Consequences Of The Pandemic: Mountains Of Garbage And Billions Of Damage - Alternative View

Consequences Of The Pandemic: Mountains Of Garbage And Billions Of Damage - Alternative View
Consequences Of The Pandemic: Mountains Of Garbage And Billions Of Damage - Alternative View

Video: Consequences Of The Pandemic: Mountains Of Garbage And Billions Of Damage - Alternative View

Video: Consequences Of The Pandemic: Mountains Of Garbage And Billions Of Damage - Alternative View
Video: Как устроена IT-столица мира / Russian Silicon Valley (English subs) 2024, October

Now the whole world sits at home and does not go out. But this cannot go on forever, in a month or two the quarantine will be lifted in many countries and people will go to work, study, etc. Most likely, countries will have to take tough measures to prevent new outbreaks of the virus. In South Korea and China, they decided to oblige the population to wear masks and gloves. Of course, states will have to keep closed restaurants, cinemas and other crowded places, otherwise there is simply no point in lifting quarantine. I cannot imagine football matches or concerts with full stadiums or concert halls in the near future. It's just insanely dangerous.


During the Middle Ages in Europe, doctors wore such leather masks during the bubonic plague epidemic. Inside the beak were aromatic salts and medicinal herbs so that the doctor could not smell the decaying flesh. The eye holes were covered with glass.

But the state will have to open shops, supermarkets, offices, universities and, most importantly, public transport. Without this, there is simply no point in lifting quarantine, people have to get to work, go to the office and to study. The world can live without entertainment, there is no work and study without.


We all meet something similar today when we go to the store.

I understand that the shops will be lined up and we will stand in line 2 meters from each other, the places in the transport will be marked with red crosses and we will sit through one seat. But what happens during rush hour? What will happen on escalators? We will not be able to keep our distance everywhere and always, this will create colossal traffic jams.


Promotional video:

In some cities, this is how they mark inside public transport.

And then the question arises: will all these people in the subway and offices wear masks and gloves? My answer is yes, and this will be a prerequisite for both the state and the people. I do not want to release my wife or child into a public place without protective equipment for the next year, the risk of re-infection is too great. We know perfectly well that the Spanish flu virus had two waves, and the second is stronger than the first. Already, many virologists are predicting a second outbreak of coronavirus in October 2020.

Then the question arises, how many masks will the population of the earth need? How much will it cost people and, most importantly, what harm will these masks and gloves do to nature? We understand very well that masks will not be disposed of separately, gloves will be thrown into common tanks and then rot for thousands of years in landfills or they will be burned at incinerators, and soot will settle in our lungs.


It got to the point that the turtles started eating plastic trash.


Reusable mask with replaceable filters.

And now let's count, as they say "on the fingers." One mask costs 5r. (normal time), can be worn for 4 hours, some models can be washed. On average, we can take: one mask per person per day. Children, adults, old people - everyone will wear masks. The population of Russia is 144 million people, from which we get that 80% of the population will be forced to wear a mask when leaving the house per day (assume that 20% are sitting at home).

Gloves are more expensive, but you need two of them too … about 8 rubles for a pair of gloves. Although walking around all day in one pair of gloves is very difficult, they tear quickly.

Now attention: 115 million masks will go to the trash every day in Russia alone, and 115 million pairs of latex gloves. I do not know how much one mask or glove weighs, but I assure you 115 million pieces per day, this is not a KAMAZ, these are hundreds of KAMAZ garbage. And so every day, from day to day: in the trash, in the trash, in the trash.

Total per person: 8 rubles. + 5r. = 13 rubles a day, or 400 rubles a month. We multiply 400 rubles a month by 115 million people and we get 46 billion rubles a month for masks and gloves.

But I repeat, I am not so afraid of spending on which people and states will have to go, but worry that the whole Earth will be covered with these gloves and masks. The damage to nature can be simply colossal and irreparable.

Just think, we counted Russia with you, and there are 7 billion people in the world. All our calculations can be multiplied by 70! And how many years will this continue?


Powder disinfection on an industrial scale.


Disinfection of people.

PS And we have not even touched upon the costs of countries for treating surfaces with various compounds, which eventually end up in rivers … Perhaps some countries will use disinfection with special powders, and these funds will get into the air we breathe.

Mikhail Korolev
