Colorado Springs - Alternative View

Colorado Springs - Alternative View
Colorado Springs - Alternative View

Video: Colorado Springs - Alternative View

Video: Colorado Springs - Alternative View
Video: Colorado Springs, Colorado | 4K drone footage 2024, June

Tesla made observations of thunderstorms and the accompanying changes in the potential of the Earth with the help of an installation specially designed by him. It was a transformer, one end of the primary winding of which was grounded, and the other, ending with a ball, was raised to a great height.

Since the ball's capacity depended on the height of its rise above the ground, the terminal on which it was fixed was made composite, allowing the height of the rise to be changed. In the secondary winding of this transformer, a highly sensitive self-adjusting device was included, connected to a recording device. Any change in the potential of the Earth caused current pulses in the turns of the primary winding, which created secondary currents in the secondary winding, which were noted by a recording device. Observation of these instruments showed that the potential of the Earth is constantly fluctuating. Tesla began to study these phenomena with interest, trying to find their explanation. These fluctuations were especially significant during thunderstorms and lightning strikes. Tesla's attention did not escape One very strange, at first glance,fact - the devices noted stronger fluctuations in the Earth's potential at distant discharges than at discharges occurring near them. How can we explain this oddity? It would seem that distant lightning discharges should have caused smaller fluctuations in the electrical potential of the Earth at the installation site of the equipment than closer ones. However, both Tesla and his assistants observed exactly the opposite - distant discharges at a certain moment caused stronger fluctuations in potential.

Tesla pondered this phenomenon for a long time. He recalled that while preparing for a lecture at the Franklin Institute and the National Association in St. Louis, he had an idea, which he then dismissed as incredible, about the possibility of using our planet itself to transmit electricity over long distances. This could be done only by creating standing waves in the Earth, causing them to appear by changing the potential of the Earth. Perhaps it was this phenomenon that he observed now here, in the "Colorado Sources"? Instinctively, Tesla felt that in the coming days he would find an explanation for the strange observations, and it would confirm his previous guesses.

Finally, during one of the thunderstorms, the solution was found. Tesla described this discovery as follows: “On the third of July - I will never forget this date - I received the first irrefutable experimental proof of the truth, which is of great importance for the progress of mankind. A dense mass of highly charged clouds accumulated in the west, and in the evening a terrible thunderstorm broke out. Having spent most of her rage in the mountains, she flew at incredible speed over the plains. Long lightning discharges occurred at almost regular intervals. My observations are now made easier and more accurate by the experience I have acquired. I have already learned to operate quickly with my instruments and prepared for observation. The recording devices were adjusted accordingly, and their readings became weaker as the distance to the thunderstorm increased,until they disappeared altogether. I watched with eager anticipation. As I thought, a little later the readings of the device reappeared, becoming stronger and stronger and, having passed through the maximum, gradually decreased and stopped again. The same thing was repeated many times at regular intervals, until the thunderstorm, which, according to simple calculations, was moving at an almost constant speed, had not moved away at a distance of about three hundred kilometers. However, even then these strange phenomena did not stop, but continued with a non-decreasing intensity. Subsequently, similar observations were made by my assistant Fritz Lowenstein, and soon the collected information made it possible to irrefutably establish the true nature of this miraculous phenomenon. There was no doubt about it - I saw standing waves. "full of passionate anticipation. As I thought, a little later the readings of the device appeared again, becoming stronger and stronger and, having passed through the maximum, gradually decreased and stopped again. The same thing was repeated many times at regular intervals, until the thunderstorm, which, according to simple calculations, was moving at an almost constant speed, had not moved away at a distance of about three hundred kilometers. However, even then these strange phenomena did not stop, but continued with non-decreasing intensity. Subsequently, similar observations were made by my assistant Fritz Lowenstein, and soon the collected information made it possible to irrefutably establish the true nature of this miraculous phenomenon. There was no doubt about it - I saw standing waves. "full of passionate anticipation. As I thought, a little later the readings of the device reappeared, becoming stronger and stronger and, having passed through the maximum, gradually decreased and stopped again. The same thing was repeated many times at regular intervals, until the thunderstorm, which, according to simple calculations, was moving at an almost constant speed, had not moved away at a distance of about three hundred kilometers. However, even then these strange phenomena did not stop, but continued with a non-decreasing intensity. Subsequently, similar observations were made by my assistant Fritz Lowenstein, and soon the collected information made it possible to irrefutably establish the true nature of this miraculous phenomenon. There was no doubt about it - I saw standing waves. "becoming stronger and stronger and, having passed through the maximum, they gradually subsided and again stopped. The same thing was repeated many times at regular intervals, until the thunderstorm, which, according to simple calculations, was moving at an almost constant speed, had not moved away at a distance of about three hundred kilometers. However, even then these strange phenomena did not stop, but continued with a non-decreasing intensity. Subsequently, similar observations were made by my assistant Fritz Lowenstein, and soon the collected information made it possible to irrefutably establish the true nature of this miraculous phenomenon. There was no doubt about it - I saw standing waves. "becoming stronger and stronger and, having passed through the maximum, gradually subsided and again stopped. The same thing was repeated many times at regular intervals, until the thunderstorm, which, according to simple calculations, was moving at an almost constant speed, had not moved away at a distance of about three hundred kilometers. However, even then these strange phenomena did not stop, but continued with non-decreasing intensity. Subsequently, similar observations were made by my assistant Fritz Lowenstein, and soon the collected information made it possible to irrefutably establish the true nature of this miraculous phenomenon. There was no doubt about it - I saw standing waves. "as follows from simple calculations, it moved with almost constant speed, did not retire to a distance of about three hundred kilometers. However, even then these strange phenomena did not stop, but continued with non-decreasing intensity. Subsequently, similar observations were made by my assistant Fritz Lowenstein, and soon the collected information made it possible to irrefutably establish the true nature of this miraculous phenomenon. There was no doubt about it - I saw standing waves. "as follows from simple calculations, it moved with almost constant speed, did not retire to a distance of about three hundred kilometers. However, even then these strange phenomena did not stop, but continued with non-decreasing intensity. Subsequently, similar observations were made by my assistant Fritz Lowenstein, and soon the collected information made it possible to irrefutably establish the true nature of this miraculous phenomenon. There was no doubt about it - I saw standing waves. "and soon the collected information made it possible to irrefutably establish the true nature of this miraculous phenomenon. There was no doubt about it - I saw standing waves. "and soon the collected information made it possible to irrefutably establish the true nature of this miraculous phenomenon. There was no doubt about it - I saw standing waves."

