Archaeologists Have Discovered Traces Of An Unknown Civilization - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Discovered Traces Of An Unknown Civilization - Alternative View
Archaeologists Have Discovered Traces Of An Unknown Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Archaeologists Have Discovered Traces Of An Unknown Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Archaeologists Have Discovered Traces Of An Unknown Civilization - Alternative View
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Flooded caves are located on the territory of the Yucatan Peninsula.

Archaeologists from Mexico have studied the caves located under the water of the Yucatan Peninsula and stumbled upon traces of an ancient civilization that existed about ten thousand years ago. Research on the topic appeared on the pages of the Geoarcheology edition.

Scientists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) of Mexico first studied some of the flooded caves that exist in the Yucatan Peninsula. A unique archaeological project has shown that traces of human activity that are many thousands of years old are preserved in the underwater caves.

“We found, in particular, the remains of prehistoric bonfires, the earliest of which exist from 10750 BC. We are talking about fourteen prehistoric bonfires that indicate an unknown civilization that once existed in the Yucatan,”notes Mexican archaeologist Luis Alberto Lopez.

The age of the finds, as the scientist added, roughly coincides with the date of the end of the last ice age. That is, the theory generally accepted among modern scientists describing the settlement of America by humans has received another confirmation. This time - in the form of coal from fires, which has been preserved in flooded caves since prehistoric times. In addition to coal, scientists have discovered stone tools that require additional analysis.