac - directly related to the phenomenon of these same aircraft?

In 1979, another American ufologist Richard Sifried dealt with a similar case, only instead of Cadillacs and "plates" the MIBs themselves disappeared. At one of the lectures about UFOs in Ohio, Sifrid and friends drew attention to two distinguished listeners. Both were dressed in "very neat dark suits … like the military, boots according to the instructions of the Air Force." After the lecture, we saw them again walking down a long corridor to the parking lot. “They turned a corner,” recalls the ufologist. “Although we were no more than 40-50 feet away from them, when we turned the corner, these two disappeared … This is not typical for an ordinary person.” *

Two very unusual "people" appeared in Los Angeles in January 1953 and were hired temporarily as director of the attorney general's office. This department was looking for missing people, and the new employees amazed all other investigators with their knowledge and qualifications. They were looking for the missing as soon as possible.

The first thing that caught my eye was their emaciated appearance. The structure of their hands was somehow strange - the wrists and hands seemed to have no joints. One of them had incredible strength: "one day … he bent over the steel lid of the filing cabinet and left with his strangely curved hand on the steel a dent about half an inch deep …"

When asked about their unusual properties and abilities, they replied that they were not inhabitants of the Earth, that they “landed on a small 'flying saucer' in the Mojave Desert about 200 miles east of Los Angeles" ** that they learned English by listening to the body - and radio broadcasts. Someone from the department was vigilant and reported the "aliens" to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Bureau singled out its agents specifically for this occasion, but two unusual creatures disappeared without a trace directly from under their supervision. There was only a damaged steel cabinet with a "print" of the MIB's hand. In the chemical laboratory at the FBI, it was determined that to leave such a dent, it was necessary to apply a force of 2,000 pounds (907 kilograms). In addition, traces of more than twelve unknown chemical elements were found in the dent itself.

Was it a simple pastime to find such temporary employment for these creatures? Obviously, they needed it. What for? The answer, most likely, lies in the specialization of the department in which they worked - for missing people. They were interested in information from the archives of this department. Or they needed to study on the spot the situation with the search for the missing - how it is conducted, what methods and where, and how carefully.


* “Those Mysterious MIBs,” Richard D. Seifried, Oklahoma MUFONEWS, APRIL 1993. Quoted by Nicholas Redfern.

** Nicholas Redfern, FBI Files. The secrets of UFOs are becoming clear."

What happens to some of the missing ones, we will see in the next example. This is a letter sent to the FBI by a scared man to death. In it we will meet the same "emaciated"-looking IIBs, who simultaneously possess remarkable strength:

“I am the lead soloist of the Top 40 Jazz Orchestra from Southern California. During a late evening jam session with my orchestra (this was late January [1996]) there was a smoke break. We sat talking about nothing. The night air was warm and the sky was cloudless. I don't remember what happened next, but only the next thing I realized was that it was noon two days later! Now, before you read on and assume that this is because we are musicians and must be drug addicts, alcoholics, etc., believe me that I am not a drug addict or drunkard, and that night was no exception for me.

The memory is slowly coming back to me. I believe I was abducted by aliens. First, there is now a small scar on my right forearm. It is barely visible. The fingers of the right hand are no longer as mobile as they were before. There is no hair on the scar (and I am a very hairy person). There are also such scars on the chest, neck and legs, although the muscles in these places are in excellent condition. Since that very night, I have had recurring visions: humanoids stick huge needles into me, draw out the liquid, and, after making incisions, sew again. It was not very pleasant.

The guys from the orchestra do not remember my disappearance. They also lost consciousness, but remember that they woke up after 10 minutes. They didn't know where I had disappeared. They were completely confused. Can you imagine their surprise when, two days later, they found me lying naked on the porch?

Fortunately, our house is in a very secluded place, and no one has seen me like that. I went to my doctor and he could not explain where these scars came from. I talked to the police, and they “sent” me. What the hell, I'm just a long-haired bar musician, right? All this upset me very much. I even tried to talk to friends. But it seems that even my friends from the orchestra do not believe me.

During the third week of February [1996] I received a strange visit from three very pale and very bald men in black suits. At first glance, they look like Asians, but looking closer, I realized that I was wrong. I sat on the porch sipping soda. It was Saturday afternoon. A black Cadillac of the latest model pulled up in front of our house, and three people got out. They moved rather slowly and methodically. They were prim and lacking in emotion, almost like robots. The one in front blurted out my name. I replied: “Yes?” The second told me that they were from the FBI and that I had to go with them to the office to answer a few questions. They showed some kind of identity cards and badges.

