Riddles That Defy Explanation - Alternative View

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Riddles That Defy Explanation - Alternative View
Riddles That Defy Explanation - Alternative View

Video: Riddles That Defy Explanation - Alternative View

Video: Riddles That Defy Explanation - Alternative View
Video: 5 Logical Riddles That Will Break Your Head 2024, July

What is it about riddles that piques our curiosity? They entertain our senses and stimulate the imagination. Fortunately, history has bizarre cases in store for us.

Ice woman

Nature sometimes goes beyond the normal, but the worst thing is when it happens to people. It was a very cold morning in Langby, Minnesota, when a man found his 19-year-old neighbor, Jean Hilliard, lying in the snow. Her entire body was frozen. Apparently Jean was trying to get to a neighbor to ask for help after her car pulled off the road. When she was found, she was immediately sent to a local hospital, where her condition amazed all the doctors. Her body was like it was made of ice. Jean was severely frostbitten and none of her limbs moved or flexed. The doctors did their best, but the situation remained critical. Even if Jean had come, she would have had serious brain damage and her legs would have had to be amputated. Her family hoped for a miracle. 2 hours later, the patient started having convulsions and came to her senses. Jin felt good physically and mentally. Even frostbite, to the surprise of the doctors, slowly disappeared from her feet. She checked out 49 days later without losing a single finger.


Iron Column in Delhi

Iron, the king of all metals, is used in almost everything from the foundations of a house to a bicycle chain. Unfortunately, iron cannot escape its fate, slowly turning into rust. Besides this phenomenal structure: the Iron Column from Delhi. At 7 meters high and weighing over 6 tons, this iron giant has been able to withstand corrosion for 1600 years! How did something made of 98% iron last so long? Scientists have found the answer to this question, but how the ancient blacksmiths discovered this fact so many years ago still surprises archaeologists.

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Carroll A. Deering

50 years after the mysterious disappearance of the crew of the ship Maria Celeste, a similar event occurred when the schooner Carroll A. Deering was discovered off the coast of North Carolina on January 31, 1921. When the rescue ships finally reached the ship, they saw, to their horror, that there was no crew on board. Although they noticed that food had been prepared the next day, nothing else was found to indicate the presence of a team. No personal belongings, no logbook, no traces, just like in the case of Maria Celeste. Theories have been put forward about the paranormal, due to the fact that the ship was in the Bermuda Triangle. Others thought it was the work of pirates or Russians.


Hutchison effect

The Hutchison Effect refers to a series of eerie phenomena that occurred when inventor John Hutchison attempted to recreate several of Nicolas Tesla's experiments. Some cases include levitation, fusion of different textures (wood and metal) and the disappearance of small objects. Even stranger, after his experiment, Hutchison was unable to repeat it with the same result. This experiment became so popular that it even piqued the interest of NASA and the military, but they could not succeed either.


Belmes faces

Does it seem to me, or does this spot on the wall look like a person looking at you? This is one of the Belmes faces who were in the Pereira family home. For 20 years, these faces have been reminiscent of men and women. They appear each time with a different facial expression. The strange thing is that faces stay in the house only for a short time, and then they disappear. Research has been done on what causes this effect. During one of them, a human body was dug out from under the house, but faces continued to appear. No answer was found.


Disappearing lake

In May 2007, a lake in Patagonia, Chile, literally disappeared, leaving behind a 30-meter pit, icy mountains and dry land. It was not some kind of small lake. The lake was 5 miles long! When geologists last examined the lake in March 2007, they found nothing strange. However, something happened during these 2 months that not only made the lake disappear, but also turned the river flowing from it into a small stream. Geologists wonder how such a large lake just disappeared. This could have happened due to an earthquake, although no tremors were observed in this region. Ufologists claim that this spaceship dried up the lake. This puzzle was never solved.


Viscous rain

On August 7, 1994, a surprise awaited the residents of Oakville, Washington. Instead of the usual rain, people saw jelly falling from the sky. When that rain passed, almost everyone developed severe flu-like symptoms that lasted from 7 weeks to 3 months. Finally, after the mother of one of the residents of the city fell ill, having touched the substance, he sent a sample of it for research. The results shocked all scientists. The drops contained human white blood cells. The substance was then brought to the State Department of Health in Washington for further testing. Here they found that the gelatinous drops contain two types of bacteria, one of which is also present in the human digestive system. However, no one was able to identify this substance, and how it was associated with the mysterious disease that gripped the city.


Black helicopter

On May 7, 1994, in Harahan, Louisiana, a black helicopter chased a teenager for 45 minutes. The frightened child explained that people had come down from the helicopter and pointed weapons at him. Until now, the boy does not know why he was persecuted and why they later released him. A week later, a similar thing happened to people driving past Washington. Unable to escape, they saw men in black uniforms with weapons descending a rope ladder. However, the travelers, to their dismay, were released. Black helicopters have been featured in UFO reports, and while there is a simple explanation for some of the appearances, others (see above) remain unresolved.


Animals in stone f

There are several documented cases when frogs, toads and other small animals were found alive in a solid stone. The strange thing is that people have found animals not only in natural formations, such as stone or trees, but also in artificial ones. In 1976, Texas workers found a live green turtle in concrete, in an air bag shaped like this small reptile. If somehow she got there a year ago when the concrete was poured, then how could the turtle survive that long? After all, there were no holes or cracks in the concrete for a turtle to crawl through.


Donnie Decker

He was nicknamed the Rain Boy in 1983. Donnie was visiting a friend of his when he suddenly went into a trance. Immediately water flowed from the ceiling and fog filled the room. His friends called the owner, who was worried about what he saw. Some time later, Donnie was sitting in a restaurant with his buddies when the rain started pouring down on their heads. The owner of the restaurant immediately kicked him out into the street. Years later, due to a minor offense, Donnie went to jail, where he too caused havoc when it rained right in his cell. After complaints from inmates, Donnie explained that he can make it rain at will, and immediately demonstrated this by pouring water on the jailer on duty. Finally, he was released and found a job as a cook at a local restaurant. Donnie's real whereabouts are unknown, as is the reason for the mysterious rain.