The Unsolved Mystery Of Alexander Barchenko - Alternative View

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The Unsolved Mystery Of Alexander Barchenko - Alternative View
The Unsolved Mystery Of Alexander Barchenko - Alternative View

Video: The Unsolved Mystery Of Alexander Barchenko - Alternative View

Video: The Unsolved Mystery Of Alexander Barchenko - Alternative View
Video: Litvinenko - Q+A 2024, October

In the early autumn of 1922, a detachment of exhausted people made their way along the coast of the sacred Lapland Seydozero, in one of the most inaccessible corners of the Kola Peninsula. Evening is coming soon, we must hurry. And suddenly a mountain appeared in the distance in the sliding rays of the sun. On its sloping rocky slope, a gigantic - up to 100 m - figure of a man with arms outstretched in a cruciform manner stood out clearly. So Alexander Barchenko saw what, perhaps, he had been striving for all his life. Before him was an unmistakable trace left by that ancient and long extinct civilization, which the ancient authors called Hyperborean: the word indicated its location, beyond Borey, the North Wind, or simply in the North.

It seemed that all the forces of earth and sky were up in arms against a handful of daredevils who decided to find out one of the most intimate secrets of history. The Saami guides (Lapps) with horror and entreaty dissuaded them from the planned route. On the way back, the whirlwind that had flown almost sank the boat. Physically, there was a hostile opposition of some unknown natural forces. But the counselor continued to move towards the chosen goal, like Amundsen to his pole.


From the diary of a member of the expedition, Alexander Kondiain, an astrophysicist, a close friend of Barchenko, who later shared the sad fate of his friend:


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What A. V. wrote about Barchenko before being shot?

Or what is the essence of secret, intimate, ancient knowledge

Alexander Vasilyevich Barchenko (1881-1938) is one of the tragic and mysterious personalities of the 20th century. The bearer of the Great Mystery, he, apparently, forever took her to another world. Attempts were made to leave at least some information for posterity. They even managed to convince the executioners to postpone the execution of the death sentence. He was given a pencil and a hefty stack of paper for the suicide bomber to spell out everything he knew. And they were shot the next day after the completion of the confession. The manuscript was immediately hidden, so much so that since then almost no one has seen it. They even made up a legend: they say, everything disappeared when in the tragic 1941 the Germans approached Moscow and had to burn the archives of the NKVD. Believe it or not, it was too great a secret secret!

Now we can only guess what was in that missing manuscript. But you can guess in general terms! Barchenko wrote about many things in his pre-revolutionary novels: caves in the Himalayas and in the Russian North, underground repositories of the deepest secrets of world civilization, immured hermits, etc. (Barchenko's fiction was partially republished in 1991 by the Sovremennik publishing house by his heirs - son and grandson. I express my sincere gratitude to both of them for providing factual material from the family archive. - V. D.). Everything is described in Barchenko's semi-fantastic novels as if the author saw everything with his own eyes. However, who knows: saw it or not. After all, a dull confession was preserved in the interrogation protocols at Lubyanka: during the pre-revolutionary wanderings, he had a chance to visit more than one of the overseas countries, allegedly for commercial purposes. And after the revolution he organized an expedition to the Kola Peninsula in search of traces of the ancestral home of mankind. And he found it, having laid the route in such a way, as if he knew exactly where and what to look for.


This Knowledge is just the whole point. For this Knowledge is secret, intimate, esoteric, as they said in the old days, and besides, it is also ancient. Nicholas Roerich possessed the same knowledge when, together with his wife and sons, he was preparing an expedition to Altai and Tibet. Actually, Roerich was looking for the same thing in Central Asia as Barchenko in Russian Lapland. And they were guided, apparently, by the same source. Even personal contacts between them, most likely, were: in 1926 in Moscow, when Roerich brought the Message of the Mahatmas to the Soviet government (another of the mysterious episodes of history, but already associated with the Roerich family).

