The Justice Of Life - Alternative View

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The Justice Of Life - Alternative View
The Justice Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Justice Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Justice Of Life - Alternative View
Video: 1988 The Justice of Life (TV series) 他來自江湖 2024, October

which everyone should get what they deserve. However, many modern people live according to the principle “whoever did it, he ate it”. Impudence for them is "the second happiness." And it seems that there is no justice as such in life at all, but only chaos, in which we are given to chance. However, in this article I will try to prove the opposite. Justice exists. Its manifestation is accessible to our understanding in at least 90% of the phenomena occurring. As a rule, we understand the remaining 10% after a while.

Fairness to rich and poor

Take, for example, the children of wealthy parents who lead a riotous lifestyle. Some people work and get pennies, others have wealth without making any effort. What is justice here? Let's try to figure it out.

When a person has earned his wealth by hard work, it makes no sense to envy him, because his wealth is the deserved result of his work. There is justice in this. Is not it? Consider another case.

When the spoiled son of wealthy parents receives all possible material benefits, and spends his life in the delight of his body and mind, one might think that he was lucky, and does not even smell of justice here. However, sadly, the justice here is that this person was not really lucky at all, because he will not be able to appreciate the benefits that came at an easy price, and when faced with difficulties, he, accustomed to free luxury and comfort, will have a hard time. Therefore, there is nothing to envy here either. When a person has no life experience, receives benefits “for free”, and is not able to appreciate them, then even in comfortable conditions, being rich, he can feel humiliated and unhappy.

And if a person did not grow up in greenhouse conditions, was not spoiled, but overcame difficulties and got used to showing independence, then, when faced with a new problem, he will cope relatively easily, because he has a well-deserved experience in overcoming difficulties and solving problems. Free wealth in other cases is not even a blessing, but rather a curse. The wealth earned by one's own strength is valuable not so much in itself as in the experience that a person has gained while attaining it. This is the justice of life.

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Justice is immaterial

True justice is the measure of our experience. The more we have experienced, the more difficulties and problems we have resolved, the more depth of understanding of life we justly achieve. In this sense, justice is measured by acquired wisdom.

If a person has health problems from birth, it is thanks to these problems that he learns to show the will to live, the taste of which most healthy people do not know. His reward is a fortitude that an athlete would envy. A person justly acquires these qualities when he does not give up even in difficult conditions.

It doesn't matter what you call it - justice, karma, or retribution, no matter what conditions an infantile person finds himself in, he suffers from his own infantilism. His sense of self, thoughts and feelings are determined by his life experience. We do stupid things and make mistakes until, due to certain events and experiences, we gain an understanding of our own actions. Foolishness punishes itself. Personal experience is true wealth.

Among materially wealthy people there are many sages whose self-esteem does not depend on the prestige of the external manifestations of their personality. Such people can dress modestly, drive an inexpensive car, and own relatively inexpensive housing. Developing a sense of self-importance saves a lot of energy, time and money. If nurturing PSV and indulging self-esteem is not the main prerogative, a person can enjoy life in any conditions. The sage is courteous and understanding. The fool follows dubious principles until the results of these tendencies are manifested in all their glory.

Revenge or Justice?

Revenge loves to perform under the banner of justice. If you want to teach someone a lesson on your own, you should honestly look at your own motives. Most often in such situations it all comes down to satisfying the wounded pride, and indulging a sense of self-importance. If you amuse CHSV by swinging the pendulum of duality, then after rising above someone, exactly the same potential for personal humiliation is created. The higher you climb, the more painful it is to fall.

When meeting with an unreasonable, or even aggressive person, it makes little sense to react to his behavior with retaliatory aggression. Life manifests the laws of justice even without our efforts. If a person really acts inharmoniously, reality somehow or other finds a way to correct his behavior.

If you were impudently cut off on the road, or stepped on your foot somewhere in the subway, or you are walking along a narrow path, and the person going to the meeting does not give way, does it make sense to worry and sink to revenge? An unreasonable person will find his rake even without our efforts. Life is so arranged that truly rude qualities inevitably meet with an unfriendly response. In other words, stupidity and rudeness punishes itself on its own.

Don Juan said that "life is a reflection of our Spirit." Meeting visual reflections of our own qualities on the way, we grow above ourselves. A number of articles under the tag "projections" are devoted to this topic on The impudent person inevitably meets another impudent person, and when this happens, they unconsciously together begin to work on their qualities in difficult conditions. Sometimes people skillfully avoid such a study for years, but the longer the escape from themselves, the longer the suffering lasts. An evil person suffers from his own anger, an impudent person from arrogance, a fool from stupidity. And in this, sadly, the justice of life is manifested.

However, there is no point in quietly indulging the ego with triumphant thoughts that someone will suffer deservedly. These thoughts are the same painful duality that underlies negative experiences. Vindictiveness creates a negative emotional background, leads to mistrust and hostility.

True justice

So, if material goods are the measure of all values for a person, of course, life will seem unfair and random. Material is transient, and does not guarantee either happiness or peace of mind.

With experience, we begin to understand that everything in life is balanced in its own way. Experience itself is an impartial judge that rules our states of mind. Individual life in its essence is our reaction to what is happening. The reaction is due to experience. This is the true justice of life.