Kherson Anomalies - Alternative View

Kherson Anomalies - Alternative View
Kherson Anomalies - Alternative View

Video: Kherson Anomalies - Alternative View

Video: Kherson Anomalies - Alternative View
Video: How the Scythians and Sarmatians influenced the genetic landscape of the Eurasian steppe 2024, September

Among hundreds of places on the globe associated with anomalous phenomena, there is also the Dnieper-Bug estuary

And although the world-famous Crimean Valley of Ghosts is not a stone's throw from the estuary, as they say, SOMETHING is also happening here, which we still cannot explain.

When in 1999 mysterious lights moved in the night sky over Babugan (Babugan Yayla is located west of Alushta, in the direction of Yalta) belonging to a mysterious flying object, the same ones were observed in the sky over the Dnieper-Bug estuary, according to Crimean researchers Viktor Nesterov and Ivan Borisov … Among at least hundreds of places on the globe associated with "frequent manifestations of anomalous phenomena", which are described in the "Encyclopedia of Mysterious Places of the Earth" - the world's first guide to anomalous, mysterious and amazing places of the Earth, ufologists note frequent "starts »UFO from the Valley of Ghosts towards the estuary. Contactee engineer Yuri Borisov believes that the attractive force of these places is the high magnetism of some areas of the earth and many secrets of history that are under water. The Crimean Valley of Ghosts has long been called an airfield for UFOs. An amazing area with a group of scattered "finger-shaped" rocks, which, according to legend, are petrified at the time of flight by enemy soldiers. A huge rock resembling a human head, called "the head of Catherine", is also impressive. But we know how much the empress did for our region.

One of the residents of Aleksandrovka, located on the bank of the estuary, has a sundial showing the time with a difference from the usual by six minutes. And as you know, since ancient times, the number "6" has always carried a mystery and mystery. In summer, the sun over the estuary sets below the horizon for a bit longer, while leaving shadows on the ground longer than usual. The fishermen said that in the morning haze they saw the ghost of a ship. And members of the expeditions of local history students staying in these places said that in the morning they were disturbed by hallucinations. As it turned out later, the culprit were plants that emit volatile substances in the morning. At the courtyard of the local history teacher, a kind of keeper of the hearth, a symbol of knowledge and scientific discoveries, is the same owl, which was the symbol that brought the most ancient civilizations to prosperity. She is over two thousand years old. Many residents of the coast of the Dnieper-Bug estuary can, perhaps, add to what has been said many more different mysterious and mysterious cases associated with this area. A locality that is still waiting for its explorer.

Anatoly Andreev "Bulava".- №25 (516)