Megaliths Of Indoman - The Legacy Of Hyperborea? - Alternative View

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Megaliths Of Indoman - The Legacy Of Hyperborea? - Alternative View
Megaliths Of Indoman - The Legacy Of Hyperborea? - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Of Indoman - The Legacy Of Hyperborea? - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Of Indoman - The Legacy Of Hyperborea? - Alternative View
Video: Megalithic Siberia - The Obvious Signs Of An Advanced People 2024, October

Many researchers looking for traces of ancient advanced civilizations seek to go somewhere to exotic places and countries - Mexico, Egypt, Peru, etc. Meanwhile, in our country, practically next to us, you can find absolutely stunning traces of the past. And our recent expedition to the Vologda region discovered stones that may well be traces of the mysterious Hyperborea.

Northern sanskrit

In our digital 21st century, the most amazing things can be found on the Internet. Recently I came across photographs taken in the Vologda region, on the banks of the Indomanka River. In these photos you can see two huge stones, clearly bearing traces of man-made processing. At the same time, they are completely different from any modern products or the remains of buildings.

The person who posted the photos said that he found them near the village of Bolshaya Chagotma, Vashkinsky District. At the same time, he wrote that local residents told him that in the 50-60s these stones were dug up by a bulldozer in a nearby field and dragged to the steep coast of Indomanka. However, where these stones came from on the field - no one knows.

Another thing is interesting - the area where the stones were found is historically called Indoman. It is a small area bounded by several villages and the Indomanka and Kema rivers. On the maps of the 19th century, this area is marked as Indoman.

Indus is the ancient Sankrit root that gave the name to India. Amazingly, many place names of the Russian North and Siberia have the closest connection with India and Sanskrit. There are rivers called Indoga, Indega, Indigirka.

In addition, there are many lakes and rivers in the North that contain the word Ganges or Ganges in their names. The Ganges is the most famous river in India. And not far from Indoman, in Prionezhie, there are several lakes, which are called Gangozero.

Promotional video:

19th century map with Indoman. It is curious that many villages disappeared, and their names were also in Sanskrit. For example, Katras - there is such a city in India
19th century map with Indoman. It is curious that many villages disappeared, and their names were also in Sanskrit. For example, Katras - there is such a city in India

19th century map with Indoman. It is curious that many villages disappeared, and their names were also in Sanskrit. For example, Katras - there is such a city in India.

The Punya river flows in the Kirov region - translated from Sanskrit it means "clean". Not far from Indoman there is the Purna river - there are several rivers in India with such names, and from Sankrith this word is translated as full, full.

And there are many such Sanskrit place names in these places. And the Russian language as a whole contains many Sanskrit words, including those that have become obsolete. There is even a legend that at the beginning of the last century a Sanskrit professor from India came to the Vologda region, who, after talking with local residents, said that he did not need an interpreter - he already understood everything perfectly.

People from the lake

The Indomanian, on the shore of which the megaliths are located, flows out of the Indoman lake - as it is indicated on modern maps. Meanwhile, earlier this lake was also called Indoman. It is located in the neighboring Vashkinsky Vytegorsky district. It is curious that there are local legends that say that once upon a time on the shores of this lake lived "moon people" who flew across the sky on silent aircraft.

V. Ivanov, * Trace from the antediluvian lands. Heavenly chariot *
V. Ivanov, * Trace from the antediluvian lands. Heavenly chariot *

V. Ivanov, * Trace from the antediluvian lands. Heavenly chariot *.

And these legends have a direct connection with the legends of the ancient Hyperborea. According to ancient Greek myths, Hyperborea is a distant northern country inhabited by gifted, happy and beloved people of the gods.

Interestingly, the patron saint of the Hyperboreans was Apollo, who regularly flew to this country from Greece. The servants of Apollo named Abaris and Aristeus were Hyperboreans by birth. It was they who taught the Greeks music, philosophy, poetry and the building of temples from stones.

In addition, as the ancient authors write, the Hyperboreans created aircrafts and other miracles of technology - everything, as in the Vologda legends about Lake Indoman.

Many researchers, for example, the famous ethnographer Svetlana Zharnikova, put forward the version that Hyperborea was located precisely in the Russian North and on the coast of the Russian Arctic seas. And the local ancient names are the heritage of Hyperborea, which has a close connection with India, because the people from these places created the ancient Indian civilization.

Back in 1903, a book by the Indian scholar Bal Gandahar Tilak, "The Arctic Homeland in the Vedas", was published in Bombay. In it, he argued that the ancestors of the Indians in ancient times lived in the North and beyond the Arctic Circle.

Sanskrit is the language of the highest caste of Brahmins, who have kept secrets for centuries, memorizing ancient texts and passing them on from generation to generation.

I happened to visit India and see the brahmanas. Outwardly, they are very different from people of other castes - tall, with fair skin, and that is why they are revered in India - it is believed that they are descendants of the gods. According to local legends, the gods came from the North and were tall, fair-haired and white-skinned. It is curious that for the same reason many people in India were eager to touch me and take a picture - the locals consider it a great happiness to have a photograph with a white and tall man at home.