A. Barchenko's letter to the famous Buryat ethnographer Tsybikov

Barchenko was once again convinced of his assumptions when he unexpectedly ran into a Russian hermit from the remote Kostroma forests, the guardian of ancient secret knowledge. He himself, disguised as a holy fool, made his way to Moscow, found Barchenko and told the scientist about incredible things (this fact became known to Roerich). The information received was subsequently supposed to be discussed with the famous Buryat ethnographer Tsybikov, the first Russian who, at the beginning of the century, penetrated into Tibet under the guise of a pilgrim lama. The correspondence between Barchenko and the Tsybikov miracle was preserved in the State Archives in Ulan-Ude.

From A. V. Barchenko's letter to prof. G. Ts. Tsybikov March 24, 1927

Alexander Barchenko - the keeper of ancient knowledge?

Astounding facts! Barchenko (and he was not the only one - there was a whole community of keepers of ancient Knowledge) had, read and understood the most ancient texts written in "ideographic" writing. Moreover, it seems that photographs of these texts have survived. Perhaps they are that cherished key that will open the doors to such secret places of gray antiquity, of which even yesterday the most unbridled imagination could not even dare to dream.

The concept of the development of world civilization according to A. V. Barchenko

Barchenko had a harmonious historiosophical concept of the development of world civilization, its "golden age" in the northern latitudes lasted 144,000 years and ended 9 thousand years ago with the exodus of the Indo-Aryans to the South, led by the leader of Rama, the hero of the great Indian epic Ramayana. The reasons for this were of a cosmic nature: under favorable cosmic conditions, civilization flourishes, with unfavorable conditions, its decline. In addition, cosmic forces lead to periodic repetition of "floods" on Earth, reshaping the land and mixing races and ethnic groups.

Guided by these ideas, Barchenko managed to organize an expedition, which in 1921-23. surveyed the remote areas of the Kola Peninsula. The main goal (more precisely, a secret sub-goal) was the search for traces of ancient Hyperborea. And I found it! And not only the gigantic black figure of a man with his arms outstretched in a cruciform manner, but also rectangular hewn granite blocks (and at the top of the mountains and in the swamp there are “pyramids”), paved sections of the tundra are remnants of an ancient road (?) In hard-to-reach places, where there were no roads. The members of the expedition were photographed at the crevice-manhole leading into the depths of the earth, but did not dare to go down it, as they felt the opposition of natural forces. Finally, the “stone flower” with the image of the “lotus” (?) Became a kind of travelers' talisman.

Barchenko did not rule out the possibility of paleocontacts between ancient human and extraterrestrial civilizations. On this score, he had some special information. One of the hidden sub-goals of the Kola expedition was to find a mysterious stone, no less than Orion. This stone was supposedly capable of accumulating and transmitting psychic energy at any distance, providing direct contact with the cosmic information field, which gave the owners of such a stone knowledge about the past, present and future.

Barchenko was sure - the ancients possessed the secret of atom splitting, inexhaustible sources of energy, means of psychotronic influence on people

Unfortunately, the results of the research did not become the property of the general public, but were classified and disappeared in the archives of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD. Barchenko possessed extrasensory abilities. He was engaged in the issue of transmitting thoughts to a distance (by the way, on the Kola Peninsula he acted with the mandate of the Institute for the Study of the Brain and with the personal blessing of Academician V. M. Bekhterev) and was recruited to work in the state security agencies, where he headed a top-secret laboratory of the occult direction. But that's not all. In 1926, on the personal instructions of Dzerzhinsky, Barchenko led a top secret expedition to the caves of the Crimea. The goal is still the same: the search for the remains of ancient civilizations, which, according to the concept of the Russian scientist, possessed universal Knowledge. But Barchenko was looking for more: he believed that ancient civilizations possessed the secret of atom splitting,other sources of energy, as well as effective means of psychotronic influence on people. And the information about that has not disappeared, they have been preserved in a coded form, they can be found and deciphered. This, not least, explains the increased interest in his research on the part of the KGB and personally Dzerzhinsky. Was the evidence you were looking for found? The answer to this question is hidden behind seven seals. The Secret Services have always known how to keep their secrets. The Secret Services have always known how to keep their secrets. The Secret Services have always known how to keep their secrets.

Author: V. Demin