Walking Conductors - Alternative View

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Walking Conductors - Alternative View
Walking Conductors - Alternative View

Video: Walking Conductors - Alternative View

Video: Walking Conductors - Alternative View
Video: R.E.M. - Drive (Official Music Video) 2024, July

Few people fully understand how electricity works. It is known for sure that without him most of the benefits of modern civilization would not exist, and you also need to be on your guard with him. The threat of electric shock in everyday life is not so high, but nevertheless, it would be great not to shy away from bare wires, or even let lightning out of your hands! But this is just the case when desires should be feared …


Electricity plays one of the most important roles in biological organisms. At the cellular level, constant biochemical processes take place, as a result of which a current is produced. Signals between cells, including in the brain, are transmitted either chemically or electrically, although the chemical version is more widespread. Let's take more pronounced examples - electrical organs in some fish, and evolutionarily not related to each other. Electric rays, electric eels, electric catfish and many others effectively use electric shocks for orientation in space, self-defense and hunting. Large fish are capable of accumulating a charge of such strength that it can be fatal to humans. But what about our own electricity?

Of course, people do not have any electrical organs, but given the same biochemical processes, each person is also, in fact, a miniature power plant. A very weak and inefficient power plant. If we sum up all the electrical processes in a single human body, there is only enough energy to recharge a mobile phone. Such devices already exist as experimental prototypes. That is why the image of the evil machines from "The Matrix" that turned humanity into a set of batteries looks incredible. But this concerns the norm, and we are interested in exceptions.


Here is a man from the hinterland of China, Ma Xiangang, calmly picking up bare wires under a voltage of 220 volts without the slightest consequences. Once charged, he can make an incandescent light bulb work, as well as carry out a kind of "electric massage" for everyone. It was even studied - and found that the unusual skin structure on Ma's hands acts as protection, like a built-in pair of rubber gloves. But this does not explain the ability to store and release electricity at will. Another example from China is the girl Liu Yong, who generates discharges of up to 100 volts when touched. Her ability is more amazing, but does not bring the slightest benefit, but only interferes in her personal life.

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Similar problems were found on the other side of the world - in the United States. A certain Miss Sheuse does not like to go to electronics stores, as the equipment under her hands instantly "burns out". She has dozens of irons, microwaves, kettles and TVs on her account, and in the apartment there is not a single object more complicated than a bicycle. In Great Britain, her sister lives in misfortune - a certain Nicky Hyde-Pally, who received a similar curse after surviving a lightning strike. Unfortunately, Niki not only destroyed electrical appliances, but also unknowingly shocked people, including her own husband. In the end, she was left alone and was forced to lead a secluded life.

In the rarest of cases, the "living guides" managed to make money on their unusualness. For example, Slavisha Paikich, an American of Serbian origin, can withstand discharges of thousands of volts without much harm and is actively speaking on television. Or the Hindu Rajmohan Nair, who applies bare wires to his tongue and thus powers the light bulb around his neck. He even has a "story of origin" as a real superhero - when Rajmohan, at the age of a family, lost his mother, he tried to commit suicide by climbing onto a power tower. But the discharge of current from bare wires did not harm the boy, and since then he has been performing in public, shocking the audience with his innate immunity to electricity. However, only a few manage to adapt in this way.


"Electric people" do not have any common name or known background, unlike, say, telepaths. They do not unite in movements and do not arrange congresses - there are too few of them. These are extremely rare loners, often deeply unhappy because of their abilities, trying to appear in public as little as possible. Sometimes they are examined by doctors and scientists, but without much success - each individual case is too complicated and almost unrelated to others. Moreover, the emergence of "electric people" was recorded for a long time - for about two centuries. One of the first to try this phenomenon was the famous French physicist of the 19th century Francois Arago. He had heard of a certain Parisian, Angelica Cohen, moving furniture with the touch of her hand. Due to the powerful electric currents passing through the body, the girl sometimes fought in convulsions, but the seizure passed,as soon as she touched a tree or running water. Arago's knowledge was not enough to solve the mystery of Mademoiselle Cohen, and he was forced to leave research. Half a century later, in 1869, in France, a child was born, emitting powerful static discharges. From the electric baby, first of all, his own mother suffered, and then everyone who dared to take him in their arms. They said that next to the baby there was a distinct smell of ozone, and the toys not far from his fingers moved by themselves. Alas, the child died at the age of eight months. From the electric baby, first of all, his own mother suffered, and then everyone who dared to take him in their arms. They said that next to the baby there was a distinct smell of ozone, and the toys not far from his fingers moved by themselves. Alas, the child died at the age of eight months. From the electric baby, first of all, his own mother suffered, and then everyone who dared to take him in their arms. They said that next to the baby there was a distinct smell of ozone, and the toys not far from his fingers moved by themselves. Alas, the child died at the age of eight months.


From all this, a sad conclusion can be drawn: the possession of "electrical forces" is rather a disadvantage than an advantage. Perhaps there are many more "electric people" among us than it seems, but many of them will never know about their uniqueness. Indeed, how many times in our life can we encounter an open current? Ideally, none. The main thing is that for some reason the body itself does not begin to generate electricity, like an eel or a stingray, then write was gone - you cannot use the technique, you cannot touch people …

However, there is one more little-studied feature of the human body, in which "built-in" electricity could be beneficial. In 2009, in a hospital in the United States, an experiment was conducted on nine dying patients who could no longer be saved. After death, each of them had a real explosion of electrical impulses in their brains, impossible for any living person. The phenomenon was dubbed "the wave of death" and it was assumed that after it it was no longer possible to save a person. But another study showed that the "death wave" in extremely rare cases can start the heart and resuscitate a dying person, even when external defibrillation is ineffective. Perhaps these cases were related to the "electric people", unconsciously generating such "resurrecting" current discharges. It's impossible to know for sureat least for now, but research continues … Indeed, electricity and the human body are phenomena full of mysteries.

Maxim Filaretov