The Problem Of The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View

The Problem Of The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View
The Problem Of The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Problem Of The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Problem Of The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View
Video: LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (4K) 2024, July

One of the most controversial topics of our time is encounters with aliens. Some people unquestioningly believe that such meetings took place, others refer to such a possibility with a certain degree of sarcasm.

It is quite possible that the news that Indian archaeological scientists intend to seek help from NASA for a joint study of rock carvings depicting alleged aliens discovered in the Charam area, may suffer the same fate.


The age of these drawings is tentatively estimated at ten thousand years. They depict figures in specific suits resembling spacesuits, and next to them are incomprehensible devices on three legs. According to local residents, ancient legends tell that these people descended from heaven and took with them several villagers whom no one else saw.

Skeptics in response say that there was no contact with aliens, and all the drawings depicting aliens are in fact ritual costumes that existed at a certain stage in the development of human civilization.

At the same time, scientists who are seriously studying possible contacts of aliens with earthlings argue that this issue should not be taken so lightly.

First of all, because so far there is no reason to deny the existence of an alien civilization. In addition, many scientists believe in the existence of other worlds. This raises a logical question: if aliens exist, then could they in ancient times, and whether they can now come into contact with people.

So far, there is no evidence of paleocontacts, but at the same time, there are facts that are extremely difficult to explain. It remains only to understand whether these facts are proof of the existence of alien life or is it just the limitlessness of human fantasy.

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However, not only Western scientists believe in the existence of aliens and in contact with them. One of the founders of the theory of paleocontacts is the Soviet science fiction writer A. Kazantsev, who suggested that the Tunguska meteorite is in fact an alien spaceship that crashed. But back to the pictures. The images found in India are far from the only ones, there are a lot of them all over the world.


It is quite obvious that until scientists find a real alien in a spacesuit, or until humanity witnesses the arrival of aliens, the debate about whether these pictures are real or not will continue. But why would an alien need a spacesuit? Perhaps in order not to infect earthlings with some of their diseases or not to get infected from people themselves.

It has long been known that when people from different continents come into contact, they can catch dangerous diseases. And in the conditions of complete isolation of civilization, any virus can turn out to be deadly.

If we take for granted such an idea of extraterrestrial life, it turns out that aliens are the same physical beings as humans, and their genetic apparatus is built on a principle similar to that of humans. But at the same time, there is another hypothesis - that there are completely different forms of life in the Universe - ammonia or organosilicon.

The first of them, even in Antarctica, would be too hot, and the second - and it would be cool in the oven. That is why for such alien aliens a spacesuit was a vital necessity when flying to our planet. There is also a theory that the whole point is not at all in biology, but in psychology, about which aliens from other planets should have an idea.

More specifically, people are frightened by those images that are similar to them, but somewhat different, since it is not known how to establish contact with such a creature, and in general, whether it will work out. This theory explains why the aliens in the pictures have matte helmets - the aliens simply did not want to show people their faces. According to another hypothesis, aliens see in a different electromagnetic range, the radiation of which is opaque to visible light.

For example, if aliens live on a dark planet that revolves around Mars, then their eyes see only in the infrared range. Then it can be assumed that the helmets of the aliens were with one-way light transmission.

This was pure fantasy a century ago, but now people have also learned how to make such glasses. Thus, theories mostly agree that from a biological point of view, aliens are very similar to humans: they have a head, two arms, two legs, but their face and vision are different.


But then it turns out that aliens are not very much ahead of humans in technological development, and this completely denies the assumption of the high development of alien civilizations. It should also be noted that alien transport is also depicted in a strange way on the rock carvings. Ancient legends say that aliens descended from heaven on fiery chariots, poles and other means of transportation powered by jet engines.

But it is known that such transport is inconvenient, uneconomical and certainly not suitable for interplanetary flights. Of course, from the point of view of an ancient man, such vehicles could be the pinnacle of technology, but in the modern world everyone knows that it is far from the top. Thus, it is possible for the wave that there are no aliens in the drawings.

But what really arouses great interest and is shrouded in mystery - these are the reports about "flying saucers" that are received today: people see objects in the sky that instantly slow down and accelerate, change the direction of movement at an acute angle, completely refuting the law physics.

If there were living beings in these objects, they would, roughly speaking, simply "smeared on the walls." In addition, from time to time publications appear in the media about strange light rays that move not only people, but also things and cars. It remains unclear who needs such illuminations and why. Light is necessary to see, but even people already have a technique that does not require illumination.

So it turns out that the aliens, on the one hand, are doing everything possible to remain unnoticed, but at the same time, they are doing a lot so that people pay attention to them. Somehow not enough logic turns out. If aliens have already reached such a level of technological development that they refute most of the physical laws, then why do they demonstrate their presence?

With such high technologies, it would not have been difficult for them to achieve invisibility, or at worst create biomechanical robots that cannot be distinguished from humans. It is also important that people have finally realized the complexity of long-distance flights in space, and even to the nearest planets. People still use chemical rockets, and no changes are expected in the near future.


For flights within the solar system, plasma, ion and atomic engines are needed, but you cannot fly to the stars on them, something revolutionary new is needed. Not so long ago, the idea of a so-called warp engine appeared, which is able to crush the space around it. Thus, with a relatively low speed, you can quickly move from one star to another.

Such a ship will not violate the laws of physics. Theoretically, it can be created, although at present there are many questions and problems in this area. At the same time, this idea may well be feasible during our century. From the point of view of biology, in such a short period of time, people will not be able to radically change, so no new breakthroughs in robotics and communication may occur.

Then people will be able to go to alien civilizations in the same outfit as depicted in the rock carvings. In this regard, some scientists argue that there were no aliens at all, just people managed to collapse the space-time continuum and flew to themselves. There is also another hypothesis - about the existence of multiple Universes adjacent to each other, or located in each other.

Then it turns out that the aliens are just neighbors of earthlings from another space, visiting by mistake or for specific purposes. All this points to the fact that our ancestors had a hard time predicting technological breakthroughs.

Stanislav Lemma's pilot Pirks got into an atomic rocket, as if into a car, while the Strugatskys' conquerors of the Universe traveled on photon rockets. But not a single science fiction writer has been able to predict our real future - the Internet, mobile networks and almost complete space helplessness.

Technical civilization has taken a different path of development, and no one is able to predict what will happen next. The numerous artifacts found by archaeologists can be viewed from the same point of view.

And even despite the fact that they do not at all prove contacts between aliens and people, they still allow us to conclude that the development of human civilization was marked not only by amazing technical breakthroughs and insights, but also by regression, failures and failures.