Diseases and mutations 2024, September

A Huge Tumor Grows On The Face Of An Elephant Man From China - Alternative View

A Huge Tumor Grows On The Face Of An Elephant Man From China - Alternative View

40-year-old Huang Chongcai, known in China and many other countries of the world as the Elephant Man, suffers from a rare disease: he apparently has the most severe form of neurofibromatosis, due to which a massive tumor weighing 15 kg grows on his face

Mutants In The Vicinity Of Fukushima - Alternative View

Mutants In The Vicinity Of Fukushima - Alternative View

Not far from the shores of Fukushima, people periodically see terrible monsters that could become such due to the release of a large amount of toxic substances

Cancer Made A Huge Hole In The Face Of The Canadian, But He Miraculously Survived (Watch Out, Shocking Content! 18+) - Alternative View

Cancer Made A Huge Hole In The Face Of The Canadian, But He Miraculously Survived (Watch Out, Shocking Content! 18+) - Alternative View

The 55-year-old Canadian, due to a cancer tumor that suddenly popped up on his nose, lost first his nose, then part of his forehead, eyes, and eventually was left with a huge hole in the middle of his face. He thought he would eventually die, but miraculously managed to survive

Fukushima Mutants - Alternative View

Fukushima Mutants - Alternative View

On March 11, 2011, as a result of a powerful earthquake and the ensuing tsunami at the Japanese nuclear power plant "Fukushima" there was a major disaster. The accident was assigned the seventh - highest - hazard level

Stone Olesya. How Does A Girl-statue With The Rarest Disease Live - Alternative View

Stone Olesya. How Does A Girl-statue With The Rarest Disease Live - Alternative View

By the age of 35, Olesya Radushko's lips and fingers were not ossified. For twenty years she has been bedridden and cannot even move. Olesya does not complain and does not fall into despair, because her heart and mind are not ossified, but next, as she says, is God

Germany Is Home To The World's Only Hybrid Of A Sheep And A Goat - Alternative View

Germany Is Home To The World's Only Hybrid Of A Sheep And A Goat - Alternative View

The German town of Diederode, located near the University of Göttingen, boasts a unique animal living in it - - a hybrid of a sheep and a goat

The Woman Lost Her Fingers Due To The Rare Butterfly Syndrome - Alternative View

The Woman Lost Her Fingers Due To The Rare Butterfly Syndrome - Alternative View

Moira Ali, 31, from the West Midlands (England) was born with the rare Butterfly Syndrome, aka epidermolysis bullosa, which is often called one of the worst diseases

The Woman Lived A Life Without Pain Due To Genetic Changes - Alternative View

The Woman Lived A Life Without Pain Due To Genetic Changes - Alternative View

Scientists are always extremely interested in people who are different from the rest. For example, recently they were interested in a woman from Scotland, who throughout her life did not feel pain and considered it normal

What Is The Most Intense And Excruciating Pain? - Alternative View

What Is The Most Intense And Excruciating Pain? - Alternative View

Some say life is pain. But they are optimists

The Sudden Death Of Young People Has Been Linked To A Mutation In The CDH2 Gene - Alternative View

The Sudden Death Of Young People Has Been Linked To A Mutation In The CDH2 Gene - Alternative View

The researchers concluded that the sudden death of young and apparently perfectly healthy people is associated with a mutation in the CDH2 gene. The latter leads to arrhythmogenic dysplasia of the right ventricle - one of the four chambers of the human heart

The Three-eyed Snake Was Found In Australia - Alternative View

The Three-eyed Snake Was Found In Australia - Alternative View

Australian park rangers were surprised to the core when they discovered a three-eyed snake a few weeks ago in the Outback, a sparsely populated hinterland of the Green Continent.An unusual rhombic python, nicknamed Monty (after the legendary British comedian group "Monty Python"), was found in the vicinity of the town of Humpty Doo in the Northern Territory

A Girl With Unusual Hair Due To A Rare Genetic Abnormality - Alternative View

A Girl With Unusual Hair Due To A Rare Genetic Abnormality - Alternative View

We all complain from time to time that our hair cannot be styled or combed, but 7-year-old Melbourne (Australia) resident Sheila Calvert-Yin faces this problem every day

Russian Scientists Have Found Out Why Mutations Did Not Destroy Humanity - Alternative View

Russian Scientists Have Found Out Why Mutations Did Not Destroy Humanity - Alternative View

For the first time, Russian and foreign scientists have followed the emergence of a large number of harmful mutations in the DNA of humans and fruit flies and have discovered a mechanism that prevents their rapid accumulation in the genome, according to an article published in the journal Science

