A Crime Psychologist Told How Maniacs Think - Alternative View

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A Crime Psychologist Told How Maniacs Think - Alternative View
A Crime Psychologist Told How Maniacs Think - Alternative View

Video: A Crime Psychologist Told How Maniacs Think - Alternative View

Video: A Crime Psychologist Told How Maniacs Think - Alternative View
Video: Psychology of a Douchebag: The Case of Basil Borutski 2024, October

Liza Kiseleva, Saratov, nine years old, Kirill Savenkov, Naryan-Mar, six. The whole country mourns for these children. Where do so many maniacs come from, how to recognize them? Veronika Pugacheva, deputy head of the interregional department of psychological work of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, has been studying the psychology of such criminals for several years. And how you can stop them.

Maniac pedophile, who is he?

- This is a person who lives outside reality. Man, history does not know women-maniacs. Often believes that he is committing crimes for some good. And not only personal. Like in Naryan-Mar, where a man killed a boy in kindergarten. He said later: he did this so that Satan would not come.

A maniac is always a series, more than one crime. Outwardly (we are talking only about "our" maniacs) this is an unsightly, squeezed person. Maybe well dressed, but this insecurity is striking. There are, of course, exceptions.

Indeed, the number of pedophile maniacs has increased significantly. One of the reasons is the abolition of compulsory psychiatry in the 90s. (It existed under the USSR. Then every person with mental disabilities lived under control. He was obliged to visit a doctor, take medications. One caveat: the Soviet law on psychiatric care was often used to persecute dissent. year, a new law was passed. It was supposed to exclude abuse. - Ed.)

Now people with mental disabilities are treated at will. And now he is drinking tea, and in a minute he can stick a fork in someone's eye.

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Son of a boy

- Maniacs often grow out of boys who were brutally suppressed in the family. And not the father, but the mother (or grandmother).

There are two scenarios for maternal behavior: either overprotection, or psychological pressure: mockery, ridicule. Anything you can't do is wrong. Meanwhile, for a boy, the mother's figure is very important, she is key. From her, he expects unconditional love. Without this, he will not learn to love himself.

And here the mother instills from childhood, he is insignificant. He develops a hatred for her. And, since it cannot harm the mother, all the negativity spills out on the weak.

The wife beat, the husband kept

- There was such a case: a 14-year-old teenager raped two boys 4 and 6 years old for a year.

He is from a prosperous (by definition of neighbors) family, they are from an orphanage. And then he came to us. You should have seen him: outwardly unpleasant, flabby, disgusting. But when you start talking to him, pity arises. He's so unhappy.

He said: the mother is very cruel, the father does not play any role at all. After learning what the son had done, the woman burst into tears: how is this possible? Grew up as a wonderful child! She herself punished him for any wrongdoing. She took a wooden laundry stick and beat. And my son did not hide it: I don’t see her. So I switched to boys. And … it turned out, how it happened. The guy was given 14 years. He is already in an adult colony.

Mikhail Tuvatin, the killer of Liza Kiseleva from Saratov. Photo: TFR
Mikhail Tuvatin, the killer of Liza Kiseleva from Saratov. Photo: TFR

Mikhail Tuvatin, the killer of Liza Kiseleva from Saratov. Photo: TFR.

Tried to be good

- Or - another option - the mother does not suppress the child. On the contrary, he shows indifference to him. Here's another case. The man raped children. They began to understand - he had serious problems in his family. Mother changed partners, was busy with herself. Grew up without warmth, emotional support. The guy has grown. I tried to start a family, but I couldn't. Lived with a girl, had an intimate relationship. But he didn't feel anything. He compensated by taking care of his friend - washing, cleaning, cooking.

I tried to be a good family man. But one day I was walking down the street and saw a child. Later he admitted: he could not stop. The first time everything turned out to be spontaneous. Then I started planning. Although every time he persuaded himself, that's all, the last one.

Everything goes according to plan

- A maniac is a person of ritual. That is, an ordinary rapist (not a serial) can attack a child in a drunken stupor. A maniac is not like that. He has a well-developed script.

As in the case of Denis Pozdeev, with whom he killed a 6-year-old boy in Naryan-Mar. He had a plan, purposefully walked with a knife. Maybe he had this first crime, they managed to catch it, but, definitely, this is the behavior of a maniac.

Denis Pozdeev, he killed a 6-year-old boy in Naryan-Mar. Photo: TFR
Denis Pozdeev, he killed a 6-year-old boy in Naryan-Mar. Photo: TFR

Denis Pozdeev, he killed a 6-year-old boy in Naryan-Mar. Photo: TFR.

Why does this need rituals, consistency? For a person with mental illness, this is a defense mechanism. Rituals help to feel good, order life.

Does it feel pity?

- During the attack, no, after the fact - yes. They begin to feel pity, shame, explain everything with their own considerations.

There are those who feel guilty. But this is most often when he is normal. And when he enters a state of passion, he forgets about everything.

What about fear? Before they are caught, they are not afraid. They believe that they can leave. Everytime.

Can it be cured?

- It would be better if the traumatic situation was “worked out” in childhood. The child must have an emotional connection with the parents, you must ask him to say everything.

How is this corrected in adults? After the crimes committed, there is no way. Only with the help of medicines.

- Now there is a lot of talk about the need for chemical castration for pedophiles. I don't think this is effective. The correct punishment for maniacs-pedophiles would be life imprisonment without the opportunity to free themselves. For him it is worse than the death penalty …