The Power Of Thought - Can Heal And Destroy - Alternative View

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The Power Of Thought - Can Heal And Destroy - Alternative View
The Power Of Thought - Can Heal And Destroy - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of Thought - Can Heal And Destroy - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of Thought - Can Heal And Destroy - Alternative View
Video: If You Want to See How Deep the Mind Can Go, Watch This | Eric Weinstein on Conversations with Tom 2024, October

Influencing everything around, thought has an impact primarily on its carrier - the person producing it. The mental attitude determines not only the mental state of people, but also their physical health. What are the internal mechanisms of the influence of thinking on the human body? Thoughts are also inextricably linked with the principle of multidimensionality underlying the human being …

Mysterious healings

"In a healthy body healthy mind". For a long time, such a saying was the only formula for the harmony of the physical and spiritual. But the medical traditions of the East, which have recently been actively cultivated on our Russian soil, have offered a different view of the problem of mental and physical harmony. The essence of this view is that not bodily health affects the state of the soul, but, on the contrary, spiritual health determines the state of the body. In favor of such an unconventional conclusion, sometimes sensational, but nevertheless, indisputable facts speak.

A terminally ill person with cancer, who was "sentenced" by doctors to an early death, is not known how he recovers. The tumor dissolves without a trace. At one time, the whole world spread the story of a cancer patient from the United States, who decided to spend the last few months of his life, determined by doctors, with positive emotions and began collecting all sorts of jokes, jokes, recording humorous programs and laughing at them. He laughed and laughed until he finally recovered. The attending physicians were amazed at this effect. Willpower and courage have repeatedly worked wonders, lifting seemingly hopeless patients out of bed. There are thousands of such cases. This is not to mention the cases of returning "from the other world" with clinical death, when some miraculous powers came to the aid of a person,has already stepped beyond the edge of earthly existence.

The internal reserves of the body have repeatedly saved hopelessly sick people when medicine was powerless. It should be noted that the doctors paid attention to this strongest factor, and in medicine the question arose long ago of whether it is worth talking to a person about the danger of his disease? Previously, it was considered humane not to tell people that they are sick, for example, with cancer, so as not to inflict mental trauma on the patient. But now this point of view is being revised: there are a lot of cases in medicine when people who learned about the threat to their lives recovered in an incredible way, contrary to the forecasts of doctors. Moreover, the process of miraculous recovery begins only when consciousness is included in it. Confronted with a particular danger, the mind is able to provide tremendous assistance to the physical body, while a person,lulled by the assurances of doctors and relatives that "everything is in order" and there is no threat to life, he must inevitably die, having learned the whole truth when the body's reserves have already been exhausted and nothing can be changed!

It should be noted, along with cases of incredible recoveries, medicine is also aware of cases of premature death of patients with not so serious diagnoses. If strong-willed, strong-minded people are able to defeat a fatal disease, then people who are suspicious, weak in spirit can die even from a minor illness …

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Suicide by the power of thought

… A young girl, a student, decided to commit suicide. After swallowing a portion of the powdery cockroach remedy, she lay down on the bed and died an hour later. An autopsy revealed that the poison for cockroaches, which the student was "poisoned" with, was absolutely harmless to humans, and its shelf life had expired long ago. In addition, death occurred even before the powder was completely dissolved in the stomach. The man was killed … by the power of thought.

In one of the Western countries, several decades ago, a series of experiments was carried out to study the effect of hypnotic suggestion on the physical and mental health of a person. A particularly cruel experiment was carried out with two repeat offenders sentenced to death. One of them was told that his veins were opened and he was bleeding. And despite the fact that the condemned was safe and sound, sitting tied to a chair with his eyes closed, and warm water was poured onto his hand to enhance the effect of suggestion, the offender died with all the signs of death from blood loss. The second criminal-killer was taught that he was dying from arsenic poisoning - and he died with the typical symptoms of poisoning with this particular poison.

We all know about the influence of suggestion and self-hypnosis on human health, it seems, for a long time. But not everyone is able to consciously use the power of thought to correct their own health. Moreover, it must be remembered that thoughts and feelings can have a twofold effect on the physical health of people - both positive and negative. The latter applies not only to the cases of "hypnotic" execution, which were mentioned earlier. Many people do not even suspect that we are capable of causing serious diseases in ourselves by the mere fear of contracting some dangerous disease. If a strong-minded person with the help of the power of thought is able to defeat a fatal disease, then a weak-willed and suspicious person can instill any disease in himself out of fear for his health. And as a result, you actually die from it!

