Deja Vu And Past Lives - Alternative View

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Deja Vu And Past Lives - Alternative View
Deja Vu And Past Lives - Alternative View

Video: Deja Vu And Past Lives - Alternative View

Video: Deja Vu And Past Lives - Alternative View
Video: DEJA VU: Past Life Memory or a Glitch in the Matrix? 2024, October

For a long time I was going to describe some of these strange stories, but they themselves, in a whole series, like one compressed information packet, surfaced in my memory.

The last straw was watching the movie Avatar, after which I was literally shaking for several days from emotions … And the reason was not the impressions of the film, but another déjà vu provoked by this film …

This deja vu led to an unexpected repeated and brighter emergence in my mind of several more situations … Probably, a certain critical mass has accumulated and a whole block of similar situations with déjà vu suddenly emerged from my memory.

Consciousness turned out to be psychologically unprepared for such a series of memories of past lives. It's a shock for me. Although it may be normal, so to perceive such tricks of memory or consciousness …

I will present my cases of déjà vu in chronological order … This will be several posts, because otherwise it may not be clear where such conclusions come from …

Case 1

I was 16 years old, and I played patches with friends on the propaganda site. It was an asphalt area with a large billboard-type screen and two rows of powerful wooden benches. We ran after each other right through the shops, it was faster and easier to escape.

Promotional video:

At the same time, there were kids walking there, who were often tied to walk with us and were our neighbors. We can say that we considered them “ours” and, in a sense, took care of them.

It so happened that they "gave me a patch" and I chased after my playmate, we ran across the shops. At this time, a neighbor's boy, 5-6 years old, turned sharply and, not seeing me, rushed to run across to me.

He simply did not see me, tk. running away from a flock of friends, looking in the other direction, at them. I ran very quickly and realized that if I hooked him, I would at least severely cripple him. Because I simply could not stop quickly, I ran even faster in order to get past the boy …

I had time … At this speed, I could not quickly stop, and the benches were at different distances from each other and slightly different in height. Two jumps I “hit” the bench with my foot, and on the third I missed and stumbled …

My foot fell between the benches, and I was still carried forward strongly by inertia. In order not to break my leg, I had to abruptly crouch down with the one I stumbled over and plummet …

For some reason I missed the bench with my hands and fell on it with all my might, just across the lower abdomen … The blow immediately knocked all the air out of my lungs from the blow …

It hurt - just creepy. But even this did not come as such a shock to me as an image, or rather a series of images that suddenly surfaced in my memory … Like still frames from a film with my participation, only with strong emotions and increased brightness …

It was like a strong flash of awareness that was not clouded by anything. In the normal state, it is not as strong as then, even all the colors were much brighter than the colors of this world, as if I looked at the world without shaded glasses. Then it even somehow became a little offensive that it became "gloomy" again, as before.

I immediately realized that similar falls had already happened to me, but then I managed to remember only one of them, the most vivid, then the awareness sharply "collapsed" to its usual state.

The picture of the ordinary world suddenly became less bright, almost transparent, and another, brighter world came to the "foreground", through which the picture of the present shone faintly. I immediately focused on a brighter picture … It was some fractions of a second, but then it seemed to me that time had stopped …

I saw and immediately realized that I had fallen from the horse, or rather it was killed under me with an arrow. I saw the enemies ahead and knew for sure that they would kill me. There were too many of them.

A picture has forever been imprinted in my memory of how I hold the bridle of a dead horse with one hand, and in the other I have a Japanese sword - a katana, which I look at and understand that this is the last time … A very comfortable handle, to which my hand is accustomed. I knew for sure that I was a master of this sword, for me it was like a part of the body …

There was no fear. I was calm and knew for sure that I could kill many, but not all … It even made me feel almost pleasant. I stood and waited for the enemies … I will never forget this … Just now, on the contrary, it causes a whole storm of emotions … And many years have passed, but for me nothing has changed with this …

It was a strong shock … As if you suddenly fall out of this reality into another world, for example, in a movie, and see yourself there as a different person …

Friends probably thought that I was staring my head against the shop.:) I couldn't speak for a minute. Not from pain, but from shock. He was gasping for air like a fish, and could not say anything … The guys looked at me and just fell out laughing … Probably, I looked completely crazy and stunned …:)

Now I know exactly why I am so drawn to melee weapons, especially to the Japanese katana. I saw many different swords in museums, but for some reason none of them have ever evoked any emotions in me … Only the Japanese katana …

From the sight of this weapon, something strange is happening to me even now, even when I see clearly souvenir crafts in an oriental souvenir shop … I almost shake … Immediately a lump in my throat, a lot of emotions, my heart is pounding like crazy, and some kind of childish delight, already It takes your breath away, although I'm not a child at all …:)

I try my best to make a serious, indifferent look and look calm. Probably, it’s badly done …:) In general, logic rests here …:)

And some oriental martial arts, kung fu of several similar schools, and not Japanese karate, sports kickboxing, or even just boxing, are also very attractive. To them - completely indifferent attitude.

Strange outbursts of déjà vu happened to me during judo training, especially when I fell. But for some reason, it seemed to me all the time that the training was somehow not going as it should.:)

Many times I caught myself on the fact that every time, at the moment of falling on the tatami, I try to remember something, but I just couldn't understand what exactly. Even then, this thought seemed to me a little idiotic and illogical.:)

Many years later, when I was in the gym for kung fu training, I often caught myself thinking that I know for sure that I really can do much more than I trained, or can do physically. It was always very embarrassing, because I understood that it was somehow illogical, but there was such confidence, it is still there.

The same thing with a kimono, I am very comfortable in it, and somehow calmer than in ordinary clothes … And I never liked the white color of the kimono, for some reason it always seemed ridiculous to me for such clothes.:)

I could not even explain to myself why whenever I saw a horse, I knew for sure that I could ride a horse perfectly and I would not have to study, now I really want to check.:) In real life, I have never ridden, or even sat on a horse …

The same situation is with the katana. Now I know exactly where I got this strange confidence that runs counter to logic.

I remembered one more small observation …

When I watch Japanese, Chinese or Korean films, I understand the motives of the actions of the heroes of the film much better than many other people.

It always seemed strange that we were watching the same film (with different people), but they often do not understand why the heroes of the film behave in a certain situation in exactly the same way and not otherwise.

For some reason it is somehow intuitive to me, in most cases, when others cannot understand it. And in general, Eastern cultures are understandable and close, although in this life I have never been there.

Guess which movie I liked the most over the last few years? Yeah, "The Last Samurai" …:) I watched it 5 times, in places my hair stood on end from flashes of awareness, but I could not pull out anything new.

The feeling that here it is, knowledge, is near, but it does not work to take it, the awareness is weak, there is not enough "power". The same thing happened in several other cases with déjà vu.

It seems that I have some kind of block or ban on this information, which I still cannot overcome … Moreover, the same applies to a few more memories of past lives, also associated with déjà vu.

I think it very much looks like I lived somewhere in Japan or Korea in a past life. But this is more a logical analysis based on the above.

I came to the conclusion that past lives are exactly what we vaguely remember in cases of deja vu … Strange, but for me it most often happens in cases of painful falls and in altered states of consciousness.

In general, there is clearly a certain critical mass of situations when déja vu explains the meaning of some things and events in my life.