In a tall wooden laboratory building with a drop-down roof like that of astronomical observatories, an “amplifying transmitter” was mounted. It consisted of two coils: on a huge fence-like base were wound the turns of an extraordinary in size primary coil. The secondary coil of this "amplifying transmitter" was connected to a mast that rose 60 meters above the ground and ended in a copper ball 1 meter in diameter. The mast consisted of separate sections and could be lengthened or shortened. Due to the fact that the roof over the building was retractable, there were no objects around the secondary coil and mast at a considerable distance. All windings of these coils have been designed so thatthat by passing a current of several thousand volts through the primary coil and at a standard frequency of alternating current (60 periods per second), a very high voltage and high frequency current could be obtained in the secondary coil. When this coil was discharged to earth, the voltage reached several million volts at a frequency of up to 150 thousand periods per second. The laboratory equipment consisted not only of the described "amplifying transmitter", but also of many other devices, mainly induction coils with different winding characteristics. Once electricity was supplied from the Colorado Springs power plant to the laboratory through a special line, an unusually daring experiment could begin. When this coil was discharged to earth, the voltage reached several million volts at a frequency of up to 150 thousand periods per second. The laboratory equipment consisted not only of the described "amplifying transmitter", but also of many other devices, mainly induction coils with different winding characteristics. Once electricity was supplied from the Colorado Springs power plant to the laboratory through a special line, an unusually daring experiment could begin. When this coil was discharged to earth, the voltage reached several million volts at a frequency of up to 150 thousand periods per second. The laboratory equipment consisted not only of the described "amplifying transmitter", but also of many other devices, mainly induction coils with different winding characteristics. Once electricity was supplied from the Colorado Springs power plant to the laboratory through a special line, an unusually daring experiment could begin. Once electricity was supplied from the Colorado Springs power plant to the laboratory through a special line, an unusually daring experiment could begin. Once electricity was supplied from the Colorado Springs power plant to the laboratory through a special line, an unusually daring experiment could begin.

According to Tesla himself and one of his closest assistants, Koloman Chito, this experiment was carried out as follows. “When I give the signal, turn on the current for no more than one second,” said Tesla Chito, who was standing at the switchboard. The inventor himself positioned himself so that he could see both the switchboard and the top of the mast. - Let's start, - Tesla commanded. Chito turned on the disconnector and immediately turned it off. Many hair-like lightning bolts appeared on the secondary windings and at the top of the mast. - Great! Everything goes well. Once again, Tesla said, and Chito repeated the on and off. The phenomenon of discharges was repeated. “Now I want to look at the discharge through the top of the mast. I will stand outside. Chito, turn on the current and don't turn it off until I give a signal- with these words Tesla left the laboratory and soon ordered to turn on the current. When the disconnector was switched on again, there was a characteristic crackle of discharges, which soon assumed ominous proportions. The sounds grew louder and louder and resembled artillery cannonade. The laboratory building lit up with a bluish light, all the equipment emitted fiery needles, the characteristic smell of ozone spread. Continuous discharges created noise, complementing the rumble at the top of the mast. Chito, standing by the shield, saw sparks flying from his fingers, growing longer and longer. They pricked like needles, and Chito thought with excitement that he could not turn off the current when he heard Tesla's signal. The sounds grew louder and louder and resembled artillery cannonade. The laboratory building lit up with a bluish light, all the equipment emitted fiery needles, the characteristic smell of ozone spread. Continuous discharges created noise, complementing the rumble at the top of the mast. Chito, standing by the shield, saw sparks flying out of his fingers, growing longer and longer. They pricked like needles, and Chito thought with excitement that he could not turn off the current when he heard Tesla's signal. The sounds grew louder and louder and resembled artillery cannonade. The laboratory building lit up with a bluish light, all equipment emitted fiery needles, the characteristic smell of ozone spread. Continuous discharges created noise, complementing the rumble at the top of the mast. Chito, standing by the shield, saw sparks flying from his fingers, growing longer and longer. They pricked like needles, and Chito thought with excitement that he could not turn off the current when he heard Tesla's signal.that he will not be able to turn off the current when he hears Tesla's signal.that he will not be able to turn off the current when he hears Tesla's signal.

