Invisible Inevitably - Alternative View

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Invisible Inevitably - Alternative View
Invisible Inevitably - Alternative View

Video: Invisible Inevitably - Alternative View

Video: Invisible Inevitably - Alternative View
Video: The Inevitable Return Of The Great White Dope 2024, October

The dream of becoming invisible from time to time visits dreamers and adventurers. It is also often the basis of the plot of science fiction novels. An invisible villain robbed a bank … The hero-lover, having become invisible, crept into the bedroom of a beautiful girl … It's funny, original, the reader is delighted!

But it turns out that attacks of invisibility happen from time to time in quite ordinary people. And it doesn't seem funny to them at all.


Marina Mishina from the city of Kalyazin went to the post office to send a telegram to her friend. Several people were standing at the window, and she turned to the man: “Are you the last one? Will I follow you? The man said nothing and did not even look at the girl. The second time she asked him the same question, but never got an answer. “Well, okay, you never know strange people, but maybe he hears very badly or is generally deaf,” she thought and quietly stood at the end of the line.

Going to the window, Marina asked the employee to give her a form of the telegram, but she did not respond to the girl's request and turned to the woman standing behind her. In confusion, Vera realized that she was neither seen nor heard. She rushed to the exit and immediately bumped into the incoming guy. By the way he was surprised when he felt the collision, she realized that no one really saw her.

Home the poor thing came running in tears and terrible excitement. But it turned out that both mom and grandmother can see her perfectly. The women only laughed at Marina's story, and in order to finally calm her down, they invited a neighbor who worked as a doctor in a local clinic. She dribbled Valerian to Marina and, completely reassuring her, put her to bed, suggesting that, most likely, the girl was very tired, preparing for the exams.

A few months later, Marina's attack of invisibility was repeated, but it lasted no more than three minutes. Then there were the third and fourth. So Marina managed to get used to them and even adapt. The only thing that remained a mystery to her was the reason for their occurrence.

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A similar case occurred in England in 2011. The elderly lady became invisible to her husband, who searched for her all over the house for ten minutes, while she sat quietly on the sofa in front of the TV. When she told him that she had never been away for a minute and even responded when he called her, the man did not believe and decided that his wife, who always loved practical jokes, decided to amuse him a little.

One of the cases in Brazil tells of a teenage girl who went with a group of children to the nearest store to grab several bottles of water there. The whole crowd was swept up and taken to the police station. The girl calmly walked past the police, and no one noticed her. When she told her friends about this, they only laughed at her.

But let's go back to Russia again. To the city of Perm. Alexander Sivtsov had lunch in a cafe. It was hot, and he hung his jacket over the back of a chair. After finishing the meal, he began to call the waiter to pay. But he, passing by him, did not respond to the call. The young man was in a hurry, his lunch break was coming to an end. All attempts to attract the attention of the waiter ended in failure. Angry, he threw the money on the table and got up to put on his jacket. To his surprise, the jacket disappeared without a trace. "Damn it, today is definitely not my day," Alexander swore in his hearts. The jacket was almost new, of excellent quality, and therefore Alexander, having found the chief manager of the cafe, began to be indignant. He called the waiter, who explained what had happened in a rather strange way:

- You left without paying! I took your jacket, deciding that you would certainly return for it.

- You've all gone crazy here, or what! - Alexander shouted, exasperated. “I couldn't get you to take the money. I called you several times, but you didn't even look in my direction.

“Sorry, but as I said, you just got up and left,” the waiter repeated politely and patiently. It was then that Alexander began to suspect that something was wrong.

And an absolutely incredible story happened with Andrey and Olga from Khabarovsk on their wedding night. The bride, young and inexperienced, was very nervous. Andrey was the first man in her life. The excitement was so great that the girl wanted to hide in a corner, close her eyes and … become invisible. And so it happened. For 3-4 minutes she simply became invisible, so Andrei got scared in earnest.

When he told the sex therapist about this in the presence of his young wife, the girl constantly cried and claimed that nothing like this could have happened, and for some reason Andrei is talking incredible nonsense. Leaving the office, they quarreled violently. After a while, everything, of course, improved, but Andrei is still afraid that this could happen again. As for the doctor, Aesculapius just threw up his hands. He had never heard of anything like it.


Cases of unintentional invisibility or disappearance of people are extremely rare, but, nevertheless, they have been recorded in many countries of the world. From the point of view of invisible people, the world looks normal and they have no idea that they have become invisible. Many, recovering from the shock, joke: they supposedly gained an advantage over others - they can rob banks, shops, apartments and spy on unfaithful spouses. The only pity is that none of them can become invisible by order.

Alas, modern science cannot explain this phenomenon in any way. In ancient Indian manuscripts dating from 2500-1500. BC e., rituals of disappearance, based on the teachings of the priests, are described. This is mentioned in the Upanishads, 700-300. BC e. Treatises explain the reason for the phenomenon of invisibility by the strongest concentration of thought.

In the 13th century, numerous European treatises mentioned the ability of magicians to become invisible. Among the aborigines of the North, American Indians and the peoples who inhabited Australia, there were also references to the sudden and short-term disappearance of people.


In Europe in the 15th century, the so-called Rosiecrucianism was widespread - a religious movement named after its founder Rosie Cruzi. In his postulates, it was written that special clouds can envelop the human body and make it invisible to others. What special clouds were we talking about? Obviously, not about those that we see in the sky.

The science of extinction is known to be taught in new alternative schools today. Elena Blavatskaya, the founder of the Theosophical Society, explained that at the moment of concentration around the human body, free electrons appear in the form of a cloud. It completely absorbs light, does not reflect or refract rays, so the observer's eye does not see a person. Methods for creating such clouds are described in the documents of some secret societies. Needless to say, they are kept in the strictest confidence.

As for modern researchers, they agree on only one hypothesis: extremely insecure people feel so insignificant that sooner or later those around them really stop noticing them. So only citizens with extremely low self-esteem, often oppressed, having lost their dignity, feeling their uselessness, become invisible. Remember how in childhood you, having committed any offense and fearing parental anger and punishment, dreamed of becoming very tiny and invisible or, wearing an invisibility hat, disappear for a while?.. It seems that having matured, some of us continue to dream about the same … When the concentration of thoughts reaches its climax, the dream comes true.

Natalia HAYDU