I hesitantly sat down in the Cadillac. The first thing I noticed was that although it was a 78, this damn car smelled like brand new! The chief was driving, and I was sitting between the other two. So, we drove to Los Angeles and then returned to my house. One big circle. During the trip, I was warned that I must stop talking about my alien abduction. They showed me one photo after another of what happened to people who do not obey the requirements. Each picture was terrifying: dismembered corpses, severed heads, and so on. They had a small TV in their car and showed me some creepy videotape of them killing people, apparently those who did not heed their warning. At the traffic light I tried to jump out of the car, but one of them squeezed me sothat even a bear could not free me from his embrace. His hands were cold.

"You will be released from this car when the time comes," he told me. “Be patient.” After half an hour of warnings, showing and sharing the photos, they drove me to my house. By that time, my bandmates had returned home. They saw a car pull up and I got out. When they ran out of the house, the car started. They noticed the license plate.

We called the police and the FBI, but they said the number was not registered with either California or the FBI. I try to tell this story anonymously, hoping those guys won't come back. I do not know what to do. My life has never been like this. Should I completely shut up? Where should I go? *

This is one of the standard meetings between a person and MIBs. The person is scared, he does not even know which government services to turn to for help, and whether anyone will help him at all.

This letter contains many interesting details.

No flying saucers are visible. Their absence is also an essential detail. There are no “plates”, but in the minds of an eyewitness the event turns out to be connected with “aliens”. Those who pretend to be aliens, in this case, did not even bother with decorations in the form of spaceships. After all, everyone has long been convinced that the big-headed monsters, "humanoids" come to hunt us from space. Everyone has been convinced of this for a long time. Convinced by them.

People (orchestra musicians) suddenly found themselves in an unconscious state, one of them stayed in this state for more than two days. But the fact that in the form of visions the memory of the medical experiments on him by the "humanoids" returned to him shows that there, with them, he was conscious. So, after the abduction, they tried to erase the memory of this from his consciousness. But this did not succeed completely ("The memory is gradually returning to me …") and I had to intimidate him so that he kept silent about his memories and suspicions. On his body there were traces reminiscent of this event - scars, the same that appear on other abducted "aliens".

The person was used as a donor and experimental animal, and then, without even bothering to return his clothes, they simply threw on the porch of the house. A living person was treated like a soulless object, just like a biological material. Unleash these "humanoids", and they would drive all the people like a herd behind the barbed wire of their laboratories.


* Nicholas Redfern, FBI Files. The secrets of UFOs are becoming clear."

Or maybe their actions are guided by sympathy, compassion, humanism?

This is with regard to "humanoids". Now about the people in black.

Their appearance: pale, bald. The touch of the hands is cold. They look like Asians, but these are not national traits, but something else. We moved slowly, methodically, like robots. Demonstrated their enormous physical strength to the person. Their psychology: cold, arrogant cruelty. Addictions are everything that is associated with death, with blood.

Why did they put on this terrifying show with a man? Why did they have to intimidate him when it is so easy for them to kill and get new human "material"? Probably, the effort was worth it, probably, this person as a donor was valuable to them or to their masters, whom they serve - for the "humanoids".

Interesting ufology turns out. The phenomenon of UFOs on earth is accompanied by the appearance of some deathly pale, incredibly strong sadists, who also display the abilities of sorcerers. They can disappear, disappear into thin air with their Cadillacs.

The kidnapped musician noticed the smell of the car: "This damn car smelled like brand new!" All things, all items related to MIBs have the same sign - absolute novelty. John Keel even used this characteristic detail to test the truth of eyewitness accounts. He's writing:

"… most of the unrelated witnesses indicated that these people were always dressed in completely new, previously unworn. Even the soles of their shoes gave the impression that the shoes were bought ten minutes ago. If they had to take out their wallet or notebook book, they were also brand new, unwashed and clean. (Most people, including Air Force officers, carry old wrinkled wallets.) I carefully collected all these small details, never publicly or discussing them. These details served as a reference to validate new stories."

It turns out that, every time they go on their next mission, MIBs buy themselves new clothes, shoes, wallets and notebooks?

Of course, this is absurd. Even if they are such incredible snobs and can waste money, all the same, such dressing up in everything new every time should be a huge inconvenience. So this is some kind of stupidity, a hallucination?

There is another option, from which such a detail in the appearance of MIBs even logically follows.

Maltsev Sergey Alexandrovich

Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
