&Ldquo; Official Bummer &Rdquo; And Other Methods Of Social Management - Alternative View

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&Ldquo; Official Bummer &Rdquo; And Other Methods Of Social Management - Alternative View
&Ldquo; Official Bummer &Rdquo; And Other Methods Of Social Management - Alternative View

Relationships between people are never easy. And if we are talking about the interaction of members of society in various spheres of life, then everything becomes generally extremely complicated. In modern countries, several systems and institutions simultaneously operate at once that regulate people's relations with each other: family law, criminal and administrative codes, police and courts, a religious set of rules, some kind of moral and moral laws, even if unwritten, but generally accepted. All this is designed to create the most civilized society. However, the difficult is not always right. In some tribes very far from civilization, which for us are savages, there are much simpler, but very effective rules, and we want to tell you about three of them.

Official Bummer

There is one tribe in Central Africa where conflicts between people almost never occur. When solving any problem, fellow tribesmen always try to find a compromise solution that satisfies all parties to the conflict. And the reason for this is the presence of the remarkable title of “official lazy person”.


The “official bummer” does nothing. Nothing at all. He is fully supported by the tribe. Any of his whims should be carried out without hesitation. Moreover, he has the right to enter any hut without permission, eat all the provisions there, pick up everything he likes, including the owner's wife or daughter, and even set fire to this hut. He can beat anyone, and he cannot be fought back. He can even destroy all of the tribe's food, all the huts and everything. But this is theoretically, in practice it never comes to that.

This may seem strange to many. Firstly, why is such a person needed, and secondly, why does he not use his position? Instead, he continues to get food like everyone else and never offends anyone.

The answer is simple. A person is selected for this position for only one year and cannot be re-elected. You cannot choose yourself. Thus, almost every person of the tribe once in his life was an “official lazy person”, which means that someday they will elect to this position, including the person whom you offended, and then he can do whatever he wants with you, even beat everyday.

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You never know who will be the “official lazy person” next year, so it is better not to spoil your relationship with anyone and never.

All people are good

Another African tribe never punishes or scolds anyone. Even if a person does something bad, he is still not punished or scolded. Moreover, they never tell anyone that he is bad, because all people are good.


It may seem strange, but in the tribe everyone is happy and incidents are very rare and very minor. And a person who has done something bad himself understands that he was wrong and apologizes to everyone. At the same time, he is not even satisfied with a boycott, but on the contrary, everyone loves.

How so? It's simple. According to the belief of this tribe, all people come to this world good, bad people simply do not exist. The essence of a person is beautiful from the very beginning. We all come to this world to receive happiness, love and care. But sometimes a person forgets his true good nature and commits a bad deed. He does this not because he is bad, but because he has forgotten that in fact he is good. And that means he should not be scolded, but remind him of his true essence. For this person who has committed a bad deed, they put him in the center of the settlement, surround him and for two days in turn everyone tells what good and good he did for him. Thus, the entire tribe reminds the guilty person how kind and good a person really is.

Without a leader

We are used to the fact that any society needs a leader, so to speak, a leader. But the small Elmolo tribe doesn't think so. In their opinion, leadership and power corrupt a person and prevent him from doing good deeds. And if the leader becomes a bad person, then he will lead the tribe to decline. At the same time, anyone who wishes can become a leader, but there are no willing ones.

But why, then, does no one strive to take such an honorable place? After all, vain people are found in any society. Everything is very simple. Elmolo is a small, peaceful tribe living in the neighborhood of the very warlike Samburu and Turkana tribes, which often attack both each other and Elmolo.


Their courage helps the Elmolovites to survive with such neighbors. They are very brave to defend their tribe, but there is one law. When an enemy attacks a tribe, the leader, if any, must be the first to show his fearlessness and courage. He must be the first to take a blow with an enemy spear and show his fellow tribesmen that he is ready to die for the sake of his tribe.

With such a law and belligerent neighbors, even the most vain person has no desire to become a leader. Few people want to die, even as a leader, and being an ordinary man of the tribe always has a chance to survive.

All fateful decisions are made by a council of elders, and this council includes all the elderly men of the tribe. In this way, elders are given due respect and no one gains an advantage over anyone. Every young man in the tribe is the son of an elder. The decision should satisfy all elders.

As you can see, in order for the members of society to live in harmony with each other, it is not necessary to come up with very complex management systems and punitive measures for violators. Sometimes a simple decision based on the original good nature of a person is the most correct and effective.

Author: Tyler Durden
