New "Atlantis" Found In Spain - Alternative View

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New "Atlantis" Found In Spain - Alternative View
New "Atlantis" Found In Spain - Alternative View

Video: New "Atlantis" Found In Spain - Alternative View

Video: New
Video: Akuntsu (Full Documentary) 2024, October

Atlantis was actually not a mainland, but a city located on the territory of what is now Spain and perished as a result of the tsunami, according to a group of scientists led by Professor Richard Freund of the University of Hartford (Connecticut, USA)

The submerged, silty-covered city is hidden under the swamps of what is known as the Doña Anna Park, north of Cadiz. A team of archaeologists and geologists explored the area during 2009 and 2010 using powerful radars and underwater research technology.

In addition, in Spain, Freund's group found a number of "monument cities" modeled after the "Atlantis" by surviving refugees. It is their discovery that convinces Freund of his own rightness. “We found something that no one has ever seen, so our finds are trustworthy, especially in an archaeological sense,” said Freund.

For example, under the muddy sediments of the Guadalquivir delta, scientists have found signs of the presence of a city with a ring structure there in antiquity. And finally, reaching the ancient ruins, which are about 2,800 years old, scientists found a silhouette of a warrior carved in stone, guarding the entrance to the lost city, Science Daily reports.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis about 2,600 years ago that it was an island located in front of the strait called the Pillars of Hercules, and this is what the Strait of Gibraltar was then called. In addition, Atlantis, according to Plato, was located opposite the city of Gadar, and this name in ancient times was borne by the present Cadiz. Using the detailed descriptions left by Plato, the researchers carefully studied the situation in the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Tsunamis have occurred and recorded there for centuries, Freund noted. For example, it is known that in November 1755 Lisbon was hit by a wave as high as a ten-story building.
