Hair Magic - Alternative View

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Hair Magic - Alternative View
Hair Magic - Alternative View

Video: Hair Magic - Alternative View

Video: Hair Magic - Alternative View

There is a completely mistaken opinion that human hair is just an atavism, the remnants of wool inherited from our distant ancestors, monkeys. But scientists dealing with hair problems and trichologists say: they are absolutely not like animal hair and have come a long way of evolution.

So, they were conceived by nature for a specific purpose? Experiments have shown that a person with long hair usually has better intuition.

What the braid symbolized

Since ancient times, the attitude to the hair on the head was special: people believed that it contained sacred power and wisdom. The hairstyle was a kind of sign indicating a person's social status.


In ancient Egypt, wigs were used for this purpose, the shape and size of which corresponded to the position of a person in society. Celtic warriors applied lime mortar to their hair, and then combed it back - such hairstyles gave a terrifying look and contributed to victories.

In ancient Greece, burning or cutting off locks of hair was an important part of the rites of marriage, citizenship, and burial. In Russia, the hair of girls from an early age was braided into a braid of three strands, which symbolized the unity of the three worlds - Reveal, Navi and Prav (that is, the real world, the subtle world and the world of the gods).

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It was believed that light heavenly forces pass through the hair into the body. When a girl got married, two braids were braided for her - now she had to receive strength through her hair not only for herself, but also for the unborn child.

At the same time, the lack of hair in the beliefs of different countries is associated with a loss of strength and power. In the ancient world, a haircut served as a sign of slavery. The beards of the ancient Germans were cut off to criminals, which was considered a dishonor. The Roman emperor Nero ordered the soldiers of the foreign legion to be cut naked, because he wished them not to think, but only to follow orders.

Your own scallop is better than someone else's

However, perhaps the greatest importance was attached to hair during magical rites.

With their help, sorcerers and sorcerers of the whole world removed spoilage or allowed diseases. In the ancient Russian chronicles there is information about how the Magi, passing their palm through a person's hair, could tell about his fate.


Siberian sorcerers had the practice of removing the ancestral curse. For the ceremony, strands of hair were taken from three generations of one family, while its eldest representative had to be dying. When he died, the strands were woven into a pigtail, which was cut into small pieces, mixed with earth and blown away in the wind.

According to European beliefs, a wife's hair can affect the fate of a spouse - it is easy to damage it through them, so not a single hair should fall into the wrong hands.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus in his writings described in detail how to destroy cut hair so that evil priests could not use it in their rituals.

It was customary for the Slavs not to throw away the strands after cutting and combing - otherwise, according to legend, a bird could pick them up and make a nest, which will make the former owner of the hair have a severe headache. They should have been burned or tied to a young fruit tree - then the hair remaining on the head would grow well. And it was necessary to comb your hair only with your own comb, it was believed that someone else's comb would “mess up” the troubles of its owner.

Antennas for communication with space

What does modern science say about our hair? It has long been known that their chemical composition can tell almost everything about a person - about his heredity, lifestyle, habits and even favorite dishes. American biophysicist Terry Bara in 2007, using an X-ray study of hair, determined the diet of Eskimos frozen in ice 400 years ago.


And the study of Beethoven's hair brought a sensation: German researchers discovered a high concentration of lead in them, which may indicate the poisoning of the great composer.

The biblical character Samson's hair contained tremendous power. He was not defeated until his hair was secretly cut

In addition, hair is known to store information about a person's genetic code - with an accuracy of 99%.

But if hair contains information about the genetic code and the balance of chemicals in the body, then can't it reflect other traits of the human personality?

Many paranormal experts suggest that hair is a kind of antenna that connects us to the cosmic mind. They constantly receive and send a huge stream of information - and this process occurs automatically, without our conscious participation.

More than 120 thousand hairs grow on the head of the average person, but at the same time, each hair follicle is tuned to its own unique energy vibration. Hair affects the immune system and the functioning of the entire body.

It has long been proven that the elements of the human body (and hair is by no means an exception) are closely related. Back in the 1960s, French scientists discovered that the state of mind is reflected in the hair. In particular, depression dramatically reduces the firmness of hair, making it brittle.

The Swiss psychologist Maria Baumann identified an inverse relationship: the energy of the hair can affect the nervous system. According to her recommendations, to concentrate, you need to collect your hair in a bun at the back of your head. And to get rid of unnecessary anxiety, it is enough to braid a pigtail.

According to experts, the hair on the crown of the head is responsible for transmitting information, and on the back of the head - for receiving it from space. And when a person is in difficulty and unconsciously ruffles his hair, this is nothing more than an attempt to improve signal reception.

During pregnancy, women's hair performs a special function: each of them breaks the flow of cosmic energy in two - one part is intended for the woman herself, and the second for her child. This theory, by the way, is confirmed by the beliefs of almost all peoples - that pregnant women should not have their hair cut.

Tough brunettes and smart blondes

How, according to esotericists, does the mechanism for receiving signals from space work? Hair stands at the entrance to the vibrations entering the body. They are partially hollow inside - this helps to serve as resonators for the reception and transmission of cosmic signals.


The vibrations of the hair shaft are transmitted to the follicles, which are braided by the capillaries of the blood vessels - and the erythrocytes receive a certain rhythm, which is then transmitted to the body through the organs of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

All human hair is tuned in a certain way, an indicator of which is their natural color. Different colors determine a different ability to perceive cosmic vibrations - and ultimately affect a person's character. For example, red-haired people produce much less anti-stress hormones in their bodies, so they have an excessive temperament.

Brunettes are prone to melancholy and often hide self-doubt behind ostentatious toughness. Brown-haired, according to genetic scientists, is a type that has arisen as a result of mixing different peoples, they usually demonstrate high resistance to stress. And fair-haired people have an analytical mind, endurance and prudence.

Hair is not only of different colors, but also of a dissimilar structure: thick or thin, straight or curly. Thin hair makes it possible to receive a wider range of vibrations - and, accordingly, is an indicator of a more multifaceted connection between man and space.

Therefore, people with thin hair are often mistaken, but it is easier to recover from any trials. Curly hair has a great ability to receive interference, as a result of which their owners are distinguished by increased emotionality.

A natural question arises: how do bald people or those who regularly shave their heads receive signals from the Universe? Does this break their connection with space? Researchers are confident that the effect of pumping cosmic energy exists in these cases, albeit in a much smaller volume. It's just that the main function of its implementation is taken by hidden bulbs, and the resonance process occurs under the scalp.

Experiments have shown that if you shave a person's hair on the crown or back of the head, the body will begin to use its own reserves of vitality. Many physical and psychological characteristics (pressure, pulse, mood, performance, etc.) change in a person - and usually for the worse, because the supply of cosmic energy is limited.

Why do you need a haircut

Scientists have no doubt that hair is of great importance to humans. In particular, they have the ability to store information and stress energy. By doing a haircut, we get rid of unnecessary negative energy that interferes with normal life.

It is no coincidence that people who have had troubles in their lives are advised by psychologists to change their hairstyle and hair color. Even simple brushing activates the magical powers of the body. And if at this moment you think about your cherished desire, cosmic forces can connect to your dream, and it has much more chances to come true.