Zadonshchina - Alternative View

Zadonshchina - Alternative View
Zadonshchina - Alternative View

Video: Zadonshchina - Alternative View

Video: Zadonshchina - Alternative View
Video: Куликовская битва в письменных источниках. Сказание о Мамаевом побоище. Задонщина 2024, October

A word about the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and about his brother - Prince Vladimir Andreevich, how they defeated their adversary - Tsar Mamai.

Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich with his brother - Prince Vladimir Andreevich, and with all his governors was at Mikula Vasilyevich's feast: - “We know, brother, that the fast Don has Tsar Mamai, came to the Russian land, and goes to us in the Zaleskaya land. Let's go, brother, there to the midnight country - the lot of Japhetov, the son of Noah, from him was born Orthodox Russia. We will climb the Kiev mountains and look at the glorious Dnieper, and examine the entire Russian land. From there, to the eastern country of the lot of Simon, the son of Noah, from him was born the khinovya (evil) -devil (pagans), basurmane (atheists). For those on the river Kayala (Kalka) overpowered the Japheth clan. And from that time the Russian land sits gloomy, and from the host on Kalka to Mamayev, the carnage is covered with grief and sorrow, crying his child remembering: princes and boyars, and daring people who left their homes and wealth - wives and children, cattle. Through this we received the honor and glory of this world, laying down their heads for the Russian land and for the Christian faith.

Former people described the pity of the Russian land, cited other things from books, then described pity and praise to the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich.

Let us get together, brothers and friends, and Russian sons, put together a word for the word, we will amuse the Russian Land and return sorrow to the Eastern side - to Sim's lot and reward the nasty Momai with victory, and the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich praise and his brother Prince Vladimir Andreyevich. And let's say this word: “It is better for us, brothers, to start telling with new words about these people who are being praised, according to the current stories about the regiment of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother, Prince Vladimir Andreyevich, grandchildren of the Holy Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev. Let's start telling you about deeds and bylinas. We will not splash our thoughts over the lands, but recall the first years of the times and praise the prophetic Boyan - the best guslar in Kiev. For he was the prophetic Boyan, who put his brilliant fingers on living strings, singing glory to the Russian princes: first glory to the Grand Duke of Kiev Igor Rurikovich,the second to the Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich of Kiev, the third glory to the Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich.

I will remember the resident of Ryazan, Zafony, and praise with songs and songstormy words of this Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, and the grandchildren of the Holy Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev. And this is an ode to the Russian princes for the Christian faith.

And from the Battle of Kalka to Mamaev, the slaughter is 160 years old.

“For this Prince the Great Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, prayed to God and His Most Pure Mother, torturing their minds with a future victory, and their hearts to courage and were filled with a military spirit, they set up brave regiments in the Russian land, and remembered their great-grandfather - Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev (Baptist of Rus). Oh, is it a lark (zha”Voronograi = fortune-telling by a bird's flight), summer bird, joy of red days, soar under the blue clouds and inspect the strong city of Moscow, sing the glory of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother Prince Vladimir Andreyevich. Is it possible that a storm of falcons will bring from the land of rapists to the fields of Polovnicky (ladles or Polovinsky - the outskirts of the land, paying the prince 50% of the harvest)? In Moscow, horses are laughing, glory is ringing throughout the Russian land, trumpets are blowing on Kolomna, tambourines are beating in Serpukhov,stand aiming at the great Don on the shore. The eternal bells are ringing in Veliky Novgorod, and the men of Novgorod are standing at the church of St. Sophia and are saying this: "Can't we brothers be in time to help the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich."

And while the word is being pronounced, already, as hordes flock. Only those were not eagles flying, but the mayors left Veliky Novgorod, and with them 7,000 troops to the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and to his brother Prince Vladimir Andreyevich for aiding.

Promotional video:

All the Russian princes came to the glorious city of Moscow, and said the following words: “There are pagan Tatars at the Don, and Mamai the Tsar on the Mecha River, between Chyurov and Mikhailov, wants to go to the ford in order to transfer their life to our glory.”

Note: no Nepryadva, but Sword.


And Prince the Great Dmitry Ivanovich said: - “Brother Prince, Vladimir Andreevich, let's go there, buy our glory for life and arrange a surprise for the lands, for old people to tell, for young people to remember. Let us test our brave on the Don River. Let us shed blood for the Russian land and for the peasant (Christian) faith”.

