Strange Sumerian Tablets Or A Possible Trace Of A Nuclear War Of The Past - Alternative View

Strange Sumerian Tablets Or A Possible Trace Of A Nuclear War Of The Past - Alternative View
Strange Sumerian Tablets Or A Possible Trace Of A Nuclear War Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Strange Sumerian Tablets Or A Possible Trace Of A Nuclear War Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Strange Sumerian Tablets Or A Possible Trace Of A Nuclear War Of The Past - Alternative View
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I must say right away that it is not known how real these plates are. That is, one should not exclude the possibility that it is a fake, but nevertheless it is worth paying attention to the find.

But before moving on to the tablets, it is worth telling about some more information related to the Sumerians and facts that are difficult to explain by the official history.

The first thing to say is the Anunnaki. The Annunaki were one of the "gods" for the Sumerians and the ancient civilization worshiped them, but their descriptions do not sound like myths, but rather like reality.


The Sumerians wrote that the Anunnaki were from Nibiru and were apparently advanced enough to possess various technologies and move between planets without any problems.

You should not consider Nibiru some kind of "fake" of modern news. It is likely that this is a real planet in the past. And the "gods" could just be a highly developed civilization on one of the planets of the solar system, except for the Earth.


As for the information about the "gods" and the planet Nibiru, this is already more reliable. But historians do not really advertise this, since it is difficult to explain it, one can only refer to the fantasy of ancient people, because extraterrestrial life allegedly does not exist.

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And now, it is worth moving on to those very interesting plates. On one of the clay tablets it is written that, unexpectedly for the ancients, a hurricane appeared at one moment, as well as a “fiery wind”. In addition, there is a mention that the Sun and Moon have ceased to shine.


I think everyone should understand that these are the consequences of only one thing -

nuclear explosion. Or, a weapon unknown for our time.

And on the plate itself, you can see something like a multitude of small objects similar to modern warheads, as well as a "nuclear mushroom".


In addition, it is worth noting how a human-like figure is next to a bomb similar to the one used by the United States in 1945 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In general, one way or another, it all looks like nuclear weapons. And the consequences described in the plate are similar only to a nuclear explosion.

The only question is, how real are these signs? Do they really belong to the Sumerians? If so, then for obvious reasons, the whole history can be rewritten.


Of course, it makes no sense to draw any conclusions, since the reliability of these tablets is unknown. However, the Sumerians wrote about how the Anunnaki from Nibiru flew to them and taught something, and this already sounds much more believable.

In addition, traces of a nuclear war, even from the distant past, can be found on Earth and not to say that they are few.

But what happened in the past? What civilizations could have visited Earth? Where did they go? And could there be such a war? - One can only guess, but such a version cannot be ruled out, too many facts and traces speak of the existence or visit of the Earth, a highly developed civilization.