Is There A Moment Between The Past And The Future? - Alternative View

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Is There A Moment Between The Past And The Future? - Alternative View
Is There A Moment Between The Past And The Future? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A Moment Between The Past And The Future? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A Moment Between The Past And The Future? - Alternative View
Video: Это Blizzard Entertainment 2024, July

The well-known Moscow writer Vladimir Gilyarovsky in 1889, accidentally finding himself at a police station, witnessed the interrogation of a person brought there. The man was wearing strange, smoky clothes, while he claimed that he had got out of a burning carriage, which was on some kind of underground railway, supposedly passing under all of Moscow. Apparently, the poor fellow really became a victim of a fire, decided Uncle Gilyay (Gilyarovsky's literary pseudonym), but he was damaged by his mind, because he was sure that it was 2004.

Man from underground

For more than 110 years, many have read the above episode from Gilyarovsky and, most likely, shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment … until February 6, 2004 struck. Terrorist attack in the underground tunnel! A train was blown up near the Avtozavodskaya station. The tragedy claimed the lives of 40 people and another 134 passengers were injured.

So, one of the passengers was missing. It is possible that it was he who was instantly transported 115 years ago! Where fate brought him to the legendary uncle Gilyay. But, apparently, Gilyarovsky reacted to the story of our contemporary, like all normal people, and did not write down in more detail the “nonsense” of a strange person. It's a pity!

What happened to the unknown further, one can only guess. Most likely, he ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Later, perhaps, he resigned himself to his fate, if, of course, he really did not go crazy. Although he had a way out of this situation. Having got out from under the ground, he naturally saw another Moscow, people dressed in old clothes. After assessing the situation, he should immediately try to return. He had to hurry, since the opening time-space portal could close at any moment. Which is probably what happened …

A river that flows only one way

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I must say that such a case is far from the only one. Thousands of people disappear without a trace in our country. Some of them may well fall into the past or the future. The famous astrophysicist N. A. Kozyrev convincingly proved that the past, present and future exist at one point at the same time. There is such a conventional concept - the river of time. Each person on this river has his own point of coordinates. One may be in the past, the other in the future. But if we talk about the present, then upon close examination, alas, it does not exist. The future immediately flows into the past.

When one of the involuntary chronotravellers of the 18th century found himself in the distant future, they explained to him that he had fallen into a "crack" of time, and was soon returned back. But, apparently, the reverse transfer, which he perceived as instant, actually turned out to be much longer. His contemporaries have already “sailed away” 22 years ahead! And he turned out to be younger than his daughter.

Can you create a "time patrol"?

But if we return to that “lucky man” who managed to see the living legend of old Moscow, Uncle Gilyai, then already at the moment of the birth of this chronaut in our time, somewhere in one of the Moscow cemeteries there was his abandoned grave. Don't believe me? Let's continue then.

During excavations in Pompeii, under a layer of ash, a fossilized corpse of a man with a modern clock on his hand was discovered. How can this phenomenon be explained? The paradox of time! True, this paradox itself, alas, cannot yet be explained. But if a spontaneous transfer to the past and the future really exists, then the time machine will still be able to be created! And then a "time patrol" will appear, with the help of which the unfortunate chronauts can inevitably be returned home …

Mikhail Rechkin. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 24 2009