And Prince the Great Dmitry Ivanovich said to them: - “Brothers and princes of Russia, you were the nest of the princes of Vladimir of Kiev (Clearly Solnyshko) and you were no offense by birth for a falcon, not for a hawk, or for a gyrfalcon, or for a black raven and not for this filthy Mamai."

ABOUT! nightingale, summer bird, why don't you, nightingale, chirp the glory of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother - Prince Vladimir Andreevich and the land of Lithuania to two brothers Olgodovich (literally "like Olga", in our history they are spelled out as Olgerdovich) - to Andrey and brother his Dmitry, and also Dmitry (Bobrok) Volynsky. For those are brave sons in their essence - gyrfalcon in wartime and famous generals, born under trumpets, nurtured under helmets, nourished from the end of spears, poyena from a sharp sword in the Lithuanian land.

Andrey Olgordovich told his brother: “Brother Dmitry, we are two brothers to ourselves - the sons of the Olgordovs, and the grandchildren of the Edimantovs (Gedeminovs), and the great-grandchildren of the Skolomendovs. Let us gather, brothers, dear - the brave gentlemen of Lithuania, brave daredevils, and we ourselves will sit on our fast horses and look at the fast Don with slurries of water, test our Lithuanian swords about Tatar helmets, and sulits (darts) about godless mercenaries.

Dmitry answered him: “Brother Andrey, we will not spare our belly for the Russian land and for the Christian faith and for the insult of the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich. Already, brothers, knocking knocks and thunder rumbles in the stone city of Moscow. This, brothers, is not knocking and not thunder thundering - the strong army of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich knocks, daring Russian gilded armor and scarlet shields are thundering. Saddle, brother Andrey, of your fast horses, and my ready ones, saddled in front of yours. Let us go out, brothers, into a clean floor and look at our shelves, how many, brothers, there are brave Lithuanians with us. And brave Lithuania has 70 thousand armored troops with us”. (I think there is an extra one zero here).

For already, brothers, strong winds have blown from the sea at the mouth of the Don and Dnieper, great clouds have flown in, and strong lightning flutters in them. There will be a knock and thunder with us on the Nepryadva River, between the Don and the Dnieper, where a human corpse will fall. On the Kulikovo field, human blood will be shed under the Nepryadva River!

For the carts are already creaking between the Don and the Dnieper, the Chinovs (= crafty) are going to the Russian land. And the wolves came running from the mouth of the Don and the Dnieper and stood up howling on the river at the Beautiful sword, they want to advance on the Russian land. But only that not the gray wolves came, but the filthy Tatars who came to fight the entire Russian land.


Let's move Mamai's bet to the Don bank below the Beautiful Sword River, where we see the city of Lebedyan, south of the Sosna River. "Zadonshchina" and "Swan of Nepryadva" originate from Zadonsk.

Then, it seemed, the geese cackled and the swans flapped their wings, but then it was not the geese who flapped their wings, or the swans flapped their wings, then the pagan Mamai came to the Russian land and brought his soldiers. And the winged birds flying under the clouds are already causing trouble, crows often play and jackdaws speak their speeches, eagles scream and wolves howl menacingly, foxes crackle over bones.

Russian land, you first visited, as after Tsar Solomon.

Already falcons and gyrfalcons are white-lake hawks, tearing from golden cages onto the city stones of Moscow, breaking off the silk ties, ascending under the blue skies. The gilded bells are ringing on the fast Don, the falcons want to strike many herds of goose and swans, so the heroes, the Russian daredevils, want to strike a blow to the great power of the pagan king Mamai.

Then Prince the Great Dmitry Ivanovich put his foot into the golden stirrup and takes his sword in his right hand, praying to God and His Most Pure Mother. The sun shines to him clearly in the east and shows the way. Boris and Gleb offer prayer for their relatives.