26-year-old Child Jaylee Lingdo - Alternative View

26-year-old Child Jaylee Lingdo - Alternative View

It happens that a person grows up in body, remaining a child in his soul. But it also happens the other way around: Jili Lingdo was born in northern India, in a place called Meghalaya 26 years ago

A Baby With Two Faces Was Born In Australia - Alternative View

A Baby With Two Faces Was Born In Australia - Alternative View

Australian Renee Young gave birth to a baby with a rare pathology - two faces. The woman learned that she was carrying a baby with two faces and a double brain long before giving birth

A Mutant Lamb Was Born In Turkey - Alternative View

A Mutant Lamb Was Born In Turkey - Alternative View

A lamb with a human-like face was born in Turkey. The phenomenon is due to vitamin deficiency, according to veterinarians. A stillborn kid has caused turmoil in the Turkish city of Izmir

Abilities Resulting From Rare Human Genetic Mutations - Alternative View

Abilities Resulting From Rare Human Genetic Mutations - Alternative View

Compared to many other species, all humans have incredibly similar genomes. However, even small changes in our genes or our environment can lead to the development of traits that make us unique

Zika Virus Can Fight Cancer - Alternative View

Zika Virus Can Fight Cancer - Alternative View

Lab mice with brain tumors feel better when injected with Zika virus

The Zika Virus Has Been Declared A Long-term Threat To Humanity - Alternative View

The Zika Virus Has Been Declared A Long-term Threat To Humanity - Alternative View

The World Health Organization (WHO) has removed the Zika virus from its list of emergencies. However, the status of the disease is not reduced, but increased: now more serious and long-term measures will be taken to counteract it

Research: The Zika Virus Lives In Male Sperm For Up To Six Months - Alternative View

Research: The Zika Virus Lives In Male Sperm For Up To Six Months - Alternative View

Experts from Italy, who were treating two males who contracted the Zika virus, say that the dangerous virus can live in the semen of men for up to six months

Scientists Looked At The Brain Infected With The Zika Virus - Alternative View

Scientists Looked At The Brain Infected With The Zika Virus - Alternative View

The results of the new study are available in the journal Radiology. The material is devoted to what changes in the brain leads to the Zika virus

American Scientists: The Zika Virus Will Soon Cover The United States - Alternative View

American Scientists: The Zika Virus Will Soon Cover The United States - Alternative View

At the moment, doctors in the United States of America have registered about five hundred cases of Zika fever, but, according to experts, this infection was brought in from other regions of the planet

Russian Scientists Have Questioned The Emergence Of The Zika Virus In Russia - Alternative View

Russian Scientists Have Questioned The Emergence Of The Zika Virus In Russia - Alternative View

The World Health Organization has delivered a startling message: the Zika virus could spread to Europe this summer. Moreover, the most susceptible to the spread of the Black Sea coast virus in Russia and Georgia

A Baby Was Taken Out Of The Woman's Belly, Which Had Been In Her For 15 Years - Alternative View

A Baby Was Taken Out Of The Woman's Belly, Which Had Been In Her For 15 Years - Alternative View

A 52-year-old woman from India has complained of severe abdominal pain for many years. 15 years ago, she got pregnant, but knowing that this unplanned pregnancy would anger her family members, she made attempts to kill the baby in the stomach

How To Protect Yourself From The Zika Virus: Recommendations Of Rospotrebnadzor - Alternative View

How To Protect Yourself From The Zika Virus: Recommendations Of Rospotrebnadzor - Alternative View

In some tropical and subtropical countries visited by Russian tourists, an unfavorable epidemiological situation has developed: an increase in the incidence of Zika fever is recorded there. This disease is dangerous for pregnant women

Due To A Rare Anomaly, The Arms And Legs Of Brothers And Sisters Are Overgrown With A Thick, Hard Crust - Alternative View

Due To A Rare Anomaly, The Arms And Legs Of Brothers And Sisters Are Overgrown With A Thick, Hard Crust - Alternative View

Two brothers and two sisters from a poor Pakistani family suffer from a rare condition called epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. This is one of the types of ichthyosis in which only the limbs are affected - arms and legs

The Zika Virus Could Mutate On Its Way From Africa To Brazil - Alternative View

The Zika Virus Could Mutate On Its Way From Africa To Brazil - Alternative View

Scientists believe the Zika virus may have mutated en route from Africa to Brazil. Israeli experts wondered that a new pathology of fever could develop along the way

Yaravirus. In Brazil, A Virus Was Discovered, Almost Entirely Consisting Of Genes Unknown To Science - Alternative View

Yaravirus. In Brazil, A Virus Was Discovered, Almost Entirely Consisting Of Genes Unknown To Science - Alternative View

