The Funeral Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" - Alternative View

The Funeral Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" - Alternative View
The Funeral Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" - Alternative View

Video: The Funeral Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" - Alternative View

Video: The Funeral Of The
Video: Yuri Seleznev against alternative history // Science against 2024, July

To understand the events of the past of our country, to understand whether there was a "vocation of the Varangians", the conquest of Rus by hordes from the East, "predetermining the economic backwardness of Russia", one should refer to sources - letters, annals, decrees, diplomatic correspondence, graphic sources. So, what constituted, for example, the Tatar-Mongol yoke (TMI), can be seen from the letters - legal documents drawn up by a third party, confirmed by witnesses, according to which the ruling class built the life of the state.

Fig. 1
Fig. 1

Fig. 1.

In the Treaty of the Grand Duke (V. K.) Dmitry Ivanovich with Prince (K.) Vladimir Andreech, 1362, No. 7, we read:

1. "And what are our Ordians and Deeni, and so know their service, as it was with our fathers" [Ancient Russian vivlifika. T. 1 / Ed. N. Novikov. Ed. 2. - M. Printing company, 1788. - S. 75-76].

The legal status of the Horde people is clear: they are hired servicemen, moreover, from ancient times, as it was "with the father", that is, it has always been. There was no conquest of Russia with 2 million population by 2 cavalry tumens ("tumen" - from "darkness"). "With the father" - with the distant ancestors, because it is not written "with the father." The princes were brought up based on the authority of the Holy Scriptures. According to the Scriptures, Christ is the “Son of David,” that is, a descendant of King David. Therefore, “fathers” are ancestors, ancestors.

There was no ruin of many cities of Russia "filthy", since many of these cities were already by the 30s. 14th century by about. x. ruined during the strife, which can be read in the Russian chronicles.

2. “And the Ordin’s burden and protor give me, my elder brother, from my inheritance according to ancient compilation” [Ibid, - pp. 76-77].

"Orda burden" - a tax on the maintenance of the army, which was sometimes called a tribute, quitrent. There can be no talk about indemnity to the conquerors, about payment to medieval "racketeers". I admit the possibility that some of the Horde commanders would like to see indemnity in the taxes on the maintenance of the troops, but this was suppressed, as is evident from the events caused by the boundless pride and greed of Edigei. The Horde commanders in the charters are called princes, not khans …

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In the contractual letter of V. K. Vasily Dmitrievich with K. Vladimir Andreevich, 1390, No. 15 it is written:

3. “But God will change the Lord to the Horde, and pay me a tribute from his inheritance to your own … But if your son is all on a horse, then I will take him on a horse” [Ibid, - pp. 118-119].

Thus, there were times when Russia did not have a regular army, a horde in the service, since the country did not need a horde for some period of time. Sometimes the princes had to gather their own squads and set off on a campaign led by the Grand Duke - "get on a horse."

4. In the contractual letter of V. K. Vasily Dmitrievich with the princes, 1402, No. 17 it is written:

"… and the Qi will be changed by the God of the Tatars (if the Horde separates from us), and that place is for me, Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich. But what your father, Prince Oleg Ivanovich, took away, Tatar and Mordovian places, and that is what you have" [Ibid, S. 126]. Thus, the "horde" often wanted to separate itself from the prince, whom it served, but, as we remember, the contract was drawn up by a third party and in front of witnesses … It is not surprising to note that the Tatars were simply taken away "places".

The events that N. Karamzin mentions in the "History of the Russian State" also suggests that there was no Mongol-Tatar yoke, because even before the Kulikovo victory there were only permanent raids of Russian "ushkuiniks" on the settlements of the Volga region and Western Siberia: in 1361 they descend down the Volga to the very nest of the Tatars, to their capital Saraichik, and in 1364-65, under the leadership of the young Whatman Alexander Obakumovich, they make their way beyond the Ural ridge and walk along the Ob River to the sea. [Cm. Quoted from: Savelyev E. P. Ancient history of the Cossacks. T.2. - Novocherkassk, 1915. - Reprint: Vladikavkaz, "Spas", 1991. - P. 199. See also Skrynnikov, 1986, P. 82].

In some "gramata" came across the estates of the tsars and princes of the Tartars in the Moscow land: Koshera, Dmitrov.

It is clear that these cities and lands "Tatars" - tsars, princes, khans - received for the service of the Moscow V. K., and then the Tsar.

I came across in several letters a mention of the tsarist label on Dimitrov, which was received by V. K. Moskovsky. It would seem that here it is - proof of the existence of the terrible Mongol yoke! How did you get it? Let's figure it out.