Let's take another look at the map and imagine that Mamai is standing with his army below the Beautiful Swords. And Dmitry descends from Kolomna and places his army at the confluence of the Don and the Beautiful swords. Then Mamai, whether he wants it or not, must bypass the Mecha River from the west at Smorodinovka and go to the Russian army, which stands at the site of the Volotovo inscription. If Mamai strikes the flank of the Russian army along the Don, then the Russian troops will enter the Monastyrsky forest. So Mamai needs to cut off the Russian army from the forest and push it into the bend of the Don. But in this case, Mamai's army will expose its rear to the attack of the Ambush Regiment, which has somewhere to hide between the forest and the Red Swords, and after leaving the forest, gain speed to strike with cavalry. The distance at which Volotovo is located is about 2 km. This means that the first line can accommodate up to 2 thousand soldiers, and ten rows is about 20,000. If only about 30 thousand of the total number of participants in the battle can be placed on the Kulikovo field, then there is also room for 80,000. The first detachment of the Ambush Regiment attacks Mamai's headquarters, which remained open for attack, while the bulk of the Tatars are attacking the cold. So the Tatars can find themselves in the ring, where the Don serves as the flanks.

What makes noise and thunders early before dawn? Prince Vladimir Andreevich gathers the regiments and leads them to the great Don. And he said to his brother, the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich: - "Do not lax, brother, to the rotten Tatars, for the rotten Tatars are already advancing in the Russian fields and take our patrimony".

And Prince the Great Dmitry Ivanovich said to him: “Brother Vladimir Andreevich, for themselves two brothers and grandchildren of the Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev. And our governors installed 70 boyars and the strong were princes Belozerskiy Fyodor Semyonovich and Semyon Mikhailovich, and Mikula Vasilievich, two brothers Olgordovichi, yes Dmitry Volynsky, yes Timofey Voluevich, yes Andrei Cherkizovsky, yes Mikhailo Ivanovich, and the soldiers with them three hundred thousand armored … And our governors are strong and the squad is glorified, and under us we have fast horses, and we are wearing gilded armor, Cherkizian helmets and Moscow shields, and German darts, and Fryazh (Italian) daggers and damask swords. They know all the ways and they have prepared the crossings, but they still want to lay their strong heads for the Russian land and for the peasant faith. They splash like living banners, looking for honor and a glorious name for themselves."

Already those falcons and gyrfalcons, and Belozersk hawks flew over the Don quickly and retired to many herds of goose and swan. Only there were not falcons or gyrfalcons, but the Russian princes ran into the Tatar force. Kharaluzh (Arabian) spears crackle, gilded armor clink, scarlet shields clatter, damask swords clatter against the evil helmets on the Kulikovo field on the Nepryadva river.

The ground was black under the hooves and bones of the Tatar, the fields were strewn with the blood of the filthy earth was soaked. The strong regiments converged, collided and trampled the hills into meadows, disturbed rivers and streams with lakes. A miracle has become famous on the Russian land, it makes the formidable lands listen, glory flies to the Zhelednye (Stone) gates to the new walls, to Rome and to the Cafe across the seas, to Turnov and from there to Constantinople to glorify the Russian princes: “Great Russia (Capital or Moscow) defeated the Tatar army on the Kulikovo field, on the Nepryadva river”.

On that field, strong clouds thickened, and from them frequent lightning flashed and thunders thundered. Then the Russian sons faced the filthy Tatars for their insult. On them gilded armor shone and the princes thundered with damask swords on the helmets of the evil ones.

They fought from morning to noon on Saturday on the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God (September 8 - 21).

It’s not the tours that roar at the Don on the Kulikovo field, and it’s not the tours that are defeated at Don the Great. But the Russian princes and the boyars with the voivods of the filthy Tatars were chopped up: Fyodor Semyonovich, yes Fedor Mikhailovich, yes Timofey Voluevich, yes Mikula Vasilyevich, yes Andrei Cherkizovich, yes Mikhailo Ivanovich and many other vigilantes.

Peresvet, the oldest Bryansk boyar, was put in the place destined for him and Peresvet said to Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich: - "It is better for us to be chopped up than to be full of rotten Tatars!" For this is how Peresvet rides on his frisky horse, shines with gilded armor, when others lie chopped up by the Great Don on the shore.

It was good at that time for the old to be younger, and for the young to test his strength. And Oslyabya the elder said to his brother Peresvet to the elder: “Brother Peresvet, I see grave wounds on your body, soon, brother, your head will fly to the feather-grass, and my child Makov will lie on the green feather-grass that is on the Kulikovo field, on to the river Nepryadva for the peasant faith and for the Russian land and for the insult of the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich.

