The Observer Effect In Foresight - Alternative View

The Observer Effect In Foresight - Alternative View
The Observer Effect In Foresight - Alternative View

Video: The Observer Effect In Foresight - Alternative View

Video: The Observer Effect In Foresight - Alternative View

Imagine that science in the future allowed people to use technology to learn how to transmit information in time. Namely, to send it to the past. However, if information can be sent to the past, then this means that it can be received from the future from the sent ones. This is where artificial foresight can arise.

How can I do that?

You need to plan your future actions in advance. Or rather, you have to cooperate with yourself from the future.

For example, you have received an artificial vision from the future. Let's say you saw it on a computer monitor that is capable of receiving information from the future. You saw as if the camera filmed in the future how your cat climbed onto the table and broke the cup. In this case, you must send the record with the cat to the past.

However, even if the invention is capable of receiving information from the future, or sending it to the past, the effect of the observer prevents you from applying this invention.


Because you are the witness (observer) of this phenomenon. You can change the future. If you do this, the foresight device will not send you information from the past. And if so, then the information will not be transmitted in advance and the device will not work. For example, you might want to stop the cat from breaking your cup. Or you just want to see what happens if you don't send the tape after you have received the vision.

How do you get around this problem?

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You can be at such a distance from home and at a certain time that you will not have time to come home to stop the cat from breaking this cup. So you will definitely solve the first problem.

The second problem is more complicated. To solve it, you have to come up with a punishment for yourself that you do not want to experience. The penalty will be for not sending the camera recording to the past. As a result, you will definitely send the record to the past because you are afraid of punishment.

This way you are more likely to receive visions. Only here you can see the vision, but you are not able to change the events in it. These visions become destiny.

The question arises: why do we need a device that transmits information in time, if it is not able to help change fate? However, fate has nothing to do with it.

Fate, as before, depends on the intentions of the person. Simply you yourself can choose which visions to receive from the future and send to the past. How it works?

For example, you decided in advance to send yourself visions about attempted crimes. But only about those in which everything ended well. You can also send yourself visions of natural and man-made disasters that have left no victims in advance.

Why is this? Then, that you can become the reason why this crime or these cataclysms did not leave victims.

For example, you received information from the future in the form of news. Your future self has sent you their record. It tells about a failed assassination attempt by a suspect … This man was stopped by the police. It also shows when and where this person was caught.

Having received this vision, before this event happened, you can call the police and tell them about the preparing murder. You can also call them at that time, so that they can arrive before the tragedy, that is, on time.

This is how you become the reason why the victim was saved.

Second example. You received a vision of an earthquake. So you can call the Ministry of Emergencies to inform them about the evacuation of people from their houses, so that people do not fall under the ruins in the event of a collapse.

So you can become the reason for the salvation of thousands of people.

You may think that you are doing a bad thing. As if you know you can know the future and decided to use this to take the glory for saving people. However, there is nothing wrong with that. Why?

Yes, because cataclysms and crimes would have happened anyway, even if you had not used a foresight device. However, in this case, there would be casualties, since there would simply be no warning.

In other words, the very existence of a device and an observer with the intention to cause salvation creates a destiny where people are saved. That is, if an observer of the future appears, fate itself will become such that he does not want to change it. This means that the device can be used for practical use, because by its existence it gives the observer what he wants.

This is how the observer controls reality with the help of his intentions. His influence on the world is very great. We have considered only a good observer, but of course there may be bad ones. So a device capable of transmitting information over time can serve both evil and good. Let's hope that if such a device is invented, it will fall into good hands.

All the best.

That one.