But there was no signal, and the roar was getting louder. Truly, Tesla's laboratory resembled Dante's hell! From the outside, the picture was even grander. Larger and larger sparks sprang out from the ball, fixed on the mast, which soon turned into blue and then blue threads. But then the threads gave way to fiery rods as thick as an arm, and finally lightning bolts less than 135 feet long appeared, and thunder was heard, which was heard, as eyewitnesses later said, at a distance of up to 15 miles. Tesla clapped his hands and rejoiced like a child: the entire course of the experiment confirmed his assumptions. A little more, one or two more minutes, and you can start observing standing waves. But suddenly it all stopped. There was a silence, like the silence that comes after a fierce artillery battle. - Chito, Chito, - Tesla shouted, - why did you do it? Rather turn it on again,I haven't given the signal yet. In response, Chito silently pointed to the instruments: the arrows of the ammeters and voltmeters were at zero. Tesla immediately realized that the line was off. - Chito, call the station soon. They broke the contract. They were not supposed to turn off the current without my order. A telephone call rang at the Colorado Springs power plant. - Why did you disconnect the line? We are not getting electricity. Turn on immediately. - Enable? Why, you burned the generator, - Chito heard an angry voice. - You will never get electricity again. This Tesla did not foresee. He calculated all his equipment for the currents required for the experiment, but the generator at the power plant was not protected from overload, and its winding burned out.that the line is off. - Chito, call the station soon. They broke the agreement. They were not supposed to turn off the current without my order. A telephone call rang at the Colorado Springs power plant. - Why did you disconnect the line? We are not getting electricity. Turn on immediately. - Enable? Why, you burned the generator, - Chito heard an angry voice. - You will never get electricity again. This Tesla did not foresee. He calculated all his equipment for the currents required for the experiment, but the generator at the power plant was not protected from overload, and its winding burned out.that the line is off. - Chito, call the station soon. They broke the agreement. They were not supposed to turn off the current without my order. A telephone call rang at the Colorado Springs power plant. - Why did you disconnect the line? We are not getting electricity. Switch on immediately. - Enable? Why, you burned the generator, - Chito heard an angry voice. - You will never get electricity again. This Tesla did not foresee. He calculated all his equipment for the currents required for the experiment, but the generator at the power plant was not protected from overload, and its winding burned out.- Enable? Why, you burned the generator, - Chito heard an angry voice. - You will never get electricity again. This Tesla did not foresee. He calculated all his equipment for the currents required for the experiment, but the generator at the power plant was not protected from overload, and its winding burned out.- Enable? Why, you burned the generator, - Chito heard an angry voice. - You will never get electricity again. This Tesla did not foresee. He calculated all his equipment for the currents required for the experiment, but the generator at the power plant was not protected from overload, and its winding burned out.

The station's administration refused to connect the line to another generator and said that in the future Tesla will receive electricity only from the burned-out generator when it is repaired. But this will happen, according to the chief engineer, not earlier than in a month. Tesla persuaded to allow him to manage the repair himself and really managed to organize the work so that the generator was repaired in a week. This time he himself calculated his winding for a short-circuit mode and provided protection. After ten days, the experiments were continued. As a result of the work, Tesla decided that there was a confirmation of the possibility of causing the phenomenon of electric resonance in the Earth and getting standing waves. He assumed that the propagation of the waves that arose in it came from the "Colorado Springs" in all directions, in ever expanding circles,reaching the surface of the earth. They then converged with an allegedly increasing intensity at a point diametrically opposite Colorado, somewhere near the French islands of New Amsterdam and St. Paul, between the southern tip of Africa and the southwestern corner of Australia. Returning back to the Colorado Springs, the echo of the wave was again amplified by the oscillator ("amplifying transmitter") and sent back to the antipodes, to the opposite point of the the opposite point of the the opposite point of the globe.

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