About The Origin Of The Polygonal Structure Of The Bottom Of Lakes - Alternative View

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About The Origin Of The Polygonal Structure Of The Bottom Of Lakes - Alternative View
About The Origin Of The Polygonal Structure Of The Bottom Of Lakes - Alternative View

Video: About The Origin Of The Polygonal Structure Of The Bottom Of Lakes - Alternative View

Video: About The Origin Of The Polygonal Structure Of The Bottom Of Lakes - Alternative View
Video: Geological superlatives in Africa 5 2024, October

Allow me to object

That's what I - Pavel Shasherin found on the Internet.

These lakes are called "polygonal" for a reason. The fact is that at their bottom one can observe the so-called mounds of permafrost heaving, which form a polygonal soil structure with a cell size of up to a meter or more. Heaving mounds are formed when the soil with a high moisture content is repeated year after year. Large stones move apart due to freezing of the soil in the winter and gradually accumulate along the perimeter of areas with fine earth. There is also such a term as "permafrost landfills".

I did not take pictures of the bottom of the lakes, but in the photo below you can roughly see the polygonal structure. You can easily wade a lake like this in rubber boots, you just need to walk over the stones and in no case step into the center of the fine earth landfills.

Photo # 1
Photo # 1

Photo # 1.

I apologize wildly to the authors of these photos, but I used them, as if from a scientific point of view, to understand and show the nature of the origin of the "polygonal structure" of the bottom of the lakes of the Khibiny mountain range on the Kola Peninsula. I hope that the authors of the photographs themselves are interested in what I show and try to prove. First of all, I refer to the word itself: polygonal.

Polygonal = "poly" - near, near + "rut" - measure of the earth. Land in ancient Russia was measured by "gons" - a piece of land. "The Complete Church Slavonic Dictionary of Archpriest Dyachenko." Published in 1900.

In one of my films in "Contact", I showed a field of "flowerbeds" in the Eastern Circus of the Lopar Tundra. There really was no lake, or rather it was much lower along the road in the "circus crater". Apparently many people liked it. But then, on September 8, 2017, a day famous in history for many dates, including the Battle of Borodino in 1812, Viktor Zakharenko, my partner in campaigns, sent me a telegram with photo No. 1.

Promotional video:

And then I was hooked! This means that "flower beds" made of sandstone are a sign of the special structure of the lake bottom. And I started searching the Internet for everything related to the word "polygonal", including photographs. Once again I apologize to the authors of the photos! And here's the find: photo number 2.


Our field was much smaller in size … But very similar.

Honestly: all this fantasy with freezing-freezing confused me a little, and that's why - how, I thought, the freezing water could selectively affect the bottom of the lake … “I fold it here and expand it here”. Well, complete savagery, in my opinion. Of course, you can have your own opinion: this is what science says. But let me argue! Let me show you photo # 3. Here we see a section of the lake shore with a polygonal structure.


And we can imagine that the washings among large boulders are made by the ebb and flow of water. The fact is that in the Eastern "circus" of the Lovozero tundra, near the town of Revda, we came across a lake that suddenly appeared on the site of a dry bottom. In the summer we walked along the bottom of this lake, and there was almost no water there, and in October, during the first frosts, we filmed a deep frozen lake, on the ice of which I threw stones and concluded: “If there are air bubbles under the ice, then in this place the ice breaks easily, and where the tension of the water supports the ice from below, the ice can easily withstand the fall of large stones. " Well, you can see it in my Film Library in VKontakte "Pavel Shasherin", Olenegorsk. So back to the disappearing lakes. It is quite natural that the appearance and disappearance of water in the lake basin causes a current,which washes away part of the fine fraction between large stones. Also in the film you can see that the bottom of the "dry" lake is filled with a fraction that looks like sand mixed with "clay". But when I grab a part of this “sand” with my hand, it becomes clear that a layer of partially rotted reindeer lichen or lichen lies on top. By the way, my nephew brought me several stones, strikingly similar to the petrified clay that I found under the top layer. Some healers use these stones to cleanse … something. And not surprising, I thought, because this is petrified humus of moss, lichen or reindeer lichen, and yet they are all bactericidal. During the war, those who understood that moss was applied to wounds under bandages. It's almost "penecilin". But then the question arises: why does the sand remain in the "flower beds"? This question is answered by photo No. 4,where we see between the bare stones islets of greenery, which with its roots keeps the soil from washing away.


An increase in the water level in the lakes could lead to the death of green islands, but the water level, for some reason, becomes stable and the sand is no longer washed off, the “flower beds” retain their structure. And then we understand that in photo No. 5 we see a once “disappearing” lake, whose water level has recently become stable.


And in photo No. 6 we see that the period of movement for this lake would be short-lived. "Flower beds" have just begun to form and the process stopped there.


Personally, I, for myself, solved the riddle of the "Polygonal" structure of the bottom of a lake or valley. And if I could not convince you, then excuse me please!


Pavel Shasherin was solving the riddle with you