It is noteworthy that not to Moscow, which was the patrimony of V. K., but to one of the cities near Moscow, which, apparently, was the "place" of the Tatar king, from which he received income for his service, but which, being outside the city (in the Horde, of course), COULD NOT DIRECTLY CONTROL the city and the land, and handed over the label - POWER OF ATTORNEY to manage the city of V. K. T.

In the subsequent "gramata" contractual Dmitrov is already mentioned as the patrimony of VK Moskovsky, but also with the mention of "from the tsar."

Many treaty letters mention the right of VK Moskovsky "to give access to the Horde." Horde refers to a regular army. Often we are talking about the release of VK Moskovsky's subjects to serve in the Horde (simply to the troops …), about the assignment for service, sending on a campaign. Thus, V. K. is the ruler of the Horde. Can VK's board be called a yoke?

In the letters EVERYWHERE there is a typical phrase that enshrined the right of VK Moskovsky "to rule the Horde": "And the Horde to me nobility and rule - to the Grand Duke, but the Horde is not noble to you" [Ancient Russian vivliofica, T. 1. Ed. 2nd. - P. 218], “And the Horde, Lord, governor and nobility to you, the Grand Duke” [Ibid. - S. 224].

Figurative sources also indicate that the Horde and warriors of the princes had the same weapons and looked the same, that is, they were representatives of the same people (see ill. 1).

The king of the horde was not a suzerain for VK and for any other prince, and VK was not a vassal to the king of the horde: the king addresses VK (see ill. 2, 3): “My brother and my Lord Grand Duke "[The Legend of the Kazan Kingdom. - S. 34, 40]. So who is the overlord? The word "brother" was used in those days when communicating with relatives descended from one ancestor …

Fig. 2. Read the text on L.40
Fig. 2. Read the text on L.40

Fig. 2. Read the text on L.40.

Fig. 3. Read L. 34
Fig. 3. Read L. 34

Fig. 3. Read L. 34.

When VK did not need the help of a regular army - the horde - he did not give orders to the horde to march (see ill. 4 and 5). Prince Edigei, who came from the horde to Moscow, complains about this: “Otherwise, if good, how do you fix it? How the Tsar-Emir Kotluy sat on the kingdom, and You were committed to the ulus (country - author) The sovereign, from those places with the king you (You - author) have not been in the horde, you have not seen the king in your eyes and his princes or boyars Thou art your oldest and threshing ones, - YOU DID NOT SEND ANYONE OTHER, neither a son, nor a brother with any word. And then Dzhanibek reigned for EIGHT years - and you did not visit that one and did not send anyone with any word; and Jadibek's kingdom also passed. And Bulat Saltan sat down on the kingdom and has been reigning for the third year already, - you yourself have never been, neither have you sent a son, nor a brother, nor the oldest boyar,and in fact over a small great ulus you are the oldest Grand Duke "[Collection of state letters and treaties. Part 2. (1229 - 1612) / Ed. N. Rumyantsev - M., 1819. - P. 16]. We see that Prince Edigei reproaches VK for forgetting about his Horde, admonishes VK to seek help from the horde more often, since VK MUST PAY FOR THIS HELP! Edigei - a professional warrior - asks for a CASE.

But when hard times came, when Russia needed the help of the Horde, then V. K. GIVEN ORDERS to the Horde to send an army: “And whatever grievances you may be, either from the Russian princes, or from Lithuania, - and you are to us piteous letters against them you send - flattery - those plaintive letters! - and you ask us to defend from them, and peace (now - author) in that we have no nicholas from You … We ourselves did not see your former ulus as our own eyes, only we heard by hearing. And he sent YOUR ORDERS AND GRANTS to our horde”[Ibid. - p. 17]. We see that V. K. is the overlord, giving orders to the entire Horde when necessary. However, V. K. knew that the soldiers would then have to pay, so he rarely turned to the horde for help. Thus, the relationship between V. K. and the Horde was built according to the scheme: a mercenary - an employer, since the horde did not help V. K. if he did not give the horde payment for military labor. It got to the point of curiosities, since the princes from the Horde looked into V. K.'s wallet (one of V. K. was nicknamed - KALITA - auth.), - they simply COUNTED MONEY FROM HIM: all the ulus in two sokh ruble, and then where are you taking the silver? " [Ibid - p. 17]. The Horde messengers, as usual, explained their behavior by the fact that they care, imagine, about the well-being of Christians: “Otherwise, that evil would not have been done to the ulus, and the Peasants would not have perished to the end” [Ibid - p. 17].about the well-being of Christians: “Otherwise, the ulus would not have done that evil, and the Peasants would not have perished to the end” [Ibid - p. 17].about the well-being of Christians: “Otherwise, the ulus would not have done that evil, and the Peasants would not have perished to the end” [Ibid - p. 17].

