I Would Never Have Guessed What Was Inside The - Alternative View

I Would Never Have Guessed What Was Inside The - Alternative View
I Would Never Have Guessed What Was Inside The - Alternative View

In Poland, in the small town of Swidnice, there is an unusual house. Well, unusual … It looks like everything is normal. Passing by, one could mistake for a stable or a hayloft, a flour mill or a granary. Nothing shameful is visible and nothing would attract attention until you find yourself inside. But getting inside … how to choose the right example - if you were taken there blindfolded, shown what was there, blindfolded and taken away, and then asked to find this house, then you could not.

Once inside, the decoration will not leave anyone indifferent. Be at least atheists, but if you value beauty, then there is something to appreciate. If you value technology, then this wooden architecture, according to official dates, is 400 years old. But it looks, by the standards of 21st century technology, as if the building is not even a year old.


It is called the "Church of Peace" and there were three of them. First in Swidnica:


The second in Yavor:


Third in Glogow:

Promotional video:


But, according to God's providence and according to the official version, it was incinerated by direct lightning fire. And then Iiiizh! They wanted three! The Almighty thought so, this is how many prayer text messages will fly at night, not let you sleep. Nenene, enough of you and two. And such a tydyzh on one of three, with a cry "Enough to demand from me to work, I after all for you in three days hastily bungled the planet, and for so many centuries you still have not learned to be independent!"


Why are these houses called "Churches of the World"? The official justifies on this score that there was supposedly a feud between Protestants and Catholics. They had quarreled for thirty years, devastating the white population of Europe and destroying beautiful cities. And at the end of this confrontation, protestors against Catholics were allowed to build these three houses, which should symbolize Peace between the two camps. If so, then, in theory, these buildings, as a contract, should have been erected by both parties, as neighbors put a fence between themselves - everything should go in half. But why then outwardly these buildings look like a large barn, where the last airship is hidden from repression and extinction?

According to the legends of history, the conditions were put forward by the Protestant by Ferdinand III:

Building materials can only be used that are not strong, metal and stone are prohibited. Although the building has stood for four centuries made of wood, it is something. All houses were drowned in cultured clay or sand, but here it is imperceptible.

The second requirement is that the distance between the temples should not exceed a cannon shot, and the temples should be outside the city limits. Although we also have a lot of masterpieces beyond the borders of settlements. Looks like Protestants too.

Third. Only one year was given for the construction of the Temples. In principle, it's okay, because on the island of Java, her beloved husband put forward hellish conditions in general - to build a thousand temples in one night.

Fourth. Outwardly, churches could have their traditional form, but should not have bells and towers. That is, the Catholic Church forbade churches to look like churches, if understood correctly.

Fifth. Any schools in the Churches are prohibited. Uh-huh, schools in the 1600s. But I naively believed the teachers that Lenin built the first school and screwed the first light bulb into it

Sixth condition. Churches should be built only with Protestant money. Which is pretty interesting. The fact that masterpieces around the world are built on the money of ordinary people, you have repeatedly met this and will continue to meet it. Therefore, I emphasize this. Let's fold and build some kind of technological and for the people factory … can we? Firstly, we were not brought up like that, few people dump money, and secondly, who dumps it, if there are swindlers everywhere who will saw this money among themselves and do not build anything, thirdly - and we don’t have such money, we don’t so rich. But why do historians flood about usurpers kings and oppressed populations? They were richer than us, as it turns out.


Such harsh conditions did not prevent the Lutheran Evangelists from building churches and on June 24, one thousand six hundred and fifty-seven, the first service was held in the Church of Peace near the town of Swidnica. The interior of the Church of Peace is amazing. Painting, decor, coats of arms, especially valuable Altar and pulpit. It is difficult to convey all the splendor and beauty in words - it is worth seeing.


In general, descriptions are scarce on the Internet. It is very difficult to find what craftsmen did, what machines they used and how they managed to achieve the durability of wood, which is not observed today. Basically, the message is enmity, but enmity, in the style of official history. And by the way, these are the largest wooden so-called churches in Europe. How many people know about it? Is it really not interesting for historians to know the past, instead of giving signs of jagged meager formulations? Where and in what history they do not dig, there is no description of how they were created, for that everywhere the message was destroyed. That is, what program is created in our head from a young age? Not how to create, but how to destroy. We are not taught to be a community of artisans independent of anyone, we are taught to be a crowd in need to the point of kneeling.


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