Flights In Dreams And In Reality - Alternative View

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Flights In Dreams And In Reality - Alternative View
Flights In Dreams And In Reality - Alternative View

Video: Flights In Dreams And In Reality - Alternative View

Video: Flights In Dreams And In Reality - Alternative View
Video: Dreams May Take Place in Parallel Dimension 2024, July

With the word "levitation", certain stereotypical images or pictures, familiar to us from childhood, immediately appear in memory. For example, the classic lines from the pen of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: "There, in the clouds in front of the people through the forests, across the seas, a sorcerer carries a hero." Do not forget about the novel by Alexander Belyaev "Ariel", and about the novel by H. G. Wells "The Truth About Pycraft". But you never know something like that will be remembered? It is clear that works of art are mentioned here, which cannot be considered a document in any case. But aren't they based on anything specific? Or the fruit of the purest imagination of the authors?

Perhaps this is so, but recently many quite serious researchers and scientists began to seriously not only pay attention to levitation as a fact, but also to think about its natural possibility. For example, the stubborn seekers of the anti-gravity engine or those who are now studying the phenomenon of so-called entropy. The entropy law of conservation of energy has already been derived. And not yet disputed!


This case among para-specialists and not only is a classic one. For this reason, it is simply impossible to bypass it. Joseph of Cupertinsky (1603 - 1666) is known for the fact that after joining the Franciscan monastic order “he often rose and remained soaring in the air. Such events took place in public, causing unrest and embarrassing the community. Therefore, brother Joseph was strictly ordered not to visit the kliros for thirty-five years, and a separate chapel was prepared for him so that he could send his requests without harm to other monks."

According to documents from the 17th century, Joseph of Cupertino made about seventy levitations. Basically, he rose above the ground during moments of religious trance, most often without realizing it.

This unique person was born in the south of Italy. Joseph's real name is Giuseppe Deza. Even as a child, some oddities were noticed behind him. For example, at school during class, he often fell into an inexplicable state, like ecstasy. Bodily, the boy was in the classroom, but mentally he went deep into himself. At the same time, Giuseppe sat with his mouth open, for which his classmates nicknamed him "Open Mouth". In 1620, Deza joined the Capuchin monastic order, but was soon expelled "for inappropriate behavior." How it manifested itself is not listed in the documents. Eight years later, he becomes a Franciscan priest in Grogtalia, a place near Cupertino.

Father Joseph very soon became a local celebrity for his ascetic lifestyle, zealous service to the Lord, strict fasts and self-flagellation. The first mentions of Joseph's "ascensions" date back to 1628. The monk's ecstatic fits disrupted the normal course of church services and zeal. In the end, he was forbidden to participate in general monastic activities. But the longest and most amazing flight of Joseph of Kupertinsky dates back to 1638. This happened in Naples in the Church of St. George - “… after serving Mass, he went to a far corner to pray in solitude. Suddenly Joseph lifted himself off the floor and flew up to the top of the altar. Then he smoothly descended to its foot, decorated with flowers and burning candles. Then he took off again with the words "O Blessed Virgin!" There were several dozen witnesses to this. Later,when the miracle monk was summoned to Rome, he repeated his flight in front of the astonished Pope Urban VIII and his entourage. The same flights are noted in Assisi, where Joseph was transferred to serve.

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He died in 1666, the funeral took place at a large gathering of backgammon, who, even during the monk's life, considered him a miracle worker. Only in 1767 was Joseph of Cupertino canonized. He is now traditionally considered the patron saint of aeronautics, aviators and astronauts.


Other celebrities are also noted for the ability to levitate. So in the East, in medieval Persia, the dervish Hawdar is best known. We find information about him in the chronicles of the 12th century. Moreover, in the East, it is believed that levitation is achieved not only by the providence of the Lord or by genuine earnest faith in him, but also by a special breathing technique, by focusing on specific mental images. Among shamans and sorcerers, she is considered peculiar. Yoga and mediums may well "train" themselves for such miracles. So how do we view levitation? How to treat her?

Modern official science does not recognize, but does not deny this phenomenon either. Many theatergoers and sports fans have witnessed the phenomenal ability of some ballet dancers and jumpers to hover in the air for a moment. This was noted for the Soviet athlete Valery Brumel and the American Bob Beamon, who "in the middle of the flight, even more in the second half, at the moment when others fall like a stone, suddenly hovered over the jump pit, as if on an invisible parachute." Experts call this unique phenomenon a "balloon". This was noted even in the Soviet press in the most "dense" atheistic times.

Eminent scientists also pointed to these "oddities". For example, the Russian psychiatrist Kovalevsky. Here is his interesting remark: “I was the first to point out that seizures of epilepsy are accompanied by a consistent loss of body weight of the epileptic, and these losses occur in both somatic and mental epilepsy … This weight loss can be caused by various reasons that contribute to the disintegration of body tissues and elimination their urine, then breath, and so on. Studies of the weight of epileptics have shown that in some cases the drop reaches 700 g, and after an attack of mental epilepsy - 13 kg.

The well-known cultural scientist Taylor noted: “Buddhist chronicles tell of the miraculous ascent of Gautama himself (the Buddha. - Ed.), Just like other saints, for example, his in front of the Eye of the Magician Sammata, who could thus sit in the air without any visible support. It is even considered possible to rise and move in the air without possessing "perfection." This requires only a state of ecstatic ecstasy …”There are a lot of similar remarks of scientists. Moreover, they cannot be considered people who believe in the reality of levitation. Rather healthy skeptics.


Let's not get into arguments on such a delicate issue. Here are just some considerations, giving the right to draw conclusions to the reader.

Almost every one of us flew in a dream a great many times. It should be noted that such "flights" most often occur in children. Moreover, it is so visible and tangible that it seems that pictures based on some experience emerged from the subconscious. To come up with them, especially children's imagination, is beyond the power. Most of the flights in a dream occur without wings or any auxiliary instruments (devices, apparatus, etc.). The pictures that appear in a dream are fully consistent with what is described in legends and myths. It is quite reasonable to assume that they are from birth embedded in our psyche, our subconscious, transmitted, apparently, with a gene code.

It has been established that prenatal impressions and “memories” remain in the brain for life. They play an important role in the interpretation of some vivid hallucinations and visions. So, eyewitnesses who allegedly went on board a UFO painted pictures that coincided in detail with the circumstances of the birth of this person. For example, flashes of light (caesarean section).

Of course, you can invent levitation. You don't need much imagination here. But do not forget that many natural phenomena and "miracles", which are considered commonplace today, were yesterday ostracized and banned, ranked as devilry or deaf ignorance. Among such phenomena, by the way, one can name ball lightning. They have been known for a long time, but they still have no theoretical foundation.

