The Anunnaki, Great Gods And Galactic Sowers Of Life - Alternative View

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The Anunnaki, Great Gods And Galactic Sowers Of Life - Alternative View
The Anunnaki, Great Gods And Galactic Sowers Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Anunnaki, Great Gods And Galactic Sowers Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Anunnaki, Great Gods And Galactic Sowers Of Life - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Alien Gods of Ancient Sumer (Season 13) | History 2024, July

In the alternative history of our civilization, the Anunnaki are recognized not only as Gods from heaven, but as a kind of parents of human civilization. Ancient powerful creatures left the Earth in the deep past, though promising to one day return to people.

Considering the history of civilizations of distant eras, we will see how most of the Gods who came from heaven leaving the Earth promised to return. So the Anunnaki, as they say, promised to return, with the aim of "fixing what was done wrong."

They not only took an active part in the origin of man and are watching us, now the Anunnaki will come to accelerate the spiritual awakening of our consciousness.

For example, Stan Deyo, a researcher and optimist in the theory of ancient astronauts, expects the return of the Anunnaki with the planet Nibiru. According to ancient Sumerian records, the Anunnaki are cited by the good gods who flew to Earth and eventually created human civilization.

The power of the ancient Anunnaki who visited Earth in prehistoric times is still vigorously debated by researchers and scientists to this day. The arrival of the Anunnaki on Earth is reflected in many ancient records, although conventional history ignores the theory of ancient astronauts. And the kindness of the gods raises some doubts.

In fact, some African cultures believe that aliens have been visiting Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. Even the Zulu mythology informs about the time of arrival of "star guests" who came to extract gold and other fossil resources of the planet.

Subsequently, the "slaves" - created by the "first peoples", the gods, worked on these hard works. According to numerous texts and accepted interpretations, the "visitors" came from the planet Nibiru. The Assyrians and Babylonians called the planet "Marduk".

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There are several indicators that provide a basis for the assumption that a huge object is "hiding" at the borders of our home system - an unknown planet. Although astronomers call the mystery the Tenth Planet System, many recognize it as Nibiru, the home of the gods responsible for human origins.

According to the Washington Post: A celestial body, maybe as large as Jupiter, was discovered in the direction of the constellation Orion using the orbiting infrared telescope of the US astronomical satellite … The mysterious object may be a member of the solar system.

“… All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is,” explained Jerry Neugebauer, a scientist for the IRAS project.

R. Harrington published his ideas in Astronomical Journal in 1988, suggesting a planet three or four times the size of Earth, located four times farther from the Sun than Pluto.

According to the presented mathematical calculations, it is recognized that Planet X or Nibiru resides in an extremely elliptical orbit. But then it turns out that the planet practically does not see the Sun, rotating in cosmic darkness and cold, isn't it?

On the other hand, according to the optimists of the theory "Nibiru exists", the Anunnaki flew to Earth to collect gold precisely in order to correct the terrible situation of their home planet.

In this case, an obvious, but not a comforting thought about the origin of man comes: the Anunnaki did not come to Earth with the divine purpose of sowing "reasonable and living things", they simply needed "helpers" for hard physical labor in the mines.

In 2008, Japanese researchers reported the data of their calculations: the "unknown" planet is at a distance of about 100 astronomical units, up to two-thirds of the size of the Earth. The foregoing speaks of the existence of such a planet as Nibiru, the believers in the theory were confirmed in their opinion.


In accordance with ancient references and subsequent interpretation, the life expectancy of the Anunnaki opens with incredible numbers. There is even a list of Sumerian kings - the oldest record of historical value, describing the time when the "gods" ruled on Earth for thousands of years.

“After the royal power descended from heaven, the royal family was in Eriduga. In Eridug, Alulim became king; He ruled for 28,800 years. Alalyar ruled for 36,000 years. Two kings; ruled for 64,800 years.

An astonishing detail in the list of Sumerian kings is the fact that eight kings were described who ruled the Earth for a total of 241,200 years. The original monarchy "descended from heaven" before the time of the "Great Flood," and again "reign came from heaven" after the Flood.


According to like-minded researchers, “… the hypothesis is that a more advanced extraterrestrial civilization is involved in the emergence of life on several planets. The earth is just a particle among the multitude.


The researchers explain the hypothesis: "What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a large ordered code and a simple base code."

An extensive group of researchers around the world considers the first - well-structured - part of the human code DNA of alien origin, competently "inscribed" in the second part (of local creatures).

And yet, genes alone are too few to reveal the process of rapid human evolution. Something else was probably involved in this process, helping to consolidate and develop life.

Many people, adhering to bold and sometimes dubious hypotheses, say: the time will come when we will recognize the evidence that life on Earth has extraterrestrial roots. Evolution is not at all what we used to think.

A sharp evolutionary "leap", practically inexplicable - except for the same theories - easily justifies the participation of extraterrestrial genetic material, which spurred human development to an intellectual being.

By the way, interesting scientific conclusions find a response in the information of a large group of people who had contact with aliens, observing the development and maturation of man.

News Discovery Quote: The proposed interpretation of events leads to a crazy conclusion: the human genetic code originates outside the solar system. This conclusion supports the theory of panspermia, including speaking about the interstellar origin of life.

Certainly, this is a bold and unusual look at the idea of conquering galaxies, if we believe in the deliberate effort of extraterrestrial civilization, no matter how we call these mysterious creatures.


As Greg Braden, an American author of a number of entertaining hypotheses who wrote about the 2012 phenomenon, explains, we only have 20 out of 64 codons of our own DNA. The gods, creating man, have introduced restrictions on our genetic abilities, closing a significant part of our DNA. Why?

Of course, we do not have an exact answer, but one of the hypotheses knows: the Anunnaki deliberately introduced certain restrictions in human DNA (aging, diseases). Probably, this was done in order to keep the birth rate and, accordingly, resettlement under control, in accordance with the plans of our "parents".

Researchers and bold-minded scholars believe: The Anunnaki have been observing man since creation. They know the true genetics of a person and remember the history of the past in full.

Many people of different views on life recognize in the Anunnaki the very "gods" who are the creators of our race, which is recorded in ancient texts about the origin of man.

Simon Parks, a longtime UFO researcher who has rejected hundreds of cases of "blatant tampering," says we have 12 strands of DNA, each associated with a specific galactic civilization. Perhaps, having found a way to read the latent codons of our DNA, we could put it into practice, say, to treat people from many "encoded" diseases.

Of course, all these are hypotheses, daring attempts of scientists-researchers to penetrate into the nature of what is beyond the studied. Bold attempts to solve the mystery of the unknown, receiving skepticism and ridicule. However, a day passes, another passes, and yesterday was a hypothesis, today it becomes an indisputable fact and a beaten path among yesterday's ridicule.
