Users Talked About The Most Creepy Things They Saw While Driving At Night - - Alternative View

Users Talked About The Most Creepy Things They Saw While Driving At Night - - Alternative View
Users Talked About The Most Creepy Things They Saw While Driving At Night - - Alternative View

Video: Users Talked About The Most Creepy Things They Saw While Driving At Night - - Alternative View

Video: Users Talked About The Most Creepy Things They Saw While Driving At Night - - Alternative View
Video: What is the scariest thing you’ve ever seen while driving at night? 2024, October

Recently on the Reddit site in a special thread, people told their stories about how they were abducted by aliens, and in a new thread, users were asked to remember the most creepy things that they saw while driving a car at night. As in the previous thread, this one was marked "Seriously" to suppress jokes and lies.

There was always something creepy about night driving. You are essentially driving in complete darkness and only the headlights of your car illuminate a short section of the path, sometimes suddenly highlighting objects that are difficult to explain from the point of view of logic on the road. Sometimes it is just a scarecrow on the fence by the side of the road, although it looks very much like a person, and sometimes it is a real-looking woman in a white dress and barefoot. Just a late hitchhiker or … a ghost?

Many stories were told simply about an unexpected night encounter with a deer or an owl, but there were also some really creepy stories.

One of the users said that they saw a baby carriage standing alone at the edge of the road. At that time, they did not stop, and later learned that some road robbers have such a trap - to leave the wheelchair on the road or next to it in order to attract attention.

Another told the story that strange figures in black and hooded suddenly crossed the road in front of their car. It was on a country road. Another user suggested that they were probably just teenagers, but according to the storyteller, it happened three hours from the city and it was dead of night.

“I was driving on a country road near Brookville, Indiana. As I drove past a large cornfield, I saw something protruding between the cornstalks. Having approached closer, I realized that it was a stuffed animal, but I tried to get out of there as quickly as possible, - writes a user with the nickname ChuckZombie.

- I was driving home from work late at night, cutting through the industrial area, - writes Awkward_Dog, - When I approached the circular section of the road, I saw that there was a car in the middle of the road and two people next to it. They seemed to be trying to prevent the passage. I thought, "Do they want to grab someone?" I got scared and quickly drove past this place. Then he was greatly alarmed for several days.

- I'm from Australia. At about three o'clock in the morning, I was driving my father's car through the countryside to the city, writes the user ZanzibarBukBukMcFate. It was very dark and I did not stop anywhere. As I began to approach the city, in the still faint light of the roadside lights, I saw something large and shapeless right on the dashboard in front of me. Looking closer, I realized that it was a large huntsman spider (they can reach the size of a dinner plate) and that he was looking directly at me. You see, I did not open the car door even once during the trip, that is, this creature was with me all these three hours. As quickly as possible, I got to the service station, sprayed insecticide everywhere inside and locked the car. Later, I never found his body.

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- I work at night and one day I forgot my snack bag at home. I also had no money with me and I decided to take a quick ride home and eat, - says ZellRyu25, - I was in a hurry and decided to take a shortcut by country roads. About half way I saw a woman in a white dress and barefoot at the edge of the road. I thought that maybe she was drunk and slowed down, passing by her, did not want her to suddenly jump out onto the road and get hit by my car. When I passed, I looked around and did not see her anywhere. And while I drove the rest of the way, I kept thinking where she had gone and what she was doing in the middle of the night barefoot on the road. I didn't want to think about mysticism, I convinced myself that it was just a drunk woman.

- I drove at night, heading to the campsite, - writes TheAb5traktion, - It was dark in this place and there were no traffic lights anywhere. And I suddenly saw in the darkness hundreds of eyes looking at me. I wondered if they were large bullfrogs. Their eyes looked very ominous, reflected in the headlights.

- I work in the second shift and finish somewhere at 11.30 pm, - writes smuphy72, - I then went to my friend's house, but then a thunderstorm started and I decided to return home. There are two roads to my house, one leads through the city and takes 20 minutes, and the second is straight along a dirt road and only 8 minutes. I chose a dirt road, on which during all the minutes of the journey there is not a single house. It was raining heavily, in the middle of the wilderness of Alabama, and as I drove past the twisted section of the road, I saw a tall man in a black hoodie, black trousers and black boots right in the middle of the road. I braked sharply and stopped, and then this man took several steps in my direction. I was very scared and backed up, and this man suddenly rushed after me, but then rushed out of the way into the forest. Barely reaching homeI called the police. Two days later, I learned that there was a similar incident on this road with a woman driver and this man was trying to get into her car. The police searched everything in this place and found his tent in the forest, but the man himself was never found.

“I was driving along a country road, trying to put my thoughts in order,” writes Somerandomguyno5, “I stopped at the side of the road and turned off the headlights and turned off the engine. He sat for about five minutes, leaning back, then decided to return. And suddenly I saw that someone else's SUV was parked right behind my car. There was no one in the driver's seat and I saw nothing or heard that someone was approaching me at that time. My car started only on the third attempt and I quickly drove away from there. I watched a lot of horror movies and a lot of stories about what happened to me immediately started spinning in my head.

“I didn't see anything, but I clearly heard the sound of large wings flapping,” writes Knorian. “It was in a mountain valley in the countryside. It sounded like the flapping of an eagle's wings, but it was clearly much larger. Then I saw a shadow above, but I can't say what it was. Either it was a really large eagle, or a creature from local folklore called Mananangal (Filipino vampire).

“I was driving in a van on the road in Switzerland on the Autobahn in almost complete darkness, going down the hill into the valley,” shepbigstrongfella writes. “Suddenly I saw on the right lane what I took for a running man. It was about 2.30 at night, the moonlight was shining, and I suddenly realized that the man was running very strangely, jumping. Driving past him, out of politeness, I decided not to blind him with my headlights, but he turned his head and looked at me and from the sight of his eyes every hair on my skin stood up. The light from them was reflected as from the eyes of a dog and there were no houses around and the nearest city was 30 miles away. It was terrifying.