In Moscow, A Gang Of Frostbitten Telephone Scammers Continues To Wield - Alternative View

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In Moscow, A Gang Of Frostbitten Telephone Scammers Continues To Wield - Alternative View
In Moscow, A Gang Of Frostbitten Telephone Scammers Continues To Wield - Alternative View

Video: In Moscow, A Gang Of Frostbitten Telephone Scammers Continues To Wield - Alternative View

Video: In Moscow, A Gang Of Frostbitten Telephone Scammers Continues To Wield - Alternative View
Video: How To Stop Robocallers 2024, October

I have already written that from the Moscow phone number 84954327163 scammers call the owners of mobile phones and, posing as Sberbank employees, under various far-fetched pretexts, extract the data of their money cards from gullible citizens.

These young (judging by their voices) scumbag-degrading people specialize in elderly people, who, not knowing the peculiarities of banking services, often fall for their bait. One such trick is that they ask if you gave your card to someone or lost it. Then, posing as Sberbank security officers, they say that someone has withdrawn a certain amount from your card. And if it is not you, then they will help you to return this amount, but for this they need the card details.

This gang operates not only from this phone number, but also from other numbers of the operator IP Amelkin Alexander Nikolaevich. So, the last calls came from the number 84951894626. Here are the other numbers from which these scammers acted: 84954327286, 84954327290, 84954327297. If you have relatives and friends, acquaintances and elderly friends, warn them about scammers and add these numbers to the "black list".

This operator, whose network is actively used by telephone scammers, while the relevant authorities are "catching flies", owns the following telephone numbers in Moscow:

from 8 495-189-00-00 to 8 495-189-99-99

from 8 495-432-00-00 to 8 495-432-99-99

from 8 495-488-00-00 to 8 495-488-99-99

But remember that this is not the only gang of scammers, and therefore similar calls may be from the base of other operators. The main thing to know is that Sberbank employees will never get your card details out of you. This is only necessary for fraudsters who can pay for many services with your card and make purchases in online stores if you give them the information they are interested in.

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Also, remember that if you have activated the function of SMS messages about card transactions, then you will always receive a corresponding SMS from the corresponding Sberbank number about withdrawing a certain amount. If you haven't received such an SMS message, then most likely you are dealing with scammers. Sberbank, however, usually simply blocks the card in case of suspicious activity. By the way, there are scammers who also scare them by blocking the card and even send such messages on behalf of Sberbank. And with exactly the same purpose. Usually in an SMS message, they send their number, by which they try to find out the information they need, allegedly needed to "unlock" your card.

Never panic if you receive such calls and messages. If you doubt that scammers are talking to you, then tell them that you will call the official phone of the Sberbank security service and tell them about this call and the phone number from which they are calling you. By the way, you can do so if the intrusiveness of the scammers becomes prohibitive. The same should be done in case of receiving suspicious SMS. Also, you can personally check such a "blocking" using the nearest ATM or the Sberbank-online service without leaving your home.

Another thing is your elderly relatives, friends and acquaintances. Most of them do not have sufficient knowledge in this area, and therefore they are the ones who become victims of such scammers. Fraudsters, in turn, are also well aware of this, and therefore they are guided just by the elderly and people with disabilities, robbing the most vulnerable part of the population. I hope that the corresponding karma of all these scumbags will definitely get there. And it would be my will, they would pay for each deceived old man or disabled person with a year of their life. But, of course, this is not for me to decide. Let the Higher Powers decide.

Well, for everyone else, I advise once again to warn all relatives, friends and friends, and especially the elderly, so that they do not lose their vigilance and do not fall into the traps of frostbitten degenerates set by them. And if you want more people to get acquainted with this information, and the relevant authorities brought the scammers to clean water as soon as possible, repost and provide links to this material in your groups (communities) and accounts. Only together we will be able to wean such degraded non-people from profiting from someone else's misfortune.