Sensitive People - Alternative View

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Sensitive People - Alternative View
Sensitive People - Alternative View

Video: Sensitive People - Alternative View

Video: Sensitive People - Alternative View
Video: I'm a highly sensitive person - and I'm happy! 2024, June

Their superpowers still defy explanation

The most unexplored thing on our planet is man. Its unusual properties, phenomenal abilities, often paranormal. One of the most common, yet completely incomprehensible abilities is the ability for sensitive perception.

Such people with supersensible perception are called sensitives. Their capabilities are amazingly diverse: some sensitives are able to "see" the magnetic field, others - to perceive someone else's pain as their own, others - to look into the past, fourth - to predict events that have not yet become reality …

If we analyze the myths of the peoples of the world, it turns out that prophets have always existed on Earth. In the myths of every nation, you can find stories about how the main character learns about the near or distant future.

But if the recognized prophets, whose names have been preserved by history, were considered God's chosen ones (no matter what religion they belonged to), then the attitude towards “ordinary” sensitives (they are also called psychics) at all times was ambiguous.

The explanation is quite simple. Imagine a priest who tries to convince his charges that foresight is a special gift of the gods, a reward for many years of service, the highest mercy.

And he is told that a man lives on the edge of the village who even goes to church once a year, for the main holiday, and does not perform any rituals, but everything he says comes true. The lost sheep end up exactly in the place that he indicated, if someone is seriously ill, he will immediately say whether the patient will live.

Few priests could boast of such accuracy of predictions, so they made every effort to make the sensitive serve them. And if he didn’t agree, they declared him actually “outlawed”. The Christian Church was especially intolerant of sensitives. Suffice it to recall the fires of the Inquisition …

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But nevertheless, in every city, in every large village, there was always at least one real sensitive clairvoyant. This means that sensitives are not at all such a rare phenomenon in human society, as was commonly believed.

Foresight usually concerns some important, key moments in the life of a person or his loved ones. But are there many similar moments? In historical documents, most of the mentions are made that a person predicted his death in advance.

So it was with the Grand Duke of Kiev Mstislav, with Yaroslav Galitsky. Many Christian saints foresaw their death. Why exactly death? Probably because death is the most significant event for a person. This is the threshold from which no one has yet returned.

One of the recognized experts in the study of the capabilities of sensitives is the famous American psychiatrist professor of Turkish origin Shafik Karagulla (1914-1986). For many years she has been collecting material about people whose ability to perceive their surroundings is amazing.

Here are just a few examples … Many have heard of the "sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce. He, plunging into a special state, could “examine” a patient who was several hundred kilometers away from him.

Dr. D. Kim was able to see the aura of his patients, in addition, attuned to the patient, he felt someone else's pain in his body, which helped him to make an accurate diagnosis. One might get the impression that all sensitives are doctors. But this is far from the case.

Karagulla described the story of the journalist Lysis, who suddenly became clairvoyant. As soon as she took up the pen, vivid pictures of what she was going to write about began to flash in front of her.

Once a journalist dreamed of a map of Greece with the Nazi flag waving over it. She described this image in her article, was arrested and thrown into prison. But her prediction soon became a reality.

Zeke, Ph. D. from the University of London, could also foresee future events. She first learned about her gift at the age of seven.

Then she "saw" how a neighbor's boy died under the wheels of a train. Mother, after hearing Zika's story, scolded her and told her never to write scary stories about people she knew again. But a day later, the boy really died - just as Ziki described.

Sensitives have repeatedly assisted the police in the search for missing people and criminals. Suffice it to mention the name of Gerard Croise, a famous Dutch clairvoyant.

The parents of the missing children have approached him more than once, and each time he gave exact instructions on where to look for the child, indicated the signs of the place and distance from home. Croizet unraveled many mysterious cases, but in the end he was killed by terrorists of the "red brigades".

Such cases did not give rest to scientists, because for a long time there was no theory that could explain the abilities of sensitives. If, in the case of diagnosing patients by the aura during direct contact, it was possible to write off the success of the sensitives on the special sensitivity of the receptors that register heat (the inflamed organ has a high temperature), then what about diagnostics at a distance?

In the last century, many experiments have been carried out that have convincingly proved that for sensitives, neither time nor distance to the object of study is of particular importance.

One of the most famous experiments of this kind took place in 1984 in Moscow, in the editorial office of the journal "Nature and Man". Seven sensitive diagnosticians in the presence of observers examined a resident of Vladivostok. They wrote down their impressions on sheets of paper, which they immediately sealed in envelopes.