Thought is not just a weakly electric impulse of the brain, known to any physiologist. Thought is a special cosmic force that is capable of controlling both the mental and physical state of a person, exerting a tremendous influence on both human health and his fate. The followers of ancient esoteric teachings were well aware of the power of thought and could use it in practice, in the art of healing, in spiritual and mental self-improvement. The echoes of esoteric knowledge have found application in some modern methods of alternative medicine. In the 18th century, Emile Coue's method of self-healing was extremely popular in Europe. The method consisted in the fact that twice a day, after waking up in the morning and at night, before going to bed, the patient had to mentally repeat phrases like: “I am recovering. Every day I get better and better. The purely mechanical repetition of these simple phrases literally worked wonders. Tens of thousands of people across Europe were able to regain their lost health, when no other methods offered by official medicine could help.

At one time, Grigory Rasputin also took advantage of the power of self-hypnosis. As you know, the odious "elder" was seriously wounded with a knife by a religious fanatic sent by one of the priests who hated him especially. The court doctors told the imperial couple that there was little hope that Rasputin would be able to recover, since the injury was very dangerous. But, according to the testimony of the people who surrounded Rasputin, all day long, lying on his bed, he repeated aloud, like a spell: "I will survive … survive … survive … survive!" And in fact he survived.

What is the inner mechanism of both incredible healings and unexplained deaths?

Body Mind

This mechanism is hidden in the structure of our subconscious. In ancient Indian philosophical sources it is said that in the psyche of people there is a special system of subconscious self-regulation, called the "mind of the body", or lower manas (manas in Sanskrit means "mind"). The "mind of the body" carries out those functions of the subconscious that are associated with the physiological processes of the body - respiration, blood circulation, digestion, etc. It is this subconscious system of regulation that plays the main role in the fight against diseases. The “mind of the body” is the first to take the blow of an incipient disease and organize the fight against it by redistributing the body's internal energy reserves. In this case, the lower manas exerts its corrective effect first on the astral body and only afterwards on the physical body. The astral body is thusis an intermediary between the lower manas and the biological body.

In general, the astral body of a person has a decisive effect on the health of his physical body. The state of the astral body is a kind of "matrix" for the biological shell.

Thanks to the activity of the lower manas, most potential diseases are suppressed at their origins, if the organism has sufficient internal potential. And only if the body's energy reserves are depleted, the embryo of the disease develops into a real disease.

"Mind of the body", despite its subconscious, uncontrolled by the mind, has a close connection with human consciousness. He has one characteristic feature - his suggestibility, a tendency to follow any mental ideas and commands of consciousness. The well-known principle “what you are afraid will happen” is also based on the properties of automatism and persuasion inherent in the subconscious “mind of the body”. It is very important to be able to use these properties correctly and always take into account their effect. Thoughts that appear in our minds like: "What if I get sick" or "I can't get sick now!" - are often implemented on our physical condition, forcing the body to get sick or, conversely, not to succumb to illness even in the most extreme situations.

The same mechanism - the lower manas - was used in the ancient methods of self-hypnosis healing. The “mind of the body”, despite its involvement in the most complex physiological functions of the body, is still very primitive in nature, and even susceptible to suggestions from the higher mental principle - mind, consciousness. The lower manas is inclined to instantly perceive and execute the command, whatever it may be: in cases with criminals sentenced to death, it was the “mind of the body” from which the mind control was removed by hypnosis, unconditionally fulfilled the command of the hypnologist and killed his own organism, exactly fulfilling the one suggested to him program. The same lower manas executed the mental command of the suicide girl.

Due to the easy suggestibility of the subconscious system of self-regulation, the attitude of a person's mind to their health is often perceived precisely as a command. Therefore, an attitude of the type: "What if I am mortally ill" or "I will not give up for anything, I will fight to the end" is often feasible in practice. If only people could know how often they become victims of diseases that they inspire themselves! Meanwhile, the "mind of the body" can be used not for self-destruction, but for self-healing. E. Coue's formula "I'm healthy" is, perhaps, the best option for commanding the subconscious. The "mind of the body" is primitive. He doesn't need long formulas for self-healing. The order to get well is enough for him. It is not even necessary to specify which organ or system in the body needs to be treated - the "mind of the body" always absolutely precisely "knows" the cause of the disease, in contrast to doctors, who, alas,often make mistakes in diagnosis.

Adepts of the religious and philosophical teachings of antiquity (especially in the East) knew the healing possibilities of the power of thought and successfully applied them. In the teaching of Agni Yoga, or Living Ethics, which is the quintessence of the ancient wisdom of the East, it is said about the properties of consciousness and the subconscious “mind of the body”: “With every illness, mental treatment or relief can be applied, but such a thought should push the illness out of the body with all its might without hesitation and gaps. But if such power is impossible, then it is better not to think about the disease at all and leave the lower Manas to wage an internal struggle. The most harmful thing is mental hesitation and the idea of the victory of the disease. It is better in this case to divert the patient's attention from his condition. When people talk about the fatal outcome of the disease, they themselves bring it closer. The most uncomplicated disease can take on dimensions dangerous for mental nutrition."

N. Kovaleva
