How Sellers Manipulate Our Minds. Part 2 - Alternative View

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How Sellers Manipulate Our Minds. Part 2 - Alternative View
How Sellers Manipulate Our Minds. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: How Sellers Manipulate Our Minds. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: How Sellers Manipulate Our Minds. Part 2 - Alternative View
Video: BLACK WIDOW's Alternate Ending & DELETED SCENES You Never Got To See! 2024, July

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In theory, it looks very simple: you need shoes, Dick has them, and you trade your hard-earned green bills for these very shoes. However, in real life, Dick is a cunning and greedy bastard. He will use all sorts of tricks and subtle manipulations to make you want to buy shoes that you absolutely do not need, or pay him more than they are worth. Here are some of these tricks. Be careful, for it is said: he who is forewarned is armed.

Fear-Then-Relief Tactics, Dishonest But Effective

Typically, it goes something like this: "Looks like it says your credit rating is too low … Oh, sorry, it's just not the right file." The essence of this disgusting manipulation technique is this: someone gives you information that can cause fear or anxiety, only in order to immediately calm you down. For several minutes after such a sudden change in mood, you remain more trusting and accommodating.

Sellers adjust to your personality

Each client is unique. A good salesperson takes this into account and changes the selling style in accordance with the characteristics of the "object". In other words, he is playing (or trying to play) the role of a person who would create trust and sympathy for you personally.

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Fast and confident speech creates the illusion of competence

There are scientifically substantiated reasons behind the prevailing stereotype of a talkative salesman who does not stop his quick monologue for a moment. The fact is that most of us associate fast and confident speech with the image of a person who knows what he is talking about and, therefore, is trustworthy.

Thanks for the slightest help push us toward generosity

“We will be grateful for any donation for a good cause. Your every ruble is important to us. We are all more willing to respond to requests when we hear something like this.

Are salespeople reading our minds?

"Yes, I understand, you now think that the price is a little too high …" Telepathy? Of course no. The seller does not know what you are thinking and, most likely, he does not care at all. But he can understand something from your facial expression and other signs. If you are susceptible to suggestibility, it is quite possible that this method will bring him success.

A flurry of love and admiration easily hacks the brain

Oh, what sincere and warm compliments we sometimes hear from sellers, waiters and sales agents! What a deep affection vibrates in their voices! Under such a sauce, even an absolutely useless thing can be “sold” to any person.

BYAF method (the choice is yours)

“Would you agree to take part in our survey? You can of course refuse. The essence of the admission is that the emphasis is on your right to refuse a product or service. As practice shows, it significantly increases the likelihood of a positive answer.

The layout of the store is designed so that you spend as much as possible

The grocery store is designed in such a way that you have to pass as many shelves with goods as possible before you find the goods you came for. Thus, you are quietly nudged into unplanned purchases.

The Illusion of Solidarity as a Means of Dulling Vigilance

"This is a very profitable option for people like you and me." Hearing something like this from a seller, you are imbued with trust, and it is not surprising - after all, you are kind of accepted into the club of the elite. In general, the use of words such as "we", "we are with you" and the like, has shown high efficiency as a tool for opening wallets.

A slight deviation from the rules of the normative vocabulary is only beneficial …

Psychologists have long discovered that a friendly and confidential style of communication is characterized by the use of swear words and expressions, of course, within certain limits. Skillful use of this technique allows the seller to create a sense of intimacy in the buyer and increase the degree of trust, and this is already half the success.

The effect of "foot-in-the-door" (foot in the door)

- Are you ready to sign this petition?

- No problem.

- Then you might agree to donate, say, $ 10?

- Hmm … Well, okay. Here, take it.

This technique is also widely used to increase purchase volume. A person who frivolously answers "yes" to the first simple question does not realize that it will now be more difficult for him to answer "no" to the next. As we say, the claw is stuck - the whole bird is lost.

Fear is the strongest motivating factor

Are you willing to take the risk and lose everything in order to save a couple of dollars? Often sellers, instead of describing to you all the delights of a particular product, tell you how much you can lose by refusing to buy. Creating a sense of threat is by far one of the most effective ways to open your wallet.

A recognizable brand easily forces the buyer to sacrifice common sense

The signature carbonated drink tastes better than any cheap counterpart - even if you know for sure that they are identical in composition. The point is that the brain works not only according to the laws of logic. Suggestion and self-hypnosis are truly capable of working miracles.

Igor Abramov