The subject underwent a complete medical examination (before and after the experiment), the data were sent to Moscow by airmail. When the envelopes were opened, it turned out that the diagnoses of the sensitives not only coincided with each other and the results of the examination, but were much more accurate than the diagnoses of the doctors.

The subjects told about the diseases and injuries that this inhabitant of Vladivostok suffered a long time ago, and no visible traces of damage remained on his body. Only medical records and the story of the patient's parents helped restore the truth.

After the accumulated facts became impossible to ignore, scientists began to look for an explanation. At the end of the 80s of the last century, an interesting hypothesis was published in one of the interuniversity collections, shedding light on the origins of hypersensitivity.

Professor Boris Iskakov suggested that sensitives feel the "pre-signals" of events that diverge in space-time like circles from a stone thrown into the water.

Today, along with the weather forecast, almost all newspapers publish a list of favorable and unfavorable days. The fact is that, in comparison with previous eras of human life, the number of meteosensitive people has now sharply increased, who react to weather changes with a sharp deterioration in their well-being - headaches, weakness, surges in blood pressure.

Weather changes, in turn, are largely dependent on solar activity. When the activity of the Sun increases sharply, a gust of solar wind rushes to the Earth and reaches it in two or three days. And now the most interesting thing: the "gust" of the solar wind is preceded by pre-signals - fluxes of photons and neutrinos.

They reach our planet in just eight minutes! They are captured by the organisms of meteopaths and begin to prepare in advance for the coming cataclysms. It is interesting that Alexander Chizhevsky established that the premonitions of meteopaths are confirmed by the readings of special instruments.

But back to the sensitive predictors. It is likely that they also pick up the pre-signals of events. But since there is a signal, then there must be some kind of medium for its transmission? Since ancient times, philosophers and mystics have talked about the existence of various levels of matter. Objects of the visible world and our own bodies are created from the densest.

More "subtle", rarefied matter permeates the entire universe. It is it that contains information about all the events that have occurred, are occurring and have not yet occurred.

For a long time, this point of view was considered something speculative, as well as the idea of the existence of ether - a kind of "fifth element", along with water, air, earth and fire, participating in the creation of the world.

Modern physicists are no longer so critical. Although, of course, not all - orthodox scientists continue to close their eyes to what they cannot yet explain, and declare everything inexplicable as false science or charlatanism.

However, more progressive-minded scientists have already practically succeeded in proving the existence of the world lepton gas (MLG), which permeates all bodies in the Universe and fills the "void".

It consists of ultra-light microparticles - electrons, positrons, muons, taons … Judging by the results of experiments, this list is far from complete. Already now we can talk about a hundred varieties of particles, most of which are so small that they can freely permeate all objects of the material world.

It is quite possible that the world lepton gas is the very carrier of the pre-signals that the sensitives catch. But then why not all people have the ability to foresee events? After all, the nervous system is approximately the same for everyone. The first reason is information noise.

A modern person lives in the rhythms of a big city, he simply does not have time to listen to weak sensations. In addition, our consciousness works selectively: we pay attention to the details of the surrounding world that interest us, and those that are not important to us, we simply do not notice. Plus the inertia of thinking: "This cannot be, because it can never be."

The next postulate to be taken into account is the theory of the multidimensionality of the Universe. We regard time as a stream that continuously moves from the past to the future through the present. The language even appeared expressions - "river of time", "time flows." But let's do a little experiment.

We live in a coordinate system of four dimensions (three - spatial, plus time, which we do not know how to control). An ordinary person is unable to imagine a more complex system - it contradicts all his life experience. But a simpler one - as much as you like.

If we look at the geographical map on which the route of the expedition is plotted, then everything will open before us at once: the beginning and end of the journey, the dates and even the names of the leaders (if the map is provided with explanations).

But if we assume that there, on the plane, the expedition has just begun to move, then at any given moment its participants are at a certain point. They don't know what will happen tomorrow or in a year.

From the point of view of those who live on the plane, we are omniscient and omnipotent gods. But for higher dimensions, our world is about the same as for us - a plane or a straight line.

If you look from such a world to ours, it turns out that all events occur simultaneously, or rather, the very concept of time in our understanding simply does not exist. This means that the pre-signals of various events are literally always and everywhere - you just need to be able to hear them.

Perhaps in the distant future, all humans will develop abilities that we today regard as supernatural. And with a feeling of deep surprise they will read about the era when only a few were sensitive. In the meantime, we can only wonder at the abilities of those who have already won the victory over space and time.

Based on materials from