And at this time, on the Ryazan land near the Don, neither the plowmen nor the shepherds in the field echo, only the crows croak, rejoicing at the human corpses. For it was scary and pitiful to hear then how the grass was soaked with blood, and the trees bowed to the ground in an arc.

And then the birds sang pitiful songs. Then all the princesses and boyars, and all the military wives, cried about the chopped up. Mikulin's wife Vasilyevich - Marya cried in the morning near the city of Moscow on the crowns of the fortress and said: - “Don! The Don is a fast river, you dug through stone mountains and flows into the Polovtsian land. Bring my master Mikul Vasilievich to me!"

Timofei Voluevich's wife, Fedosya, also cried and spoke like this: - “Now my joy Marya and Mikhailov’s wife Aksinya cried in the morning:“Now it has wilted in the glorious city of Moscow, and now I will not see my sovereign Timofei Voluyevich alive”. And Andreev's wife Marya and Mikhailov's wife Aksinya cried in the morning: “For both of us the sun has gone dark in the glorious city of Moscow. Captivating news, bringing great misfortune, flew to us from the fast Don: the brave men flew from their fast horses to their destined place, on the Kulikovo field, on the Nepryadva river."

The Virgo is already crying under the Tatar sabers, and over those wounds of the Russian heroes.

That day - on Saturday, on Christmas Day of the Holy Mother of God, the Christian regiments were excised in the Kulikovo field, on the Nepryadva river.

Prince Vladimir Andreevich shouted loudly and galloped across the battlefield among the filthy Tatars, illuminating with a gilded helmet. Damask swords clatter on pagan helmets.

And he praised his brother, Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich: - “Brother Dmitry Ivanovich, you have been with evil for a long time, behind an iron shell. Do not back down, Prince the Great with his regiments and indulge seditious people. The already rotten Tatars are advancing with our fields, and they have lost a brave squad from us, and I cannot jump over the corpses of human frisky horses, but they walk knee-deep in blood. Already, brothers, it is pitiful to see peasant blood. Do not retreat, Prince Great, with your boyars."

Here the grasshoppers early sang pitiful songs at Kolomna on the battlements of the fortress, for Sunday, for the celebration of "Father Mary Joachim and Anna" day. Only those were not grasshoppers, but the wives of Kolomna, who had sung pitiful songs early, began to cry, saying: “Moscow! Moscow, fast river, why did you bring our husbands to us, to the Polovtsian land? And they also said: “Can you, Lord Prince the Great, block the Dnieper with oars, and bail out the Don with helmets, and block the river Sword with Tatar corpses? Lock up the Oka River, sovereign prince the Great, so that the filthy Tatars do not come to us later. The war has already ruined our husbands”.

And Prince the Great Dmitry Ivanovich said to his boyars: “Brothers boyars and governors, and children of boyars, here are now your Moscow sweet meads and great places, here you will get a place for yourself and your wives, here, old brothers, to rejuvenate, and to the young to get honor!”

And the Great Prince Dmitry Ivanovich says: "My God, my God, I trust in you, so that I will not be ashamed in this century, and my enemies will not laugh at me, at me." And he prayed to God and His Most Pure Mother and to all His Saints and shed bitter tears. But he wiped away his tears and while the falcons flew swiftly to the fast Don. But it was not the falcons who flew: Prince the Great Dmitry Ivanovich galloped with his regiments to the Don with all his might. (If you flew with the Ambush Regiment from behind the grove, from the Beautiful Swords, then its direction to the Don). And he shouted: - "Brother-prince Vladimir Andreevich, here, brother, to drink the honey charm, we attack, brothers, with our regiments strong against the army of filthy Tatars!"

The Great Prince began to advance. Damascus swords clattered on adversary helmets, covered their own helmets that were filthy with their hands, the filthy ones retreated faster than the wind. And from the army of the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich the roads roar like the nasty ones ran. And the Russian sons fenced off wide fields with their cry, illuminated them with gilded armor. And now there will be a round on the furrow.

