Why, Without Pure Karma, The Soul Cannot Reach Nirvana? Alternative View

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Why, Without Pure Karma, The Soul Cannot Reach Nirvana? Alternative View
Why, Without Pure Karma, The Soul Cannot Reach Nirvana? Alternative View

Video: Why, Without Pure Karma, The Soul Cannot Reach Nirvana? Alternative View

Video: Why, Without Pure Karma, The Soul Cannot Reach Nirvana? Alternative View
Video: Ask A Monk: Nirvana and Karma 2024, July

7450 There are many beliefs about what happens after death. Some believe in the theory of heaven and hell, others in reincarnation and Hinduism, complete liberation is called moksha, which is similar to the Buddhist concept of nirvana. The terms are often used interchangeably, but Hindus believe that nirvana is a state that one enters into after attaining moksha.

According to these beliefs, self-acceptance and the realization that it is all one and the same leads to moksha. However, one moment, if a person does not have pure karma, then it will not work to attain Nirvana. This is what will be discussed below.

The connection between pure karma and Nirvana

Nirvana is considered a state of liberation from suffering and part of the cycle of rebirth. It is one of the most important concepts of Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism and can only be achieved through various spiritual practices or techniques.


Thus, one who attains the state of Nirvana will be absolutely free from all suffering. A being reaches the state of Nirvana after hard efforts on a long spiritual journey, where it is finally freed from any kind of bondage. Of course, this will not happen if karma is not pure, because first you will need to go through numerous spiritual tests in order to purify it.

With the help of Nirvana, it will be possible to achieve absolute liberation, because the cycle of life and death will end forever. This means that all karma debts will be completely paid off, leaving the various experiences pure.

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Nirvana is the latest example of liberation achieved by those who practice Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. We can say that the achievement of Nirvana opens the door to another world, alien to any external circumstances.

Likewise, the term is also used to refer to someone who has overcome themselves or some difficult circumstance. Any negative situation or feeling that causes discomfort can become an obstacle to well-being. Therefore, with the help of Nirvana, the soul can be liberated.

How to achieve the state of liberation?

The road to this state is an individual process of revealing real truth, which cannot be a place to achieve. Thus, in order to attain the state of complete liberation, one must give up all attachments and material desires, since this attachment is believed to bring only suffering.

A creature is absolutely free when something that once destroyed, for example, negative emotions, is overcome. After that, a moment of bliss comes, and it is no longer necessary for the cycle of life and death to occur, since all karmic debts are paid off by themselves.

However, nirvana cannot be achieved by itself. Achieving this state involves a meditation process to fully analyze the body and mind, as well as other things.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the attainment of Nirvana and the purification of karma is spiritual work that takes time, discipline and perseverance. A person should be honest with themselves and know the exact reasons why they should stay on this path.