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the representatives of the horde in the capital were mocked: “Ambassadors and guests from the horde will come to you, and you laugh at the ambassadors and guests” [Ibid - p. 16].

Fig. 4. Diploma of Prince Edigei to VK Vasily Dmitrievich
Fig. 4. Diploma of Prince Edigei to VK Vasily Dmitrievich

Fig. 4. Diploma of Prince Edigei to VK Vasily Dmitrievich.

Fig. 5. Completion of the certificate
Fig. 5. Completion of the certificate

Fig. 5. Completion of the certificate.

Already in 1487, VK Kazan, which had come out of obedience, was taken. Tsar Aligam is called “the king-maker” and “sent to prison in Vologda” (Vologda-Perm chronicles. - M.-L., 1959. - S. 278. 1487, L 459). Based on materials by G. Volya:

The term "Tatar-Mongols" is not in the Russian chronicles, neither is V. N. Tatishchev, nor N. M. Karamzin … The term "Tatar-Mongols" itself is neither a self-name nor an ethnonym of the peoples of Mongolia (Khalkha). This is an artificial, armchair term, first introduced by P. Naumov in 1823.

KG Skryabin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, wrote that TMI could not have been in the past of Russia: “We did not find any noticeable Tatar contributions in the genome of Russian, which refutes the theory of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. There are no differences between the genomes of Russians and Ukrainians. We have scanty differences with the Poles."

Yu. D. Petukhov, historian and writer, stated: “It should be noted right away that under the pseudo-ethnonym“Mongols”we should in no way understand real Mongoloids who lived on the lands of present-day Mongolia. The self-name, the true ethnonym of the aborigines of present-day Mongolia is Khalkhu. They never called themselves Mongols. And they never reached either the Caucasus, or the Northern Black Sea region, or Russia. Halhu - anthropological Mongoloids, the poorest nomadic "community", which consisted of many scattered clans. Primitive shepherds, who were at an extremely low primitive communal level of development, under no circumstances could create even the simplest pre-state community, not to mention a kingdom, and even more so an empire … Amazons. Their consolidation and the creation by them of even the most primitive military unit of twenty or thirty warriors is sheer absurdity. The myth of the "Mongols in Russia" is the most grandiose and monstrous provocation of the Vatican and the West as a whole against Russia!

Anthropological studies of burial grounds of the 13th – 15th centuries show the absolute absence of the Mongoloid element in Russia. This is a fact that cannot be disputed. There was no Mongoloid invasion of Russia. It just wasn't. Neither in the Kiev lands, nor in the Vladimir-Suzdal, nor in the Ryazan lands of that era were the skulls of the Mongoloids found. There were no signs of Mongoloidism among the local population. All serious archaeologists dealing with this problem know about it. If there were those innumerable "tumens" about which stories tell us and which are shown in films, then the "anthropological Mongoloid material" in the Russian land would certainly remain. And Mongoloid signs in the local population would also remain, because Mongoloidism is dominant, overwhelming: it would be enough for hundreds of Mongols to overpower hundreds (not even thousands) of women,so that Russian burial grounds for tens of generations were filled with Mongoloids. But in the Russian burial grounds of the "horde" times there are Caucasians …"

It turns out that there is no mention of the Turkic-type warriors in the troops of the "Tatar-Mongols". In the troops of the "Mongol-Tatars" there were roamers. Brodniks are free Russian warriors who lived in those places (the predecessors of the Cossacks). And at the head of the Brodniks in that battle was the voivode Ploskinya - an ordinary Russian person.


Ibn Batuta wrote: “There were many Russians in Sarai Berk”.

Moreover: "The bulk of the armed service and labor forces of the Golden Horde were Russian people" (A. A. Gordeev)

And what about the national composition of Batu's troops? The Hungarian king wrote to the Latin First Hierarch: “When the state of Hungary from the Mongol invasion, as from the plague, for the most part, was turned into the desert, and like a sheepfold was surrounded by various tribes of infidels, namely: Russians, strangers from the east, Bulgarians and other heretics from the south …"

And how many Turks were there at the beginning of Batu's campaign? Perhaps 100 thousand people? Each rider needs 3 horses, and a herd of 300 thousand horses cannot move: the front horses will eat all the pasture and the back ones will starve to death. By the beginning of the 20th century, scientists agreed that the "Tatar-Mongol" army did not exceed 30 thousand.

The population of modern Mongolia is just over 2 million, while 100 years before the conquest of China by the Mongols, there were already more than 10 million Chinese. And the population of Russia in the XIII century was about 2 million. How could such a small state conquer such large ones?

It should be concluded: TMI is a myth, hastily concocted by Schlözer, Miller and Bayer.

Author: Evgeny Koparev
