A Strange Aluminum Object 250,000 Years Old - Alternative View

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A Strange Aluminum Object 250,000 Years Old - Alternative View
A Strange Aluminum Object 250,000 Years Old - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Aluminum Object 250,000 Years Old - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Aluminum Object 250,000 Years Old - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Ancient Artifact's Extraterrestrial Origins (Season 12) | History 2024, June

The National Museum of the History of Transylvania has a defiant exhibit on display, the subject of the most heated debate in the scientific world.

The object was found in Romania, back in 1973. Builders working near the central Romanian city of Ayud while digging the bank of the Mureş River came across three strange items classified as "fossils." All three sites were sent to archaeologists in Cluj, the capital of Romanian Transylvania.

Initial analysis identified two fragments as “mammalian bones,” while the third object, measuring 20 cm x 12.5 cm x 7 cm, was believed to be the remains of an ax, as it was made of metal. The ax somewhat puzzled venerable experts, since it was faintly ax-like in shape and had strictly symmetrical projections and concavities, suggesting that it was manufactured as a component of a more complex mechanical system. Moreover, the ax was extremely light.

The further fate of the object is a little lost, since everything took place in communist Romania during the reign of Mr. Ceausescu. However, when Ceausescu fell, the ax seemed to be found again and sent to a laboratory in Lausanne, Switzerland. There it turned out that the object is made of an alloy of 12 metals, but 90% of the volume is aluminum. The approximate age of the object is from 80 to 250 thousand years.

In this particular case, the exact number of zeros is not very important, because even if the “ax” were only 400 years old, it would already be a sensation, since modern civilization has been using aluminum for only 200 years. But 80-250,000 years is even a bit more than a sensation, especially not even for an engineer, but for a Mexican housewife: this is not an ax, it is a PART OF A COMPLEX MECHANISM. Moreover, it is made of aluminum.


Opinions about the origin of the artifact are very different: ufologists are inclined to believe that the object is a fragment of a UFO, orthodox academics insist that this is a part of Messerschmitt during the Second World War, which just by some miracle has aged 250,000 years. If the second version belongs, undoubtedly, to the most brainless idiot, then the first, with a UFO, looks quite convincing, although most likely it is not true.

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Romania during the times of Mr. Ceausescu was under the scrutiny of the KGB of the USSR and a number of similar departments, just as now Romania is under scrutiny, if not the CIA, then a number of no less powerful organizations. Therefore, if Romanian road builders had dug up a microprocessor from an ancient alien ship, the find would have been immediately taken to Moscow. And if by some chance they hadn't taken it away, they would have taken it to the United States, offering to dig it to the specialists from Area 51. Since this did not happen, it can be assumed that trucks were collected in the secret storage facilities of the USSR and the United States of such artifacts. And this is strange: do alien ships constantly lose so much detail?

In addition, based on the meager, but nevertheless relatively sufficient, eyewitness testimony, “flying saucers” have no rough moving parts. All that is found in their disasters is pieces of incomprehensible metals and heavy-duty foil. There is nothing there that some ancient aborigine could use as a hammer, ax or, for example, a razor.

By the way, shaving accessories are the most important indicator of the technology of society. For example, academic historians point their fingers at the statues of the ancient Greeks to students every day.


The faces of at least half of the Peloponnesian warriors and athletes are well-shaven. How can this be done without knowing the IRON razor? Historians-academicians do not think about this, and if they are asked a question, they refer to bronze swords and blades.

There are big doubts that even one academician could shave with a bronze razor. And even more doubts about bronze in general. The composition of bronze includes low-melting copper and tin, on the basis of which the academicians explain why these metals were first used in metallurgy. But as usual, academicians from history do not know anything about the process of mining and smelting tin. And there everything is simple: without having iron tools and equipment, tin cannot be obtained!

Based on the above, we can assume that a piece of aluminum laid out in a museum in Romania is most likely a fairly common artifact of a previous antediluvian civilization, so there is no difficulty with the question of the origin of the artifact. Much more interesting is the question - why was the object posted on public display? Why did thirty of the world's largest newspapers write about him during the year?

And almost every day, almost all newspapers write something like this. What ten years ago was a topic for the yellow press today is discussed on television, is being printed on the front pages of global publications. And many artifacts, which were once seen somewhere in some photograph, are now spread in museums. Everything is very formal. Hence there is a suspicion that the worldview of the masses is definitely being prepared for something. It is quite possible that tomorrow they will show live aliens running around the studio on TV.