The virus lived underground in an artificial reservoir.Humanity, already frightened by the new 2019-nCoV coronavirus, an infectious agent of unknown origin, has once again got a reason to worry. The ScienceAlert portal, citing a specialized medical publication that appeared on the bioRxiv preprint site, spoke about the mysterious inhabitant of the artificial lake Pampulha in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte (Lake Pampulha, an artificial lake in the Brazilian city of Belo H

What Is A Virus And Why Are Scientists Growing It? - Alternative View

What Is A Virus And Why Are Scientists Growing It? - Alternative View

I must say right away that in this article we will not once again focus on the coronavirus raging now in China. Better we will generally talk about what kind of beast it is and how to deal with it. The fact is that there are many prejudices in society about this

"Living Skeletons" From The Circus Of Freaks - Alternative View

"Living Skeletons" From The Circus Of Freaks - Alternative View

Cases of extraordinary thinness are much less common than extreme obesity. In the circus world, such people are known as "living skeletons". They also had many glorious historical predecessors

Cancer Diseases Could Appear In People After Supernova Explosions - Alternative View

Cancer Diseases Could Appear In People After Supernova Explosions - Alternative View

About two million years ago, an incident occurred in the history of our planet, which, according to some scientists, could serve as the origin of cancer in human ancestors

Scientists Have Revealed The Main Secret Of Cancerous Tumors - Alternative View

Scientists Have Revealed The Main Secret Of Cancerous Tumors - Alternative View

A group of scientists who work at the Institute for Cancer Research in London have uncovered the secret of cancerous tumors. It turns out that a fatal disease develops through the use of blood vessels

The Reason For The Appearance Of Cancerous Tumors Lies In The Fat - Alternative View

The Reason For The Appearance Of Cancerous Tumors Lies In The Fat - Alternative View

Scientists from the Belgian Institute of Biotechnology Flanders have determined the mechanism by which metastases of cancerous tumors are formed

Smoking And Animal Food Are The Main Causes Of Cancer - Alternative View

Smoking And Animal Food Are The Main Causes Of Cancer - Alternative View

Animal fats and smoking are recognized as the main causes of cancer, alcohol consumption is also a predisposing factor of cancer risk, but to a lesser extent

Because Of Cocaine Mixed With Medicine For Worms, People Fester And Blacken The Body - Alternative View

Because Of Cocaine Mixed With Medicine For Worms, People Fester And Blacken The Body - Alternative View

Western countries, including Great Britain, are sounding the alarm for fear of an epidemic of serious illness due to cocaine mixed with Levamisole.Levamisole is a legal antihelminthic drug, but someone thought of adding it to cocaine. The consequences turned out to be very serious, the hellish mixture causes blockage of blood vessels and, as a result, suppuration and blackening of soft tissues occurs with many side effects

Computed Tomography Increases The Risk Of Developing Brain Cancer - Alternative View

Computed Tomography Increases The Risk Of Developing Brain Cancer - Alternative View

An international team of scientists led by Michael Hauptmann from the Netherlands Institute for Cancer Research has announced the results of new work. The researchers said that computed tomography may increase the risk of developing brain tumors, writes Science Daily

Australian Scientists Have Found That Weightlessness Kills Cancer Cells - Alternative View

Australian Scientists Have Found That Weightlessness Kills Cancer Cells - Alternative View

Our specialists are skeptical.An unexpected discovery was recently shared by specialists from the University of Technology of Sydney. They stated that weightlessness kills cancer cells, and even cited encouraging experimental results: within 24 hours of being in a chamber simulating microgravity, 80–90 percent of ovarian, breast, nose and lung cancer cells died

A Complete Cure For Cancer Was Recognized As Impossible - Alternative View

A Complete Cure For Cancer Was Recognized As Impossible - Alternative View

Michael Wendt, assistant professor of medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology at Purdue University in the United States, admitted that in most cases it is impossible to destroy all cancer cells in the human body. However, a more effective method of fighting tumors is to block the development of metastases

Oncologists Have Revealed A Cruel Addiction: Doctors Save Weak Children, But Nature Is Killing Them - Alternative View

Oncologists Have Revealed A Cruel Addiction: Doctors Save Weak Children, But Nature Is Killing Them - Alternative View

The Russian oncologist-innovator told whether it is possible to discern cancer in time, who can do it and how, whether it makes sense to collect millions of rubles for treatment, is there a chance to survive

The Dutchman, Having Recovered From Cancer, Got An Intractable Erection - Alternative View

The Dutchman, Having Recovered From Cancer, Got An Intractable Erection - Alternative View

Dutch oncologists are faced with an unusual occurrence after a routine operation to remove a colon tumor on a 58-year-old man. They described this case in BMJ Case Reports