So Prince the Great Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother Vladimir Andreevich turned the regiments of the rotten to sleep and began to beat them and whip them much, they made them bored. And the princes of the filthy fell from their horses, and with the Tatar corpses they sowed the fields and the rivers flowed with their blood. Then the filthy parted in different directions and ran unprepared paths to the Lukomorye, gnashing their teeth and tearing their faces, and said: “We will not be in our land and not see our children, and we will not wag our katuns, but wag the damp earth, and kiss us the green grass. We should not go to Russia as an army and we should not ask the Russian princes for an exit (rent)! The Tatar land is already groaning, covered with troubles and groans. The Tsar's desire died and the princes were praised as to go to the Russian land. Their joy faded."

Already the Russian sons have dismantled Tatar jewelry with armor, horses, oxen, camels, wine, sugar and expensive jewelry - patterned silks and are bringing them to their wives for joy. Now the Russian wives should splash the Tatar gold.

Now fun and joy will spread on the Russian land. Russian glory rises to blaspheme the nasty, for the Miracle has already descended on the Russian land. And already the thunderstorms of the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother Vladimir Andreevich are flowing through all the lands. Walk quickly, Prince Great across all lands, chase, Prince Great with his squad of the brave filthy Mamai adversary to the Russian land, to the Christian land, when the filthy weapons threw down their weapons and bowed their heads under the Russian swords. And their trumpets do not sound, and their eyes are despondent.

The filthy Mamai runs from his squad like a wolf and runs to the city of Kafu. But Fryazi said to him: “Why did you, filthy Mamai, encroached on the Russian land ?! Previously, you were beaten by the Zaleskaya horde and you will not be Batu the Tsar! Batu Tsar had four hundred thousand chained armies and fought the entire Russian land from east to west, as God executed the Russian land for its sins. And you came to the Russian land, Tsar Mamai, not with much strength, but only with nine hordes (40 thousand) and seventy princes. Therefore, now you are the filthy runner yourself tenth in Lukomorye and you have no one to winter with in an open field! It’s not bad for you, the Russian princes cheered, that not princes with you are not governors! Didn't he completely get drunk from the fast Don, on the Kulikovo field, on the grass-feather grass ?! You run away, you filthy Mamai, from us for long”.

Then the Russian land became like a sweet baby with its mother - it is his mother who consoles him: he executes him for the army with a vine, but for good deeds he has mercy. So the Lord God pardoned the Russian princes: the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother, Prince Vladimir Andreyevich, between the Don and the Dnieper on the Kulikovo field, under the Nepryadva river.

And the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich became with his brother Prince Vladimir Andreevich and with the rest of his governors on the bones of the Kulikov field, on the Nepryadva stove. For it is menacing and pitiful, brother, at this time to see that the corpses of the peasants lie like haystacks on the banks of the Great Don, and the Don river flowed bloody for three days. And Prince the Great Dmitry Ivanovich said: “Consider, brothers, how many governors we have and how many young people were killed”.

Then Mikhailo Andreevich Moscow boyar says to Prince Dmitry Ivanovich: - “Mr. Prince Great Dmitry Ivanovich, we don't have here forty great Moscow boyars and twelve Belozersky princes, but 30 Novgorod mayor's boyars, twenty Kolomensky boyars, 40 Pereyaslavsky boyars, and 15 Kostromsky boyars, yes 20 boyars of Vladimir, yes 50 boyars of Suzdal, yes 70 boyars of Ryazansky, (the boyars of Ryazansky performed together with the Prince of Moscow. This explains why Dmitry Ivanovich did not take revenge on Ryazan), yes forty boyars of Murom, and thirty boyars of Rostov, 23 boyars of Dmitrovsky, sixty boyars Zvenigorodsky and 15 Uglitsky boyars. And we lost 15,000 out of the entire squad. And God had mercy on the Russian land, since the Tatars fell without a number of many."

And Prince the Great Dmitry Ivanovich said: “Brothers, boyars, princes, and boyar children, here is your destined place - between the Don and the Dnieper, on the Kulikovo field, on the Nepryadva river. And they have already laid down their heads for the Russian land and for the peasant faith. Forgive me, brothers, and bless me in this age and in the future. And let's go, take, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, to the whole Zaleskaya land (apparently referring to the Oksky forest) to the glorious city of Moscow and we will sit down, brother, on our reign, and honor, brother, have won the glorified name."

Glory to God.

Translation by Pavel Shasherin