About The Nuclear Bombing Of Tartary - Alternative View

About The Nuclear Bombing Of Tartary - Alternative View
About The Nuclear Bombing Of Tartary - Alternative View

Video: About The Nuclear Bombing Of Tartary - Alternative View

Video: About The Nuclear Bombing Of Tartary - Alternative View
Video: The Moment in Time: The Manhattan Project 2024, July

Back in Soviet times, a group of military scientists led by General Moiseyev discovered traces of the use of nuclear weapons on the territory of Siberia at a time when nuclear weapons had not yet been invented by our civilization. It is not surprising that all the results of this expedition were immediately carefully classified, and a nondisclosure agreement was taken from its participants. Why did they try to hide this discovery from us and it did not “surface” even when the USSR ceased to exist a few years later?

Yes, because it threatened to bring down the plan of total falsification of history, which for several centuries was carried out on Earth under the leadership of the Vatican and its servants. And the Vatican is actually not the center of Catholicism. He carefully conceals his true identity. How important it was for the crabs to keep this discovery secret is shown by the fact that within just a few years all the participants of this expedition, with the exception of V. Shemshuk, who left for the West at that time, died under rather strange circumstances. All this is mentioned in his books by the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov.

Now this information is already known to many, and some of the alternative researchers of history even believe that this nuclear bombardment occurred in the middle of the 19th century and that it was she who provoked the same global cataclysm, which subsequently covered the first floors of buildings throughout the Earth. However, there is another version. which tells us that pinpoint nuclear strikes were inflicted on the cities of Tartary by the non-humanoid masters of the Vatican several centuries earlier.

For example, what can you read about this in the book by G. Sidorov "The Legacy of the White Gods", where he writes such a dialogue with representatives of the civilization of "white gods":

So, all sorts of troubles in our land occurred in the last centuries from the Vatican and its corrupt servants, and its masters are guilty of the death of millions of earthlings who lived in the territory of Tartary. All this explains to us who actually controls the parasitic satanic Western civilization and why its representatives suffer from pathological Russophobia. All of them subconsciously feel that karmic retribution for all the troubles brought to us will be inevitable for them.

This also explains why the Vatican has always blessed the "crusades" of a united Europe, first against Russia, and then against Russia. The Vatican is also behind the total falsification of our true history, for the sake of which many historical documents were destroyed and replaced by its servants and Jesuit agents, especially after the Romanov dynasty, whose surname clearly indicated their masters, seized power. Although even more ancient artifacts are hidden in the multi-level underground vaults of the Vatican library, where mere mortals do not have access.

And of course, one of the main tasks of this falsification was not only inventing myths about the allegedly short history of our ancestors and their lack of a high civilization, but also concealing any information about the Siberian Vedic confederation - an ally of Russia, which saved it from the invasion of knights-crusaders prepared by the Vatican and even almost destroyed this residence of the high priests of the dark planetary egregor, which is in fact the Vatican.

But, of course, without the help of the non-humanoid non-humans who bombed Tartary all this, the Vatican could not pull off. Only now there is a friendly “external force” on Earth, and therefore the parasitic satanic West is already deprived of effective outside help and its plan to establish a “new world order” is under threat. This is the underlying reason behind the current events on the world stage and the attempts of the anti-Russian Russophobic shushara and its corrupt servants to destroy our country and enslave its peoples, turning them into zombie biorobots - slaves of hybrid inhumans and other evil spirits. But no matter what they have done in recent years, and as a result, the situation still turns against them. Therefore, the time of liberation from parasitic invaders and their servants is just around the corner.

Continue reading the article: "On the second bombing of Tartaria"

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