My photo with Indian women, Murdeshwar, 2018
My photo with Indian women, Murdeshwar, 2018

My photo with Indian women, Murdeshwar, 2018.

Shards of Hyperborea

I collected all this information even before our expedition, and in September 2019, together with the videographer and artist Natalya Mikhailova and engineer Alexander Fedorov, we went to look for the mysterious megaliths of Indoman.

The almost abandoned village of Bolshaya Chagotma
The almost abandoned village of Bolshaya Chagotma

The almost abandoned village of Bolshaya Chagotma.

The expedition was accompanied by difficulties - our car broke down on the road from St. Petersburg to Vytegra, and with great difficulty we got to Bolshaya Chagotma. In addition, we were unable to contact the person who told about these stones on the Internet.

We planned to ask the locals where the stones are, but the village turned out to be practically uninhabited. A local resident, Galina Mikhailovna Golota, told us that she had heard about these stones, but did not know exactly where they were. But she showed us another stone on the banks of the Indomanka - according to her, this stone radiates a mysterious warmth, and the inhabitants of Big Chagotma in ancient times went to him for treatment.

But we were primarily interested in megaliths with traces of technogenic processing. Even before my trip to the Vologda region, I contacted Andrei Barabanov, the editor of the Volna newspaper from Lipinoy Bor, the Vashkinsky regional center.

On his own initiative, he came to Chagotma and not alone - with the local historian Nikolai Nikolayevich Leontyev, who knew roughly where these stones are - and without their help this expedition would not have been successful, because the stones were quite far from the places where we began to look for them on our own.

Nikolai Nikolaevich presents his book to Galina Mikhailovna
Nikolai Nikolaevich presents his book to Galina Mikhailovna

Nikolai Nikolaevich presents his book to Galina Mikhailovna.

Nikolay Nikolevich, me (Natalya Trubinovskaya) and Andrey
Nikolay Nikolevich, me (Natalya Trubinovskaya) and Andrey

Nikolay Nikolevich, me (Natalya Trubinovskaya) and Andrey.

Andrey, Natalia and Nikolai Nikolaevich
Andrey, Natalia and Nikolai Nikolaevich

Andrey, Natalia and Nikolai Nikolaevich.

N. Trubinovskaya and megaliths, which I have long dreamed of finding - and found
N. Trubinovskaya and megaliths, which I have long dreamed of finding - and found

N. Trubinovskaya and megaliths, which I have long dreamed of finding - and found.

They seem completely alien in our world, as if they were really created by a completely different civilization. It is curious that these megaliths are granite, and this material is very difficult to process due to its high hardness. But the stones have smooth grooves and edges, as well as perfectly right angles.


Moreover, these stones resemble many other well-known mysterious megaliths - for example, the Ishi-no-Hoden stone in Japan, Yurak-Rumi in Peru and other megaliths in Indonesia, Egypt, Turkey, India, etc.

It is possible that these stones are witnesses of ancient Hyperborea, and miraculously survived. If the Russian language has preserved its ancient roots for centuries, then there are few material traces of the past in our country - due to numerous wars and revolutions.

Painting by expedition participant Natalia Mikhailova, * Shards of Hyperborea. Megaliths near Big Chagotma *
Painting by expedition participant Natalia Mikhailova, * Shards of Hyperborea. Megaliths near Big Chagotma *

Painting by expedition participant Natalia Mikhailova, * Shards of Hyperborea. Megaliths near Big Chagotma *.

Giants and mummies

But the most interesting thing is that Nikolai Nikolayevich said that another similar stone was found in these places, and he even knows where it is approximately. We went in search of him, but we never found it. Later, when we returned home, a native of these places Oksana Volkovs contacted me on the Internet (it is curious that she now lives in England) and said that there really was a similar stone, and not one (this stone is in the two photos below).


A few years ago, during road works near Indomanka, an excavator accidentally dug up these stones. Moreover, as Oksana says, there were at least five of them - and unlike those that we found on the cliff - they lay underground in the very place where they were originally, historically. But then, for some reason, these stones were buried back in the same place - that's why we didn't find them.

It is interesting that even the "official" historians believe that the history of our country was born in these places. Belozersk, neighboring with Lipin Bor, is one of the most ancient cities in Russia. He is mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years", and in its most key moment: "and three brothers with their families were elected, and they took all Russia with them, and they came and sat the eldest, Rurik, in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, is in Izborsk."

Belozersk is an ancient city
Belozersk is an ancient city

Belozersk is an ancient city.

But it is here that there are many traces of alternative history - not only megaliths, but much more. Nikolai Nikolayevich told us that not far away, near the village of Pinshino, they recently excavated an ancient burial place, and the skeletons found in it turned out to be much larger than those of ordinary people.

And Oksana shared a story about how in the Vytegorsky district a man, digging a cellar, came across ancient mummies, but, frightened, immediately buried them back.

It is curious that Oksana also said that once, while swimming in Indomanka near Big Chagotma, her father discovered a piece of an antique amphora - how can you not remember Apollo and ancient Greece. It turns out that an ordinary half-abandoned village in the Vologda Oblast keeps the secrets of ancient Hyperborea …

Author: Natalia Trubinovskaya