How Sounds Heal The Body - Alternative View

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How Sounds Heal The Body - Alternative View
How Sounds Heal The Body - Alternative View

Video: How Sounds Heal The Body - Alternative View

Video: How Sounds Heal The Body - Alternative View
Video: Curing With Sound | Dr. Neal Kassell | TEDxCharlottesville 2024, July

We feel it when we turn on the radio and our favorite song comes from it, or when we sit quietly and listen to the sound of the rain. There is a tangible world in which we are absorbed in silence or when we listen to the sound of the wind in the foliage of trees … There is no doubt that sound subtly and deeply affects our body, mind and spirit. But how exactly does it work, how does sound heal us?


You can tune your body like an orchestra

Have you ever heard how to set up an orchestra before playing? The cacophony of chaotic sounds from winds and strings, horns and timpani is perceived as a rather loud noise. But the music that will then pour out of the instruments can bring little comparable peace, joy or delight.


“Sound is not disorderly chaos. This is a dynamic but ordered pattern. Dr. Hans Jenny

Basically, the body works the same way. If one instrument (organ or organ system) plays its own melody and does not harmonize with the rest of the body, then illness is likely to occur.

Promotional video:

North Dakota-based sound therapist John Beaulieu explains:

“The underlying principle of energy medicine is that the underlying energy field creates physical, emotional and mental behaviors or symptoms. If we change the energy field, then changes occur in physical, emotional and mental behavior."


Cymatics is one of the most effective ways to change the energy field. The Swiss medical doctor Hans Jenny from Basel, although he was not the discoverer of the healing properties of sound, has collected fascinating experiments in which we can literally "see" how sound works.

Jenny became the founder of "cymatics" through a series of experiments. He poured sand, liquid, or some kind of powder onto a metal plate, which he attached to the oscillator. Basically, an oscillator is a vibrator, but in this case the device was controlled by a generator capable of producing many thousands of kinds of frequencies. Some of them can be found in nature, while others are created by man.

Jenny changed the frequency of the oscillator and found that the sand, water, or other substances he used to create the visible environment of sound were being transformed into very interesting shapes. They imitated the properties of divine geometry. Moreover, the higher the frequency, the more complex the forms appeared.

He wrote:

"Since various aspects of these phenomena are caused by vibration, we are dealing with a spectrum that shows patterned, figurative formations at one pole and kinetic-dynamic processes at the other, generally formed and maintained by the necessary periodicity."

Jenny's experiments were a simple way to observe how matter comes to life. Now, thanks to the evolving field of quantum physics, we understand that patterns are formed through energy waves. A similar phenomenon was shown to the scientist by plates.

This fact was well known in ancient Sumeria. That is why practices such as mantras were popular. For example, the seed syllable "OM" causes certain frequencies to be imprinted on the surrounding "matter" and changes the energy field. And the Tibetans knew about the science of sounds. They practiced chanting the five "seed syllables" to clear their minds. Gregorian-style monks are also aware of this healing power.


“This kind of chanting calms the spirit, helps us to live in peace with ourselves and with each other,” says Abbot Philip Lawrence, connoisseur of chants and abbot of the Convent of Christ in the Desert of the American Order of Benedictine Monks in Abiquiu, New Mexico. “Singing has a remarkable effect on brain waves, according to various studies. But, of course, it is not this effect that monks pursue, as does the Gregorian choir. We always hope that our singing will bring people peace, inner peace and understanding of beauty. These values are capable of helping to create a world in which peace and tranquility prevail,”explains Abbot Philip.

Since all matter is just waves of different frequencies or a quantum field, we can create another reality with the help of sound.

Wave function collapse


Sound and golden number

There is great potential for healing in the science of sound. Yogis in deep meditation pronounce the sound "Aum" (OM) and imagine the image of the mandala of Sri Yantra, which is considered a visual representation of this one of the most ancient sounds in the world. Some call this a manifestation of divine sound. Triangles in Sri Yantra are perfectly integrated based on the Pi number, and are also built on the basis of the harmonious laws of the Golden Section, Phi number. The Greek philosopher Pythagoras understood the connection between sound and sacred geometry, which Euclid wrote about in his work "Beginnings" in about 300 BC. Luca Pacioli, a contemporary of Leonardo da Vinci, wrote about it in his book De Divina Proportione in 1509, and Johannes Kepler in about 1600. Many others have known for centuries about "cosmic" mathematics and its powerful healing powers.


Harmonious sounds create order out of chaos. We can say that illness is a kind of chaos in the body.

According to Dr. Robert Friedman, the link between the Golden Ratio and ideal health was a no brainer.

Dr. Friedman's observations in the 1980s allowed him to detect the manifestation of the Golden Ratio (or divine proportions) throughout the human body - at the anatomical, physiological and molecular levels.

“The deeper I went, the deeper I discovered this incredible and ubiquitous code in the construction of all systems and functions of the body … it follows that the more a person harmonizes in accordance with this grandiose principle, the more efficient and easy his life can become”, - concluded Friedman.

Healing frequencies

What is disease? "Unresolved emotional problems can block healing vibrations or contribute to relapse of illness." Richard Gordon

Over the millennia, those who have studied the science of sound have come to realize that certain frequencies are extremely beneficial to the human body.

“When two systems vibrate at different frequencies, there is an impelling force called resonance that causes energy to be transferred from one system to another. When two equally tuned systems vibrate at different frequencies, there is another aspect of energy transfer - involvement that aligns the two systems and makes them vibrate at the same frequency. Richard Gordon

When we “engage” in healing frequencies, our body and mind vibrate in harmony. They include:

285 Hz - signals to cells and tissues to heal. It makes the body feel renewed, pleasantly light.

396 Hz - Releases feelings of guilt and fear to clear the way for higher vibration emotions.

417 Hz - helps to "decouple" difficult situations.

528 Hz is a signal to heal DNA, restore cells and awaken consciousness.

639 Hz is a vibration associated with the heart. It allows you to blur the distinction between feelings of love for yourself and for “others”. Listen to this frequency to balance the relationship.

741 Hz - a signal to cleanse and heal cells from the effects of electromagnetic radiation. Helps to empower the creation of the desired reality.

852 Hz - awakens intuition.

963 Hz - activates the pineal gland and brings the body to its perfect original state.

Of course, there are other frequencies, many of which are outside the range of human hearing, but have healing properties.

The Russian engineer Georgy Lakhovsky, who developed the device he called the “multiwave” generator (MWG), also understood the power of sound. He knew that certain frequencies strengthen the living entity.

“At the origin of all power and movement lies music and rhythm, the play of repetitive frequencies against the background of the matrix of time. We know that every particle in the physical Universe takes its characteristics from the pitch, pattern and overtone of a certain frequency, its singing. Before we make music, music makes us. " Joachim-Ernst Berendt, "The world is sound."