"Bad" Hospital In Khovrino - Alternative View

"Bad" Hospital In Khovrino - Alternative View
"Bad" Hospital In Khovrino - Alternative View

Video: "Bad" Hospital In Khovrino - Alternative View

Video: Больница смерти. Ховринка / The hospital of death. Hovrinka 2024, September

The main attraction of the Moscow city district of Khovrino is an abandoned hospital building built in the 1980s. Today, this place, like a magnet, attracts informals of all stripes and is surrounded by a huge number of mystical legends.

They say that there are ghosts, and people and animals also disappear. Some of them are later found dead.

According to one of the versions, a hospital was being built on the site of the cemetery at the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign", which was liquidated in 1960. Another version says that the construction was carried out on the site of a drained swamp. At first, as if a bomb shelter was built there, and already on top of it they began to erect a hospital - a pompous medical complex with several access roads for ambulances and its own morgue, crematorium and helipad.


Construction went according to plan, it only remained to complete the interior decoration, but in 1985 the work was stopped. The fact is that the building began to go underground. Some blamed the swamp for this, some - the Likhoborka river flowing underground, and some - "quicksand".

One way or another, sediment and cracks arose, and the construction was frozen. Although some believe that there was simply not enough money to complete the work … At first the facility was guarded by the military, but a year later it remained abandoned. After that, the construction was tried several times to resume, but the attempts were unsuccessful.


The unfinished building is a 10-storey structure with a three-level roof and four-level basements (the lower levels are partially flooded). The ground part looks like a triangular cross with branching at the ends.

They say that the once abandoned unfinished building was chosen by the sect of Satanists Nemostor as its residence. Satanists allegedly practiced human sacrifice. Anyway, there was a time when people began to disappear in Khovrin, especially children and local homeless people, as well as dogs … buildings - first and second.


Once the police and riot police staged a raid on the Satanists of Nemostor, who were suspected of murders. They refused to give up. According to one of the versions, the sectarians were driven into the basement and executed there, and the basement was then flooded. According to the second version, no one shot anyone, the Nemostorovites were simply squeezed in a tunnel between two buildings and blew it up from both ends, which again flooded the tunnel … The corpses are probably still there. And the man who showed the authorities how to get into the tunnel disappeared somewhere.

Promotional video:


For a while, only homeless people lived in the building, then Satanists appeared again, but already another sect - "Black Cross" … They say that Satanists gather in "Khovrinka" to this day. They chose for themselves a room on the fifth floor in the very center of the main building. There are no windows or doors, but you can get there by pushing back the wall … After sunset, the sectarians hold black masses. But already without human casualties …


In one of the basement rooms, the walls are covered with satanic and Gothic texts and symbols. There seems to be a ghost. And maybe not even one … Eyewitnesses have repeatedly told that with the onset of darkness strange cone-shaped silhouettes begin to move around the building, mysterious sounds are heard, similar to children's screams and crying …


The fact is that here, according to stories, many people died. And not only victims of satanic rituals. The building has a huge number of gaps and holes … And there are people who specially set up "traps" for strangers. The holes are covered with iron sheets, and below there is a forest of metal rods …


In general, there are many dangerous places in the building. Experienced "stalkers" know about them, and inexperienced daredevils often have accidents. Suicides were also committed here. Once 16-year-old Aleksey Krayushkin, nicknamed Kray, voluntarily jumped into the elevator shaft from the eighth floor because of unhappy love. Flowers and cigarettes are brought here in memory of him … It is believed that his spirit is found in "Khovrinka".


Now representatives of other informal organizations hang out in "Khovrinka" - goths, punks, emo, skinheads, national socialists … According to unverified reports, training sessions of the NSO, the Ministry of Emergencies and industrial climbers, as well as shooting trainings took place here. Although the building is fenced in and guarded, informals continue to infiltrate it. Even groups of extreme tourists who want to experience the thrill under the guidance of stalkers for money are organized …

At one time there were rumors about the demolition of "KhZB". However, according to the latest information, the building, together with the land, was put up for auction.


Hospital on the map:
