The Healer's Tale - Alternative View

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The Healer's Tale - Alternative View
The Healer's Tale - Alternative View

Video: The Healer's Tale - Alternative View

Video: The Healer's Tale - Alternative View
Video: Books from The Elder Scrolls Series: The Healer's Tale 2024, July

Have you ever met an appeal in social networks: “Make any wish, put a“like”, and it will come true in three days”? I never thought about whether it was good or bad until I faced one problem …

I'll tell you right away: I have no medical education. I live in a village, telling my sick neighbors what herbs to collect in the forest in order to get well sooner. From time immemorial, all of us have been doing this on the female side. In addition to neighbors, they come to me and from other villages, and from the city, but if I see that I cannot help, I immediately say so. Why waste time on experiments when human health, and even life, is at stake? After all, people will not go from far away just like that, trouble usually drives me to me.


Once they brought a boy of two years old, as I looked, I immediately said: "Go to the hospital!" He barely breathes, hangs in his mother's arms like a rag, his eyes are open, but they look into emptiness … In general, not a tenant, as my grandmother would say. And his mother says:

- Yes, we have not been anywhere, even to the Belgian doctor who accepts in our city, we went, no one can understand anything. Petya's test results are good. If you do not see him, but only look at the test results, then you will not find a healthier child. Help, grandma!

Well, not that I am a grandmother, but it is somehow easier for everyone to consider me as such, young people rarely engage in healing. Yes, and my outfit is everyday - a scarf and a closed long dress, they add to me.

- Has it been sick for a long time? - I ask.

Promotional video:

- A week. Just a week. Before that, he was a strong healthy child, he did not even have colds. And last Tuesday they changed. Rather, he became somewhat sleepy on Monday, but I decided that I had played out with the children, was tired, and put me to bed early. And in the morning I can't wake up, it seems like I woke up, but I didn't get out of my slumber. Well, there you go … you see. Today is the seventh day as it covered him. No fever, no runny nose, no rash, well, no signs of illness at all. But he just leaves me, you see! Help! Doctors from us, one might say, refused.


I looked at the boy and could not understand anything. Usually, the illness is immediately visible, but here it is as if he was fenced off by a fence. And I can't drive them out, I understand that the mother will go crazy or lay hands on herself if something happens to him. “Okay,” I say, “go to the next room, settle down, take off your clothes, rest. Leave your Peter to me, we will talk here together. " She already brightened up - this is the hope that she does with people. She obediently left to "settle down".

And I stand over this tiny little body and scold myself: why did I agree? After all, both my mother and my grandmother said: if you see that you cannot cope, immediately announce it, do not waste time! But then she pulled herself together, calmed down and slowly entered … how shall I say … the territory of this soul, and there … There was almost no soul left, so a cloud, a fog.

But again I don't see any illness, just the energy field that protects us is completely destroyed. It is not even trampled, as it happens when a person is humiliated or when the disease has passed, but it seems like … Exactly. Ask me, I will say that it was not five or ten people who pulled the veins out of the boy, but thousands. How could this be? Unrealistic. Where can I get such a crowd?

And Petya was lying and barely breathing, his pulse was so weak that he could hardly feel it. I brewed a collection that could support him a little, poured a drop from a pipette into his mouth, he breathed more evenly, and even his cheeks turned slightly pink. I realized that he fell asleep, and fell asleep for real, and went out to find out the details to his mother.

- Where did you take him, whom did you introduce him to, maybe he performed where, sang a song in kindergarten with a large crowd of parents? Or what meeting did you accidentally get? I ask and understand that I am talking nonsense, because the soul will never fly so far from this.

- No, the fact of the matter is that we did not go anywhere, did not meet with anyone. Our dad is all in business, Petya does not go to the garden, even no one has been visiting us for the last ten days. Well, when I got sick, I spent whole days in clinics and hospitals visiting doctors. What's the matter with him, grandma?

And "grandmother", I mean, is silent, chewing a corner of the kerchief. For a long time we talked with Petya's mother, but we did not find out anything that day. And time passed, and it was clearly not in Petya's favor. One thing was clear to me: it was necessary to find the cause, the source of this phenomenon, which cannot even be called a disease. It is useless to treat a child just like that, you need to remove the root cause. And it still seemed to me, and then I was convinced of this, that someone or something continued to suck out the last strength of this kid, although what strength is there already …


I sat next to him all night, and at dawn I entered the room where his mother was sitting awake, and demanded that she urgently call here her husband, that is, Petya's father. At first she whispered something about his prohibitive employment, but then she looked at me and immediately took up the phone. He arrived quickly, apparently, he was also worried about his son, there was no face on him. But as soon as he entered, it was as if a flame blazed from him towards the sleeping Petya. Is it really your own father ?! Incredible! Anything, of course, happens, but one person cannot suck out the energy of another like that.

And we started talking. Something told me that I needed to ask him not about his personal life, but about work, it was from his business sphere that thin threads were drawn to the child lying on my couch. Petya's dad, according to him, had been in business for ten years and could not imagine how it was possible to work for someone else's uncle. There were ups and downs, but he stubbornly climbed forward, not paying attention to failures, learning from his mistakes and not feeling disappointed in the chosen path.

For a long time he told me about his projects, I don’t remember everything. And there is no point in writing about them now. He spoke, and I listened not to the meaning of his narration, but to what was behind him. Well, it's hard to explain. She listened and understood that the solution was close, but she could not yet grasp it, she seemed to be slipping away.

- Tell me not about the past, but about the present, - I asked him, and Petya's dad hesitated slightly.

- Yes, actually, there is nothing to talk about yet. I am promoting one little business here … More precisely, one group on the Internet, if it works out, good money will go …

- And how do you promote? - I felt a rush of blood to my temples and began to choke. This always happens when I grope for the correct diagnosis.

- Well, you still won't understand … Okay, I tell you. I promote one resource, part of the traffic I get from social networks, where I created my group. The more people enter it, the better. And the main thing is that they should be real people, and not specially created bots that put "likes". People repost to their pages, their friends connect, this is how the number of "likes" increases, that is, the number of visits. Accordingly, the rating of the group is growing. Well, this is a common move: who puts pictures of stray dogs and writes a heartbreaking story, who fights for the rights of veterans …

- And you? What have you set to collect these … "likes"?

- Petkin's photo. He's so cool there! And he wrote: “Make any wish looking at this photo, and it will come true in three days. Checked! " Great move, right? I have collected fifteen thousand "likes" in a week!

That's all. The answer to Petya's disease. Just imagine that fifteen thousand people, drilling with their eyes a photo of a baby, demanded that he fulfill his desires. “I want a lot of money”, “I want the death of a competitor”, “I want love”, I want to do it! And a photograph is a thin cast of a living soul. Photos of children and show something once again to guests or friends is not worth it, but here … It is strange that the baby lasted so long.

I made Petya's father immediately remove both the photo and the coveted "likes", it's good that he had his iPad with him. And then I nursed Petya for a few more weeks, helping him to re-create the energy field, gave him food with herbs, protected him from prying eyes, he saw only my mother and me all this time. The kid recovered completely, became the same, but it was a real miracle. Working with him, I was afraid all the time to lose his soul, not to keep it, it was very scary. But, thank God, everything is over!


Commentary by Ziraddin RZAEV, psychic, healer

- I can neither confirm nor deny the "diagnosis" of the healer. But one thing is certain: through photography you can influence a person, you can jinx it. And the photograph itself, like other images of a person, takes on an energetic influence and, in the end, acquires its own energy-informational field. Therefore, they often say "the prayed icon", that is, it has absorbed faith, the bright aspirations of those praying and independently spreading beneficial energies. But targeting energies still influence a person through photography. Otherwise, no one would agree to publish their photo in newspapers and magazines.

"Line of Fate" July 2013