Ancient Indian Factory - A Mystery Of The Times - Alternative View

Ancient Indian Factory - A Mystery Of The Times - Alternative View
Ancient Indian Factory - A Mystery Of The Times - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Indian Factory - A Mystery Of The Times - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Indian Factory - A Mystery Of The Times - Alternative View
Video: 536 A.D: The Worst Year In History | Catastrophe | Timeline 2024, July

In the very center of India, in the state of Thalangana, there is a very interesting place - the Warangal fort. This place is very popular with tourists from all over the world for its unsolved riddle.


The fact is that the Warangal fort is not a fort at all, but the oldest factory for the production of decorative building structures.


Earlier, archaeologists around the planet argued that almost all ornaments and decorative inserts on ancient megalithic structures were made at the installation site. For example, in Ancient Egypt, obelisks were first carved from a solid stone, then transported along the Nile to the installation site, and then the artists got to work and applied hieroglyphs and beautiful patterns to the installed obelisk. Similar techniques are found throughout, but until scientists stumbled upon Fort Warangal.


A reasonable question arises: why did the ancient Indians need to organize a whole production of decorative elements in one place, and not grind ornaments at the construction site itself?


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After much research, scientists shrug their shoulders. They have not seen such a large-scale production anywhere in the world. Throughout the territory of the fort there are unfinished fragments of future temples and palaces, which have remained in their place for many centuries. It is fortunate that these beautiful statues and decorative elements were not taken away by marauders.


For many centuries, the locals clumsily tried to combine these pieces of stone into single compositions, but they ended up with a miserable resemblance to those installed in ancient temples.


Notice how perfectly the circles are cut on this element. Many centuries ago, according to scientists, a person had only primitive tools, such as a hammer and chisel. Were these ornaments carved by hand? Of course not, that is why this plant was unique and had in its arsenal such equipment that could easily process granite, basalt and other rocks.


In the center of the fort is a stone structure, inside of which there is something that closely resembles modern looms. It remains a big mystery how exactly the ancient Indians processed stone on such machines. Looking at a huge number of beautiful elements, one is amazed at the skill of grinding black basalt or granite. But most of all, small ornaments with tiny holes are surprising, through which even a blade of grass can hardly pass.


All this testifies to the incredible technological achievements of the ancients. At the moment, scientists still do not know how old these skillful elements are, which again suggests that we are far from the first developed civilization that existed on our planet.