Nuku Hiva: The Trail Of The Reptilians - Alternative View

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Nuku Hiva: The Trail Of The Reptilians - Alternative View
Nuku Hiva: The Trail Of The Reptilians - Alternative View

Video: Nuku Hiva: The Trail Of The Reptilians - Alternative View

Video: Nuku Hiva: The Trail Of The Reptilians - Alternative View
Video: Смотри и думай... История 6. Загадочные статуи Нуку - Хива... Statues of Nuku- Hiva... 2024, July

An archipelago called the Marquesas Islands is lost in the distant Pacific Ocean. The largest of its components, Nuku Hiva, resembles a rectangle in shape, the length of which is as much as 30 km and the width is 15. It is the second largest island in French Polynesia. Travelers come here not only to enjoy the local beauty and scuba diving, but also to get acquainted with some damn strange examples of monumental art. In the town of Temehea-Tohua, there are sculptures that, quite possibly, were created in the image and likeness of alien aliens.

Volcano in the ocean

“Nuku Hiva” can be translated as “The Majestic Island”. Well, everything is learned by comparison. Once a volcano raged here, squeezing islands from the depths to the surface, which, in fact, make up the archipelago. Among the tiny scraps of sushi, Nuku Hiva really looks impressive. Stunningly beautiful mountainous terrain with lush green vegetation, warm ocean waters and a diverse underwater world - a paradise for tourists and divers. There is no clearly expressed rainy season, there are no such natural disasters as tsunamis and typhoons. The average air temperature on the island is 26 degrees Celsius.

The highest point of the island is Mount Tekao, which reaches 1224 meters. In total, a little more than 2,600 people live in Nuku Hiva in three main settlements.

Archaeologists have established that people appeared here around 150 AD. e. The main occupation of the locals was the processing of stone, from which they also erected housing, which is not surprising for an island of volcanic origin and, therefore, rich in such building material.

White people reached Nuku-Khiva only in 1791, and in 1804 Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern, the famous Russian traveler, "man and ship" landed here.

Whalers, merchants and just adventurers began to visit the island, then Catholic missionaries pulled up here to convert the savages to the true faith. The savages did not want to apply, but preferred to sort things out with the neighboring tribes. The process of Christianization of the local population proceeded with a creak, more and more Europeans arrived, and they brought their own ailments to the island, from which the natives had no immunity. As a result, the smallpox epidemic, slave traders and the introduction of opium (thanks to the Chinese traders) together greatly reduced the number of the indigenous population of Nuku Hiva.

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Magic tics

Since 1100, over three centuries, many stone structures have been erected on the island, including the famous tiki sculptures.

Tiki are statues of deities worshiped by the ancient Polynesians. In this very fact there is nothing surprising, since pagans in all corners of the earth did this. A feature of the stone idols in Nuku Hiva is their unusual appearance. This is approximately how our contemporaries imagine aliens, judging by the assumptions of ufologists and descriptions of human contactors who talk about personal meetings with guests from distant space.

The largest statue is approximately 2.5 meters high. Tiki differ from each other, each of them is the personification of a particular deity and, according to the Polynesians, contains the magical power of this god. One idol helps to get victory in battle, the other keeps from troubles and misfortunes, the third bestows a big harvest, and so on. The opinions of scientists about the originals from which the statues were made differed, but many note that there is strangely little humanity in these images.

At first glance, the statues seem to be just large statues, but upon closer inspection you notice more and more interesting features: unusually large eyes, massive oblong heads, puny huge bodies and other attributes, the presence of which causes confusion about the origin of the "models" that inspired the ancient sculptor. By the way, the expressions on the faces of many idols are rather inhospitable.


Invasion from the constellation Draco

Apparently, creatures that belong to two different races "posed" for the masters. One of them is humanoid, having many similarities with humanity. And here's another … In the sculptural images of this group, there is a resemblance to some kind of lizard-like creatures, as if you are looking not at a thousand-year-old idol, but at a virtual blank created for filming a film about Aliens. The question is, who could the ancient stonecutter have in mind?

Of course, such a mysterious place could not be ignored by ufologists, who offered their own interpretation of the artifacts. It is based on the assumption that there is a certain ancient alien race of Reptilians, whose home planet is located in the constellation of the Dragon. It is believed that this is a very aggressive and at the same time highly developed alien civilization, which today has spread throughout the galaxy.

Conspiracy theorists are convinced that reptilians are capable of manipulating people and controlling their behavior. If an alien invasion ever comes true (or has it already happened?), Then these evil creatures will be its initiators. Can statues from Temehea-Tohua represent some types of reptilians? Then it is quite possible that these newcomers were worshiped by gods among local tribes in those distant times.


As for the statues, which look more like people, but with deformed facial features and distorted proportions, then, according to ufologists, they depict the so-called Gray Aliens. The main similarity with our anatomy in these aliens is the nose and mouth, which practically do not differ from humans. Numerous testimonies of contactors describe the Grays this way: they are about 1.8 meters tall, a disproportionately large head with huge oval eyes … Very similar to some Temehea-Tohua statues.

Let's say that we are really talking about aliens, whom in time immemorial the superstitious aborigines mistook for gods. But why two races at once? Where did they come from in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?

Ufologists have an answer to this too. It is generally accepted theory that the Reptilians artificially created the Gray Aliens as a labor force. That is, they are linked by the relationship "servant - master", so there are no obvious contradictions about the unity of place and time.

Official science considers the version of aliens on Nuku-Hiva to be absurd, but in return cannot offer a convincing explanation of this phenomenon. For lack of anything better, pundits agreed that the mysterious sculptures depict local priests in ritual masks. In principle, the hypothesis is plausible, it is spoiled only by the fact that not a single fragment of such a mask has been found on the island. And why was there such a huge number of stone priests?..

So far, the mystery of Nuku-Hiva remains unsolved. Polynesian tics continue to cause fierce controversy between skeptics and those who believe that we are not alone in the universe. Perhaps time will judge them.

Maxim Shvets